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the blood is made out of 4 main things red and white blood cells ,plasma and platelets.
the role of red blood cells is to carry oxygen from the lungs into the the tissues so are cells can use it cellular respiration .
to do this they contain a pigment called haemoglobin which can bind oxygen to become oxyhaemoglobin. once the red blood cells have travelled round the body to the tissues the oxyhaemoglobin can split back into oxygen and haemoglobin so that the oxygen is free to diffuse into are tissues. they don't have a nucleus .
white blood cells defend us against pathogens some examples of these are phagocytosis were the blood cell will engulf a micro organism . they produce antibodies that bind on to pathogens and help destroy them and they produce antitoxins which neutralise any toxins the pathogens produce . they do have a nucleus.
platelets are not cells they are just small fragments of cells and they have no nucleus , they float around in are blood until we get a cut at witch point they rush to the cut and patch it up and we call this progress clotting the main reason we need platelets is to stop blood from pouring out of us when ever we get a cut and for stopping the micro organisms from getting in .
plasma is what makes the blood watery so it can flow it carries every thing .

power = v times a
p= i2 times r
pd = v1=v2=v2...
alternating current is when the voltage is alternating from positive to negative .
direct current is produced by a direct potential difference which is rather possitve or negative the entiar time we find in cells or batteries.

a potential difference of 1 volt tells us that 1 joule of energy is transferred for each coulomb of charge that is moving through the circuit.

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