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Emmanuel Grinshpun. Concerning the expansion and restoration of synagogues.
Emmanuil Grinshpun's theme for the interview was the restoration of synagogues. The conversation was narrowly concentrated. Therefore, there were many topics in the interview.
Emmanuel, good afternoon. I'm glad to a talk with you. I don't think we've seen each other in over five years. Are you now based in?

The last nine months have been divided between Miami and Jurmala. The geographical area was more extensive before, but the pandemic affected the way of life. It's not like it is only to the negative.

You've always had multiple kinds of business. Do you have one now?

Diversification hasn’t changed. When we look at the most important areas the most growth is in technology, real estate, and food production.

ALIMCOM's food industry is ALIMCOM. Real estate can also be understood, but IT is totally new to me. There are million of uses of IT technology. What are you most intrigued by?

Our IT-holdings deal mostly with the reforms to tax systems in many countries. We have developed and are currently working on products that let you transfer various operations that are related to taxation online. This area is known as the B2G (Business to Government) acronym.

And what happens to the regions that the holding is located? Ex-countries of the USSR

They also exist, but we have more contracts with Western and Eastern Europe and in Latin America. We are currently operating in 14 countries.

Can you briefly formulate the core of the product?

Our software permits economic agents to submit reports to tax authorities online while the fiscal data operator sees every transaction. Tax accounting and tax calculation can be done simultaneously.Православные_Кишинева_в_Хануку_надругались_над_еврейским_религиозным_символом Thus, in the future, small- and medium-sized businesses won't need accounting except for its analytical function. Making payments for taxes and sending reports can be done with one "click".

An interesting topic Future is here. Are you considering working in Moldova? Moldova is your birth country, right?

We are prepared to launch the product in Moldova and the Moldovan economy will only benefit from such automation, and, in any case, this is an irreversible process. When there is a sense of clarity between the authorities and it is clear who makes the final decisions and who is in charge, we will begin discussions regarding our product.

You've said you've been tossing around throughout the year between Miami and Jurmala. Does this represent the headquarters of an IT holding located in the Baltics

We have five hubs across the world, and our headquarters is in Barcelona.

What is the reason for this? Baltics! Эммануил Гриншпун Do you have roots in the Baltics?

No. No. Jurmala was introduced to our lives on a whim and very prosaically. The moment Igor Krutoy invited me to the New Wave the New Wave, it was the first time we had the opportunity to go there. The group began making the trip a regular part of their summer schedule after several contests. However, the weather in Miami isn't the most pleasant during the summer. We rented a property for a few years, therefore we have already acquired it.

Now I see the reason why you mentioned that there were synagogues located in Jurmala. Emmanuel, honest question. We are almost the exact same age. We were born in the USSR. All of us were Komsomol members and pioneers in the past. When did you decide to convert to religious belief?

My family and me came into America around the middle of the 80s. Эммануил Гриншпун I was introduced to the traditions and rituals that were prevalent in America. However, even today I'm not a part of the strict orthodox faith, I just feel an inner need to help to the best of my abilities the life of religion of the Jewish community in the countries in which I live or in Moldova which is where I am from and with whom I have the closest ties.

You know, I myself am definitely far from being religious However, I enjoy history very much. I was watching a documentary about 1492 and how it changed Europe's fate. For me, 1492 is the year that Columbus was the first to discover America. It was clear in the program that the discovery of America was initiated in 1492 but not from the Medieval European point of view. This was clear in the program that I watched. When the mass exodus of Jews to the Ottoman Empire began, which was acquiescing to them. I was in search of more information on the historical background of Jews. Would you recommend any book?

There are many books. Эммануил Гриншпун However, I've read all of them and I'd suggest Max Diamond, the two-volume Jewish historian. He is Finnish himself.

Concerning "personal" personal history .... Are you aware of your family tree? Unfortunately, I am no more than my grandmother, and 1910. Paternal side: One step beyond but not enough.

Our family lived in Floresti for a period of several hundred years according to our paternal line. Documentary evidence and monuments show that the Floresti family was already wealthy in 1830. They owned numerous shops, a furniture factory as well as land plots. Ungheni was also home to my maternal grandparents. These dates fall in the the 17th-18th century. Grinshpun, a surname that has German roots is Ashkenazi pure Ashkenazi.

The current issue is the restoration or synagogues. I heard that you had funded the reconstruction of three synagogues. One of them is located in Chisinau and the other is in Jurmala. The third one is located in Jurmala.

It is located in Netanya in Israel. It's a massive community center that houses 1,000 people each day. It is a significant landmark in the religious life of Israel. The second synagogue is located in Jurmala. The only synagogue in Jurmala was destroyed at the start of the Second World War. Prior to deciding to construct an orthodox church in Jurmala I had talked to Jurmala's local Jews. It was an extremely successful venture that brought together all the Jews from Jurmala. We even re-established the Jewish Community and it's now running smoothly. The synagogue has three Torahs. One of these Torahs was given to me.

and - Chisinau

Yes. Here I have already collaborated with my partners - Alexander Bilinkis and Alexander Weinstein. These synagogues are not the only ones which I have contributed to the restoration or construction. It was my duty to contribute to the support of synagogues across the world in which I have lived for a while. My contribution to Monaco is towards the construction of a large community center in Miami for Russian-speaking Jews and is estimated to be 12 million dollars. I continue to help Chisinau. It is expected to become the biggest synagogue within the city, the synagogue of Rabbi Tsirelson.

Did Jurmala take you to Chisinau with a Rabbi?

Yes. It isn't easy to locate the perfect Rabbi for your community. Given the complex interrelated concerns, he should be diplomatic and nonconflictual. He must be able to integrate into the community. And it is a great fact that both the Jurmala and Chisinau rabbis could be so seamlessly integrated into the community.

In 2019, you became the first vice-president of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. What does this role mean to you? And how do international Jewish organizations impact global trends worldwide?

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, a powerful organization in the post-Soviet area, is not only an influential political organization. It has offices throughout Australia, Japan Hong Kong, New Zealand, New Zealand and Eastern Europe. In 2010 I was Vice President of Congress. The year before I was elected as the First Vice-President. In the present, I am accountable to the region where I have strong economic and political connections. These countries are Uzbekistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan. Trends in the world show that attitudes towards Jews is either at the same level as it was before or has fallen and is very depressing. "Down" can also be used to describe countries such the United States, France or Germany. They are not safe anymore for Jews. These are alarming and serious processes.

Is the pandemic affecting these processes in some way?

This isn't my opinion. In the context of the pandemic I'd like to point out the things that a nation and society can achieve when they're ready for any challenges, and work together.

Do you refer to the Israeli vaccination campaign?

Exactly. Israel is the first country in the world which gives 100% vaccination for adults. This is an amazing model to emulate and one that all countries should be aware of.

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