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How A Few Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Relieve Your Nerve Pain
If you like to keep things simple, just take the ascorbic acid form of vitamin C. There are many claims that one form is better than another, but research shows that there is no difference in bioavailability between natural and synthetic ascorbic acid. It’s taken mostly to reduce the symptoms and duration of the common cold .
Its antioxidant properties also improve nerve damage caused by apoptosis and oxidative stress. B vitamins such as B1, B6, and B12 are known for supporting the healthy function of the central nervous system. Vitamin B6 is known for helping to maintain the cover of the body’s nerve endings. B6 doses should not exceed more than 200 milligrams as high dosages may cause nerve damage and neuropathy symptoms. Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause permanent nerve damage if left untreated. This deficiency is also one of the causes of peripheral neuropathy.
Multiple studies have been conducted to observe how rectifying the sunshine vitamin deficiency can relieve diabetic neuropathy symptoms. One study of 215 men found that a high-dose B-complex vitamin improved general mental health, stress, and cognitive performance. Some specific vitamins and herbs are necessary for nerve pain and regeneration. Some supplements have ingredients that are not identifiable and so can be worse than conventional medication. The next question provides details on the specific elements that an effective supplement must have. Nervolink from a five-year research by the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy show that about 75% of those who suffer from this condition have painful neuropathy symptoms.
Absence of these vitamins will favor permanent nerve degeneration and pain, eventually leading to peripheral neuropathy. Vitamin B12 promotes protein synthesis and also encourages the regeneration of damaged nerves. This vitamin supports the myelin sheath, which protects the nerves. Myelin sheath, if damaged results in neuropathic pain and reduces the nerve ability to conduct the impulses properly. Thus, vitamin B12 proves to be one of the most important and effective supplements for nerve pain.
Lastly, some people are much more responsive to supplements than others. Some people can take the dosage on the label, while others need to adjust it due to their physiology. Best value for money anti-oxidant vitamin supplements to curb anxiety and depression. Neuropathy is often called peripheral neuropathy, as it indicates a problem in the peripheral nervous system, which is the network of nerves outside your brain and spinal cord. Vitamin B1, or thiamin, is also a water soluble vitamin that helps to break down carbohydrates into glucose, which the body uses for energy.
Some research suggests that ashwagandha may be just as effective as certain prescription medications in reducing anxiety. Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal remedy derived from a shrub plant native to India and North Africa. Ashwagandha has been extensively studied and has a wide variety of possible health benefits.
It is an increasingly popular supplement, and some foods, such as okra, asparagus, and avocados, contain high levels of it. However, digestion breaks up glutathione, and the body does not absorb it, so people may need to use other methods. It may improve many side effects of chemotherapy, including inflammation, muscle pain, and neuropathy. Users report great success with it, with very minimal side effects. Plus, because it works to regenerate damaged cells, it doesn’t just treat the nerve pain—it works to boost the health of your nervous system.
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