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Lesson 7:
Learning and obeying are essential, but they must flow from discerning God's will through a growing, intimate relationship with Him. One must understand Jesus' authority in every area, diligently seek to learn His teaching, and actively seek to do what He does.

Discerning God's Will

Key Verses-- Jer. 29:11; Rom. 12:2

1. It is good
2. It is acceptable to us
3. it is for our welfare
4. It is perfect for us

1. Definite guidance - isa. 30:20,21
2. God gives us wisdom to find it -- James 1:5
3. God will give us the desire to do his will--Phil. 2:13
4. Built-in warning device: Peace of Christ-- Col. 3:15

Practical steps toward finding God's will
Step 1-- be filled -- eph. 5:18
Step 2-- Study the bible-- Ps 119:105
Step 3-- Be obedience -- 1 john 3:22
Step 4-- Counsel with mature Christians -- Prov. 11:14
Step 5-- Pray often-- Matt. 7:7-8
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Regards; Team

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