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The TV's dialogues were left alone. Kuroo rested his head on Bokuto's shoulder, while Bokuto decided to text Akaashi.

Me: I'm not letting you off the hook by trying my cocktail B)

Me: You can answer this whenever, obviously. I do hope your notifications are off!

Me: Basically I was thinking this week. Wednesday and Thursday's practice, so Friday does work. It's a good day to have a drink too.

Akaashi Keiji: I'll remember to turn off my notifications next time,


Bokuto hissed upon realizing Akaashi might have woken up from his texts. He surely was surprised at how early he went to bed but didn't complain about a good routine.

Akaashi Keiji: Don't worry about it! I was brushing my teeth before bed. You had good timing :)

Me: Christ, my heart was going to die. I'm happy I didn't wake you or anything.

Akaashi Keiji: No no, it's okay.

Before Bokuto knew it, Akaashi sent a random picture of himself with a toothbrush in his mouth. Bokuto chuckled at his expressionless friend. Bokuto just sent a picture of him sitting on the couch with Kuroo's hair making its presence.

Me: You're better off than me. Haven't been able to get my gear going D:

Akaashi Keiji: interesting choice of emoji. Also get your gear going, you're the gear driver here after all hahah.

Me: True, true. D:

Akaashi Keiji: Signs you are a boomer, "D:"

Me: No I think generation X is the new boomer?

Akaashi Keiji: Probably. Can't believe 2010 kids+ are generation Alpha.

Me: What???

Akaashi Keiji: Imagine calling yourself generation Alpha

Me: Jesus, my daughter is generation Alpha

Akaashi Keiji: Yeah...

Me: The next generations series: Generion Beta, Generation Delta, Generation Omega,

Akaashi Keiji: oh god no. hahahahahahah NOOOOOOOOOO

Akaashi Keiji: Might as well be generation X Æ A-12 next

Me: christ, I do feel old now mocking newer generation names

Akaashi Keiji: Generational hate really is a thing.

Me: Man, I understand how boomers hate generation Z. I can imagine the generation Alpha++++ be smarter than us.

Akaashi Keiji: Technologically yeah. They'll mature faster than us. I was dumb as hell when I was 10, now look at 10 year olds caring about the environment :) <3

Me: It's sweet. Yeah, I used to be dumb too. My mom made me wear ugly clothes every day. Now the kids have developed their own fashion tastes. Even my daughter knows she wants to wear this and this.

Akaashi Keiji: Aw, cute :)

Akaashi Keiji: Also, can't wait to see the ugly outfits! I'm supposed to come to yours sometime right?

Me: ...

Akaashi Keiji: GOD I forgot to answer. RIGHT, sorry!!!! Friday works for me!

Me: No probl
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