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Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells

In Eukaryote, the genetic information is going to be inside a membrane bound nucleus. And in your nicleus you have your information inside it, you have your DNA. In a PROKARYOTIC cell, you're going to have your DNA, it might be bundled up into a section of the cell. That would be called a nucleoid but its not a membrane-bound. In a eukaryotic cells you will tend to see the MITOCHONDRIAL in a eukaryotic cell, both plants and animals cells, bu you wont see it in a prokaryotic cell. Ribosomal RNA is being produced in the nucleolus. In ribosomal RNA, that forms part of the structure of ribosomes which are essential in the construction of proteins based on the information in mRNA. Ribosomes are also present in prokaryotes. In Eukaryote DNA tends to be straight and in Prokaryote DNA tends to be circular. In Eurkaryote cells you will have mutlple molecules of double stranded DNA verses circular DNA in Prokaryote. Another thing is that Eukarytoes tend to be larger while prokarytoes tend to be smaller and simpler. Some examples of eukaryotic include multicelluar organisms. Like animals, plants, fungi, protists. Not all eukaryotes are multicellular, and this protist is an example of a unicellular eukaryote. An example of prokaryote is bacteria and archaea.

Componnetns of prokaryotic cells

All cells share four key components The plasma membrane, Cytoplasm, Dna, and Ribomes. Prokaryotic cells the simple cells of organisms like bacteria are like a single rooms with no walls.

The ability to maintain different environments inside a single cell allows eukaryotic cells to carry out complex metabolic reactions that prokaryotes cannot. In fact, it’s a big part of the reason why eukaryotic cells can grow to be many times larger than prokaryotic ones.

Prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells
1. A membrane-bound nucleus, a central cavity surrounded by membrane that houses the cell’s genetic material.
2. A number of membrane-bound organelles, compartments with specialized functions that float in the cytosol. (Organelle means “little organ,” and this name reflects that the organelles, like the organs of our body, have unique functions as part of a larger system.)
3. Multiple linear chromosomes, as opposed to the single circular chromosome of a prokaryote.

Eukaryotic cells are much more complicated than those of prokaryotes. They are packed with a fascinating array of subcellular structures that play important roles in energy balance, metabolism, and gene expression. The presence of a nucleus would indicate that the cell is a eukaryotic

Key Points

-Mitochondria are the "powerhouses" of the cell, breaking down fuel molecules and capturing energy in cellular respiration.

-Chloroplasts are found in plants and algae. They're responsible for capturing light energy to make sugars in photosynthesis.

-Mitochondria and chloroplasts likely began as bacteria that were engulfed by larger cells (the endosymbiont theory).

Chloroplasts are found only in plants and photosynthetic algae. (Humans and other animals do not have chloroplasts.) The chloroplast's job is to carry out a process called photosynthesis.

In photosynthesis, light energy is collected and used to build sugars from carbon dioxide. The sugars produced in photosynthesis may be used by the plant cell, or may be consumed by animals that eat the plant, such as humans. The energy contained in these sugars is harvested through a process called cellular respiration, which happens in the mitochondria of both plant and animal cells.

Mitochondria (singular, mitochondrion) are often called the powerhouses or energy factories of the cell. Their job is to make a steady supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell’s main energy-carrying molecule. The process of making ATP using chemical energy from fuels such as sugars is called cellular respiration, and many of its steps happen inside the mitochondria.

The mitochondria are suspended in the jelly-like cytosol of the cell. They are oval-shaped and have two membranes: an outer one, surrounding the whole organelle, and an inner one, with many inward protrusions called cristae that increase surface area.

Key Terms

Endosymbiotic theory-Theory proposing that eukaryotic cells formed from a symbiotic relationship among prokaryotic cells

One theory that may explain how eukaryotes became so complex is the endosymbiotic theory.
If isolated from a eukaryotic cell, mitochondria can no longer survive and reproduce on their own.

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