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Bokuto watched Kuroo's name appear with brackets on the side. It seemed that he had called a few times. In a stopped vehicle, Bokuto took the opportunity to call Kuroo back. He was disappointed by the lack of background music but figured it was important. Bokuto started driving, which limited his options of turning on music.

"Koutarou, you got time?" Kuroo asked instead of his traditional greeting.

"Yeah, driving toward the place. Chronically early disease hitting hard right now," Bokuto chuckled and shook his head. His mind played tricks on him. The drive was short, so he would have to just drive circles to kill time.

"Better than chronically late disease, which I have. Anyway, I kinda need to talk about something. Are you alone?" Kuroo asked directly. Bokuto only nodded but replied a verbal yes. How could one feel so intelligent after nodding at the window?

"We've talked about this already, but our drives are clashing again. I feel stupid for worrying about it," Kuroo sighed. Bokuto nodded in understanding, knowing exactly what he referred to.

"I feel like you two know each other well enough to fix this with ease," Bokuto honestly said, and shrugged his shoulders. He would continue, but Kuroo proceeded to explain.

"No, I'm worrying for different reasons now. Do you promise not to laugh at me?" Kuroo sighed, and let out a laugh in embarrassment. Bokuto reassured him instantly,

"I'm your best friend judge-free, safe space too, don't you forget that," Bokuto chuckled lightly. The traffic was convenient. He didn't mind stopping a few times in queues.

A gloomy sunset set the evening, with darkened colors expressing pessimism. The colors didn't fit the usual descriptions and photographs. Hues of oranges stuck out for looking duller than usual. It was odd, but it had an impact on Bokuto's view.

"Look, I know Kozume loves me. I know he's attracted to me both ways. I also know his drive is low, which I get. It was harder back then, and I'm used to it now. It's just... Ah fuck, I feel stupid. I'm trying to say that this age is just making me wonder whether I'm still... Tetsurou from years ago. I'm so scared Kozume's other type of attraction has lowered because I look different at this age. This has gone on for a week, and it's been eating me alive. Fuck you, don't start laughing," Kuroo explained and put his concerns into words. Bokuto understood him, at the same time he didn't.

"Tetsu, he's into you. You're talking as if you're aging alone. He was into you four years ago, it's not like you changed your physical look. Aren't you into him still? It's not like your drive has gotten lower since he has a more mature look. Fifty year old couples are still attracted to one another, Tetsu," Bokuto advised, without laughing as he promised. Kuroo sighed heavily and hopefully felt more relieved. Bokuto took the pause as an opportunity to add more,

"You both have equal rights of having your individual drives. I also understand your insecurity. You already know how to talk to him. This isn't the first time your needs have clashed. You've already talked to him, and you both understand each other. Yes, you're different on this specific part of the relationship. However, no one makes it work and align like you do. Don't you know how many couples split because of cheating? You two fix this so easily. Don't stress it," Bokuto reassured him. They had this talk often, years ago. Kuroo had his slightest insecurities once in a while.

"Thank you. I know that. It's exactly why I feel dumb for wondering whether I'm uglier, if I did something, if I'm not that type of attractive in Kozume's eyes you know. Okay, aging isn't the issue. Thank you, Koutarou. I've stupidly been bothered by this bullshit. I hate my drive sometimes. No, it's not the physical bit of it. It's the closeness, love, reassurance of it. The lack of it just makes me feel unreasonably insecure sometimes, you know," Kuroo tried to explain his feelings. Bokuto nodded in understanding, almost nearing the food hall.

"I get it. Don't blame yourself, and don't make yourself feel like a dumb high schooler. As I said, both of you have equal rights to have your own drives. I think the beautiful part of your relationship is how your differences align. You two make it work, when most couples would let themselves break. For the future, Kozume knows you. Just talk to him, if you need to. Or, just wait it out," Bokuto yawned at the end of his advice. The time did close to ten minutes before.

Bokuto had no idea how many roundabouts he had taken U-turns on, or what streets he had randomly stumbled upon. His attention returned to the directions and signs. He could pay attention to where he was supposed to go.

"Thank you for always listening, brother," Kuroo sighed in relief from Bokuto's well-worded advice. Bokuto smiled warmly at the genuine tone of his voice and returned a response.

"Always, brother. As you wish, I'm hanging out with Akaashi today. I'm literally at the place almost now," Bokuto informed him. Kuroo pretty much screeched at the information. He was happy to hear his best friend go out and socialize.

