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testis lenght: 4-5 cm
testis width: 2-3 cm

LH acts on leydig cell
FSH acts on sertoli cells

Seminal vesicle:2
Prostate gland: 1
Bulbourethral : 2
Their secretions are rich in fructose, calcium and ezymes
The secretion of bulbo helps in secretion

Spermatids are converted into spermatozoa : spermiogenesis
Release of sperm from seminiferous tubule: spermiation

200-300 m sperms are ejaculated per cotius
Normal fertility: 60% must have normal shape and size
40 % must show vigorous motility

Mammary gland:
glandular tissue- milk formation

Primary oocyte is arrested in prophase1
Sec oocyte is arrested in metaphase2

Granulosa cells formed around the oocyte release estrogen
Antrum the fluid filled cavity is visible in tertiary follicle

Increasing estrogen stimulates pituitary to release lh and fsh
On 14th day lh and fsh are on peak: LH surge
that ruptures the graffian follicle : ovulation occurs
Sec oocyte is released from graffian follicle

At blastocyst implantation occurs

Placenta release hCG, hPL, estrogen progesterone
Ovary release : relaxin only durng pregnancy

Some other hormones ka level also get increased during preg: cortisol, prl, thyroxin

After 1 moth : heart is formed
2 months : limbs amd digit
3 month: major organ system, external genetalia
5th month: hairs on head, 1st movmnt
6th month: hairs on full body, eyelid seperate< eyelashes

Fully developed feaotus and placenta: induce mild contraction in uterus: Feautal ejection reflex
Oxytocin release: strong contraction: parturation

Colostrum: igA

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