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Organelles in eukaryotic cells

What it means for a cell to be eukaryotic is that the inside of the cell, there are membrane-bound organelles. It means sub-compartments within the cell. Most cells will have some genetic information in them in the form of DNA. One of the key charactics of a eukaryotic cell is that the genetic information is going to be inside a membrane-bound organelle. The membrane that surround the DNA is the nuclear membrane. The nucleus is connected to another mebrane-bound organelle, that look like pores and these pores connect to something called the endoplasmic reticulum. In the edoplasmic reticulum you are taking genetic information from DNA, and gets trasncried into mRNA, and that mRNA will make its way out of the nuclear membrane through one of the pores and make this way to a ribsome that is attactched to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. A ribosomes are where you take genetic information from mRNA and you translate it into a protein. So the ribosomes are the protein synthesis. Sometimes ribosomes may be attactched to the ednoplasmic rectuculm or floating in the free ribsome. From the parts of the dnplasmic reticulum where you have ribosomes attached that will be known as rough endoplsmic reticulum. Its the riobsomes that are making them rough. Then their are parts of the endplasmic reticulum where you do not have ribsomes attached, and that is called smooth endoplasmic reticulum. There are things known as golgi body that look like a endoplasmic reticulum but it is detactched from the nuclues, and they are really good at packaging molecules, so they can be used outside of the cell.. Another part of the membrane bound organells that is known to be the powerhouse of the cell is the mitochondria. Mitchondria have their own DNA, mitochondria is where your ATP is produced.

Key Terms

A Cell is the basic unit of living things.
An Organelle Specialized cell structure that performs a specific function.
Eukaryote-specific organelles

-Nucleus-Stores genetic information; controls all cell activities
-Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Network of tubes and membranes that carry material through the cell and play a role in protein modification and lipid synthesis; has two parts: rough ER (contains ribosomes) and smooth ER (does not contain ribosomes)
-Golgi body-Flattened membrane discs that package and sort proteins
-Mitochondria-Breaks down sugar into energy for the cell
Chloroplast Uses light energy to make food for plant cells
-Vacuole-Storage site for food, water, and waste; large central vacuole helps maintain the shape of plant cells
-Lysosome-Breaks down large molecules and digests old cell parts and look like pores like balls.
Structure B since cyanide disrupts cell respiration and ATP production, it must act on the mitchondrion.

Queations I keep getting wronG OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!

Which of the following statements correctly matches a cell part with its function?

(Choice A)
The mitochondria convert sunlight into sugar.

(Choice B)
The nucleus produces energy.

(Choice C)
The vacuole packages lipids for export.

(Choice D)
The lysosome digests old cell parts. D is right

What is a major function of vacuoles in a eukaryotic cell?


(Choice C, Incorrect)
Breaking down large molecules

(Choice D, Incorrect)
Building lipids
oh forget it
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