"Remember, no attempts at getting a new best friend," Kuroo half-joked. It was a known scenario for both of them to get jokingly petty. It was stupid, of course. Kuroo would narrow his eyes every time Bokuto told him about his close friends. Jokingly, of course. At least from Bokuto's side.

"Bro, shut up," Bokuto scoffed and cringed at the stupid behavior. Kuroo's mid-life crisis led him to act so childishly sometimes. At the ended call, Bokuto was upset about not being able to turn on any radio or music. He refused to let go of his attention span from the road.

He must have driven past the food hall three times, but now it was hard to find a way in. The roads were rushed, and it took Bokuto dreadful minutes to drive into the parking lot. As if the cars didn't fill the space, the pedestrians filled the centimeters between.

Bokuto tch'ed to himself. The driver drove in circles until he witnessed a car back out from their parking spot. Bingo. Nearly three minutes before their meet-up, Bokuto successfully parked outside the famous food hall. It should have a name, but most people referred to it as the hall.

He was relieved to find Akaashi at the main entrance. Bokuto turned off his engine and left it locked, before making his presence known to his friend. Akaashi smiled kindly before putting away his earplugs.

"I'm not chronically early today!" Bokuto dramatized a cheer and successfully made Akaashi chuckle.

"I have been, and I found a good table already," Akaashi smiled proudly at his accomplishments. Bokuto nodded in approval, before entering the two-floored food heaven. He looked up in wonder and nearly forgot to follow Akaashi to their table.

"Jesus," Bokuto let out upon seeing new restaurants he hadn't seen before. Akaashi nodded in agreement, also taking in their surroundings. The conflicting smells of food strung them both in a war over what food they craved. The strong smell of popular Japanese food meddled with Mexican food, with dessert places being visually beautiful.

"Where do we start," Akaashi asked both Bokuto and himself. He was into many of the restaurants present. He enjoyed Japanese, Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Indian, Italian, and God knew what. Globalization was a sin to everyone's diet. Bokuto too enjoyed everything. He couldn't make up his mind either.

"What do you like eating?" Bokuto asked since he couldn't make up his mind.

"The list is as long as the distance from the floor to the ceiling," Akaashi sighed and tapped his fingers onto the table. Bokuto snorted, before nodding in agreement. He couldn't say he was much different.

"Great. Let's decide through a game. The nationality we've eaten the least, is what we pick. If I say Italian, and you've had Italian a few days ago, it's a no-go," Bokuto creatively came up with a plan. Akaashi raised his eyebrows, before nodding in understanding. He wasn't sure how the game would work with two people, but he was open.

"Chinese," Bokuto started, and Akaashi shook his head. Bokuto learned that Akaashi ate Chinese a week ago.

"Indian?" Bokuto asked, and Akaashi once again shook his head. Four days ago, apparently. A secretly disappointed Bokuto proceeded to ask away. He hadn't eaten Indian in a long, long time.

"Italian?" Bokuto inquired curiously, to which Akaashi paused. He looked up in thought and went quiet. Akaashi shook his head, to which Bokuto's eyes lit up. Nice! He hadn't had Italian either.

"I'll order for us this time, and you need to watch our table since someone's going to coup it the second both of us stand up," Akaashi reasoned. Bokuto sighed in defeat but shrugged his shoulders. As much as his pride was hurt, Akaashi had a point with the table.

"Fine, I'll cooperate this time," Bokuto sent Akaashi a thumbs up. Akaashi rolled his eyes playfully but forced a fake and heavy sigh of relief.

"Thank you. I'll get us menus, just make sure no one steals our table. Oh, and be aware of anyone asking you for the unused chair. It's crowded, people are going to coup any chair available," Akaashi scoffed and looked around at the crowded area. Bokuto was impressed his friend found a table in the first place.

"I'll guard it like the characters guard their football," Bokuto referred to the manga he read as homework. Akaashi raised his eyebrows and quietly walked off toward the Italian restaurant. Bokuto couldn't help but laugh at the departure. He took the chance to properly gaze around the area.

The brown building had a windowed ceiling system. People seemed to sit outdoors on top of the building. Otherwise, the plants were strategically fastened to the walls. Greenery complimented the brown wooded theme. Bokuto saw a resemblance to a greenhouse if it were wooded and complex. On the inside, the restaurants ranged in size and variety. They had wineries, ice cream parlors, and food from any corner of the world.

On the inside, the restaurants ranged in size and variety. Local chains were prevalent, but national chains were present too. Bokuto was most surprised to see a Mcdonald's there too. It could be considered food heaven. Even at the time Bokuto first visited the hall, it wasn't that large. It was clear restaurants had flooded in while he was "gone".

