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Here's what you'll need to know to get started and why it's important to get social.

What Dating Really Means
While the popularity of apps has transformed how we interact, the nature of dating hasn't changed all that much. We meet people we're interested in, we exchange information, and we see what sparks fly. Realistically, it's not necessarily a sure bet that this person is going to be the one. We never know if we'll meet again, or if we will or won't.
While the dating world is defined by apps, online profiles, and the many different techniques employed to find love, dates still mean meeting face to face with another person. Still, it's far easier and more fun to stay in your comfortable (though not necessarily comfortable) online bubble, since we can gauge the other person's personality, character, and compatibility from the comfort of our computer, and not leave the house. The hard part is striking up a conversation with someone new. But with the help of the internet and online dating, and without even leaving the house, you can find and start chatting with someone new. Even if you're more of a social media person who wants a date, but not a date-date, you can use apps to find like-minded people and exchange information.
Even if you're not currently looking for a long-term relationship, online dating can help you navigate the dating world once it starts. We're already seeing the emergence of more online dating-specific events like speed dating, matchmakers, and blind dates. And sometimes, the things we're not looking for are the things that attract us.
You Can Take Control of Your Life
At this point, you probably know what you're looking for in a partner and how to find it. Dating apps give you more flexibility in terms of finding someone specific, but they can also give you a leg up when it comes to meeting and chatting with people. Even if you only want to find a hookup, online dating can still be a fun, easy way to expand your social circle.
Online dating has come a long way since the days of awkward phone conversations, Skypes, and handwritten letters. You can customize your profile, chat online or phone with other people, find your matches, and email them. There is no shame in being honest about who you are or what you want. Chat and messages are really that simple. And while dating apps may have altered the way we meet, dating
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