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45701166192 tracker
test call 626868020399

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Issue - Cancellation in progress stuck
Action - info shared
Communication- apology done // TAT shared 24-48 hour for refund update // cx agreed

Issue: cx wants to change delivery address
Action: Request taken
comm: Address updated successfully // cx agreed

Issue: Cancellation in progress stuck
Action: complain taken // apology done
comm: TAT shared 24-48 hour for update // cx agreed

Issue - cx want to get order verified
Action - info given // request taken
Communication- ask cx to wait // 24 hour tat shared // cx agreed

Issue - cx want to know why order cancelled
Action - info given // apology done
Communication- order cancel because order can not be verified // asked cx that we tried to call cx for verification // cx told me that cx was bust that why cx not able to pickup a call // asked to place new order // cx agreed

ISSUE-cx ask about product info
COMM-info shared with cx as per PDP page

Issue - cx want delivery detail
Action - info given // sms send
Communication- pdd shared // ddr shared // tracking details and courier partner name shared // cx agreed

Issue - cx want delivery detail
Action - info given //
Communication- pdd shared//ddr shared// tracking details available when product shipped // cx agreed

Issue - cx want delivery detail
Action - info given //sms send
Communication- pdd breached // product is late beyond PDD //try to delivery asap // cx agreed

Issue - cx want delivery detail
Action - info given //courier boy no. shared
Communication- product is out for delivery // product will deliver today only before 6//cx agreed

Issue - cx want delivery detail // UD case
Action - info given // Address confirmed
Communication- product is out for delivery //product will deliver today only before 6 // cx agreed

Issue - One or more items is missing – Shipped together case // cx received one item // ordered two
Action - info given //apology done
Communication- tat shared 24-48 hour //asked cx to wait //cx agreed

Issue - cx want delivery detail
Action - info given //sms send
Communication- pdd will breached // product is late beyond PDD// try to deliver asap// apology done //cx agreed

Issue - cx want Snapcash details
Action - info given //
Communication- info shared that by sharing SD cx get Snapcash//cx can use upto 20% Snapcash as discount//cx agreed

Issue: cx wants to know the complaint status(return case)
Action: RL filled// tat shared 2-3 days for pickup
comm: apology done//shared the complaint status//shared the courier partner name//also guide to pack the parcel in original packing//cmn

Issue - cx want pick up detail
Action - info given //RL filled//2-3 days for pickup//address confirmed
Communication- apology done//24 hour to initiate refund//2 hour to reflect//shared the courier partner name//guide cx regarding packing//cx agreed

Issue - cx want delivery detail
Action - info given //product RTOed//apology done
Communication- asked to place new order//cx agreed

cnc//sms send//no response from cx on ringing // call disconnected by my end after warning

cnc//sms send/

cx issue resolved // call drop from cx end

call connected//call disconnected from cx end //cx not able to hear my voice//call drop

cnc//sms send//silent call//no ringing//call disconnected after giving 3 warnings

cx raised CMB by mistake // no query

Issue: cx wants to know delivery detail// UD case
Action: FNDR filled//address confirm and updated in FNDR
comm: apology done//try to deliver asap//tat shared 24-48 hour//cx agreed

Issue - cx want to return product as cx received a different item
Action - info given //RPI initiated//2 days for pickup
Communication- apology done//24 hour to initiate refund//2 hour to reflect refund//shared the courier partner name//guide cx regarding packing//cx agreed

Issue - cx want to return product as // cx received a different item // cx received black saree
Action - info given //RPI not initiated //24 hour for pickup update
Communication- apology done//24 hour to initiate refund//2 hour to reflect refund//guide cx regarding packing//DSQC details shared//cx agreed

Communication- apology done//24 hour to initiate replacement//replacement tat shared 4-7 WD//shared the courier partner name//guide cx regarding packing//
cx agreed

Issue - cx want delivery early
Action - info given //sms send
Communication- pdd shared//ddr shared //tracking details shared // try to deliver product early//cx agreed

Issue - cx want refund detail
Action - info given//macro shared asking bank detail
Communication- apology done//24 hour to initiate refund//2 hour to reflect//cx agreed

Issue - cx want refund detail
Action - info given// UTR shared
Communication- apology done // Refund initiated on 22/4/2022 // asked cx to coordinate with bank // cx agreed

Issue - cx want to cancel order as cx ordered wrong size product
Action - info given //Request taken
Communication- // Order cancelled // deny at doorstep if delivery attempted//cx agreed

Issue - cx want to know why order cancelled
Action - info given // apology done
Communication- order cancel due to technical error // asked to place new order // cx agreed

issue : empty parcel case
action : call connected
comm: info. shared to cx // already tat shared 24-48 Hour // cx not agreed on tat shared cx told me cx received tat when cx call us every time//cx angry