"Got it," Akaashi put the menu in front of him. Bokuto regained his focus and thanked him shortly. Akaashi, quite quickly, landed on pasta carbonara. Bokuto was stuck between tomato pasta or tortellini with cheese and red sauce.

"It's always between tortellini and pomodoro," Bokuto dramatically sighed, and clicked his tongue from trying to decide what he would like. Akaashi did understand, yet gave Bokuto peace while he was deciding.

"Tortellini it is," Bokuto closed the menu and pushed back some of his baby hairs tickling his forehead. Akaashi proceeded to drink, to which they agreed not to drink alcohol. Obviously, Akaashi remembered that Bokuto was driving. Secretly, Akaashi did find red wine nice with carbonara. Next time, he thought to himself.

"Pepsi it is," Akaashi nodded in agreement, before closing the menu himself. They could get a mocktail as dessert later. Before Bokuto could share any of his thoughts on payment and bill, Akaashi already departed to pay. Bokuto saw his silhouette pull out his wallet. Rather, he watched his pride sink. He didn't spend a long time ordering or paying.

Akaashi speed-walked and Bokuto saw it from his arm movements. He figured being a waiter would be awful at a place like this. Bokuto could only imagine the stress levels. Akaashi returned with a red button-like object with a number. The ones that beeped once your order was ready. An important device for customers here.

"So, how did your homework go," Akaashi asked to avoid an awkward or longer silence. Besides, his excitement gradually grew larger. Bokuto could tell from his facial expression.

"Well, I like how it aligns sports with supernatural things. No way it's realistic, but it's a very fun concept. Pretty out of the box," Bokuto worded his thoughts in direct sentences. Though, his head formed hundreds of analyses of characters and plot lines.

"I also want to know how you just assume I like death. I can't let that slide," Akaashi laughed slightly at the recollection of their text history. Bokuto sheepishly laughed at being put on the spot.

"No! I just feel like you are the type to enjoy series and all with character deaths. That's the impression I got from you," Bokuto defended his claim before watching the amusement on Akaashi's face grow.

"Fine, I assume you like reading romance novels where they don't end up with each other," Akaashi made up an assumption close to what Bokuto made. Bokuto looked up in thought, before tilting his head sideways as a yes and no response.

"I mean, they are interesting. Fair assumption. It does piss me off though," Bokuto confessed, and frowned at the sad movies in which the couples don't get together.

"That's exactly how character deaths feel like too, actually," Akaashi agreed with a nod. Bokuto pointed at him in acknowledgment for making a good point.

"Well, I assume that you are into manga," Bokuto joked and went along with the assumption game. Akaashi narrowed his eyes and tilted his head to the right. Instead of saying anything, he suppressed a laugh.

"No, I secretly shred mangas at night," Akaashi nodded to himself before suppressing another laugh. Bokuto, on the other hand, laughed openly at the image of mangas being shredded at Manga Matrix.

"Can I talk to your manager?" Bokuto gasped at the malicious confession and pulled out his phone to jokingly google his manager.

"Anyway, I've been into manga as a hobby and reading it during my free time. Manga has progressed to be something I want to work with, I guess. I do want to do something more in the future. Whether it's drawing my own manga, editor, writing out plots, or... yes," Akaashi shared openly. Bokuto nodded, clearly interested. He enjoyed how the conversation could contain jokes and actual information.

"I admire anyone that can draw. I'm awful at it. Showing my drawings would just be a hate crime to all art schools in Japan," Bokuto shook his head in disgust and cringed at the memory of seeing his own drawings. Akaashi snorted at the comment before the alarm went off. Well, their food is ready at least.

Akaashi stood up for the third time. Bokuto cleared his throat to gain his attention. Akaashi raised his eyebrows at him and waited for his reply.

"I'll get it. Thank you for paying," Bokuto insisted and almost forced his friend to sit. Akaashi gave him the order ID before he left. Bokuto easily found the Italian restaurant. He returned the device and was met with two plates of amazing food, and drinks. The smell was enough to trigger hunger in the pit of his stomach.

"Good decision," Akaashi sighed in relief upon seeing the neatly plated dishes. Bokuto nodded in agreement, before sitting down with his own dish.

"Also, I don't mind sharing at all. If you want to try, just let me know," Bokuto informed him. The food was so warm that the cheese would violate Bokuto's tongue. He was sad to let it cool off for a second.

Akaashi seemed to ignore the fact, and take small bites of the food. He blew on it to solve the problem. In fact, he nearly bit the fork with his teeth, to avoid having his lips come in contact with the creamy dish. Bokuto couldn't say he was stupid for doing so.

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