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Skill Order:
Q (start) -> E -> W -> R

AD Bruiser Evelynn Build:

Ranger's Trailblazer -> Warrior -> Boots (complete jungle item first always unless you're heavy ganking then you can rush Mobility Boots but swap later for Mercs/Tabi) -> Trinity Force (if ahead/fed) -> Hexdrinker/Banshees (against HEAVY AP) -> Randuin's Omen/Frozen Heart (against HEAVY AD) -> Blade of the Ruined King (usually later in game if enemy has super tanks)

Jungle Routes w/o invade:

Blue Side:
1. Red Buff (Smite) -> Raptors (kill small ones first) -> Blue Buff (Smite) -> GANK
2. Red Buff (Smite) -> Raptors -> Crab -> Buy -> Blue Buff (Smite) -> GANK

Red Side:
1. Blue Buff (Smite) -> Wolves -> Red Buff (Smite) -> GANK
2. Gromp (Smite) -> Blue Buff -> Crab -> Buy -> Red Buff (Smite) -> GANK

1. Always try to LVL 2 cheese enemy jungler at his buff
2. DON'T blindly rush a cookie cutter build, itemize appropriately, each game is different
3. Always buy wards on back if you can and two potions (prioritize vision over potion)
4. Be efficient, don't waste time, attempt a gank then back to farming jungle
5. Focus on mid and bot more than top since they have bigger influence in game
6. Don't give in to people crying for ganks, mute them and follow your game plan
7. Again, be efficient, if your top side jungle is cleared after back start with bot side jungle
8. Ward deep in enemy jungle to see their movements, vision wins games
9. Don't gank out of convenience, if you're clearing camp top side and top lane is not good to gank for then don't gank top lane
10. Don't limit yourself to just ganking the usual ways, you can tower dive people easily if they're low and tank the damage with your ult and flash for escape (e.g enemy top laner is 40% HP under tower, wait for your wave to push to his tower then coordinate tower dive with your top laner, same for bot if you're for example blue side you can loop around their jungle and come from behind and dive them)
11. Always look on mini map, type out enemy jungler location (e.g Nocturne top side) and ping in a path where he's moving if he's going for a gank
12. You can determine where enemy jungle started by looking at mini map, usually if laners are late to lane it means they leashed for their jungler so your decisions and game plan can change in an instant with that knowledge
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