Issue - cx paid twice UPI and cash also
Action - info given //apology done//complain taken
Communication- UPI payment first pending after delivery boy left payment got successful/asked cx to coordinate with delivery boy//no. shared///cx agreed

ISSUE:-- cx received an empty parcel //
ACTION taken:-- apology done // complaint taken //
COMMUNICATION:-- Cx said that he received an empty parcel // informed that complained raised // asked to wait for 7 days for investigation after providing UT form // apology done // cx agreed

Issue: Status shows delivered but I didn’t receive it {PDWP}
Action: complaint raised // address confirmed
comm: apology done//shared the delivery status//asked cx we will share POD with cx//tat shared 48 hours for update//cx agreed

ISSUE :- Cx want to know about product delivery
ACTION :-UD marked // FNDR not filled due to ODA // Address verified
Communication :- asked cx to coordinate with FE and asked cx to visit hub if possible // Apology done //cx agreed

issue- cx wants refund asap // APUC case // cx has no receipt
action- RL filled // courier boy no. 9414716013
comm- tat shared 72 hours// product picked up by XB on 22 feb // apology done // cx agreed

ISSUE :- Cx received used and old product // manual case
ACTION :- macro shared // Manual Explained
Communication :- Asked cx to send product manual // apology done // guided cx how to send product manually // cx agreed

Issue - cx want to return product as cx have size issue with product
Action - info given //
Communication- Deny Cx // found some transactions that do not pass our internal checks // cx not agreed // apology done // cx agreed

Issue - cx ask about refund (empty parcel case)
Action- info shared kindly provide product image via mail and cx already shared UT form and 7 days also breached // info shared wait 24 to 48 hours for update // macro shared asking ID proof
Communication - Information given // customer satisfied /

Issue - cx want refund // cx received a used and old item
Action - info given // RPI not initiated // 1 days for pickup update // 2 days for pickup
Communication- apology done // 24 hour to initiate refund // guide cx regarding packing//
cx agreed

Issue: cx want to know about the refund//refund initiated on-- 10/5/2022
Action: req raised//rrn sms sent//macro shared
communication: UTR number shared //ask cx to coordinate with bank also //ask cx to share bank statement in pdf from //tat shared 24-48 hrs for update//cmn

Issue - cx want to return product as // cx received a pirate book
Action - info given // RPI not initiated //1 days for pickup update // macro shared
Communication- asked cx to send product images // apology done // 24 hour to initiate refund // guide cx regarding packing // cx agreed

44811236949 APUC Case 1 march

tracker filled case 18 MAY

45632812922 pickup required book case // Raindrops 1 ₹628.00

45576433108 apuc case pickup done // manually assign case // Campus DRAGON Navy Running Shoes₹1,349.00

45489284477 watch case deny leter service center // Portronics Kronos X3 Smart Fitness Band ₹949.00 /// not ///

45625523644 male masturbator case // manually assign case // Male Masturbation ₹2,200.00

45565867894 APUC case // tshirt // ₹599.00

tracker filled case 19 MAY

45831386825 roop mantra soap ₹249.00

81390694 senior call RPI denaid

tracker filled case 21 MAY
45740267506 empty parcel case 7 day tat breached
45815049427 pickup pending pant size issue
80926473 ccr upi refund

45953548115 invoice issue

45995818416 sf not working

46041934588 urgent delivery

81516988 ud case escalation

45993322706 call back

81248819 pickup pending since 10 may location shared imphal case

mail case - 81208877 // pickup pending since 09-05-22 // Delhivery // product mismatch // received used and old sleepers

81400792 empty parcel case // backpack // cx shared all details //

81560351 tagging left

81655364 APUC case cx give product to delivery guy case

phone pay refund 81579013

81548186 ud case tagging case

81664694 fraud case

80729350 senoior call
46128098747 call drop 9 june

system got ready itseklf when

81721045 incorrect infi ODA prabjot
81389306 image update
81389704 manuall case 10 june courier receipt refund done
81741212 empty parcel case ove sct scm
81192956 senior call rto order
81397249 multiple sub order case
81324116 service center is denying for deny letter
81354369 pickup pending since 16 may
81605492 cx escalation call
81772762 apuc case
81697900 replacement stage selected
81783909 alternatante in progress
81747654 apuc rechedulae
81785641 images waiting

81627037 pickup 31 may

46187263838 oda ekart
46185901701 oda ekart

52821335104 pickup not initiated

52718593934 fishing rod case trcker filled mail to be send

52944984585 cancel order

81736942 pick up ekart

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Regards; Team

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