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Infraspinatus Muscle Release: The Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

<h1><strong>Infraspinatus Muscle Release: The Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options</strong></h1>
<p>The infraspinatus (also known as the teres minor muscle) is one of two muscles that form the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that connect the upper arm to the shoulder, and work in concert to stabilize the shoulder joint. When these muscles are healthy and functioning properly, they help support the humerus and prevent it from going into extension or abduction. The infraspinatus works to abduct (move toward your body’s mid-line) and flex (bend) your arm at the elbow. Abduction is important for activities such as throwing a ball, while flexion is essential for things like writing or drawing. If you have pain in your shoulder, it’s most likely because one of these muscles isn’t operating as it should. Read on to learn more about what causes this pain, its symptoms, and potential treatment options.</p>
<h2><strong>What is infraspinatus pain?</strong></h2>
<p>Infraspinatus pain is shoulder pain that is caused by a muscle strain. It’s most common in people who have previous shoulder injuries or surgeries, as it can be tricky to correctly release and treat this muscle. Infraspinatus pain can feel very similar to shoulder impingement pain, as well as rotator cuff pain. It’s important to keep in mind that shoulder pain is often a symptom of other conditions, so don’t be fooled into assuming it’s just “normal” shoulder pain. A thorough diagnosis is key to effectively treating infraspinatus pain, as improper treatment can cause more serious complications.</p>
<h2><strong>Causes of Infraspinatus pain</strong></h2>
<p>Infraspinatus pain is typically caused by a subacromial impingement, a condition in which the bony rim of the shoulder socket irritates the muscle. This may happen when there is a misalignment between the humeral head and glenoid fossa, which is the space around the shoulder socket. The shoulder joint is surrounded by a bony rim and socket that provides stability and protects the joint. The socket is lined with a thin membrane called the subacromial membrane. If the subacromial membrane becomes irritated, it may cause pain, as it may become inflamed (or “pinched”). This is called subacromial impingement, and can lead to infraspinatus pain. Infraspinatus pain can also be caused by a muscle strain, which happens if the muscle is too tight or too weak. A subacromial strain occurs when the subacromial impingement is caused by a muscle strain rather than an actual bony impingement. A muscle strain can happen when a muscle is tight or too weak, and the humeral head and glenoid fossa are in the proper alignment. However, with a subacromial strain, the subacromial impingement is caused by a muscle strain, rather than a bony impingement.</p>
<h2><strong>The infraspinatus and scapulae muscles</strong></h2>
<p>The infraspinatus muscle works alongside the subscapularis muscle to abduct and flex the arm at the shoulder joint. The infraspinatus muscle attaches to the humerus bone at the upper end of the shoulder and the scapula at the neck. The infraspinatus muscle then runs downward and inward toward the spine. It helps to abduct the arm at the shoulder joint by pulling the humerus upward, and also helps to flex the arm at the elbow by flexing the humerus inward. When Research It Here are happening correctly, the infraspinatus also provides some stability and support to the shoulder. The subscapularis muscle works with the infraspinatus to abduct and flex the arm at the shoulder. The scapulae muscle connects the base of your skull to your collarbones, and helps to rotate your shoulders forward. The scapulae also assists with breathing and is a key muscle for many activities, including athletics and high-impact work. When the infraspinatus and scapulae muscles are functioning properly, they work together to abduct and flex your shoulder, and also provide some support for the shoulder. When these muscles are injured or weak, resistance to shoulder movement is increased and shoulder pain may occur.</p>
<h2><strong>Infraspinatus release techniques</strong></h2>
<p>To safely release the infraspinatus muscle, follow these tips: - Have your client lie on their back with their head slightly elevated. - Have them breathe slowly and deeply, as diaphragmatic breathing can help to relax the muscles. - After your client has taken a few slow, deep breaths, have them exhale completely, and then inhale slowly again. - As they inhale, have your client try to feel the infraspinatus muscle. - While they’re trying to feel the muscle, have them also notice the contraction of their abs. - As your client’s abs contract with each inhalation, have them try to deepen their breath even more, as this will further relax the infraspinatus muscle. - Once your client feels the muscle relax, ask them to focus on their shoulder again, and notice which muscles are causing pain. - Once the client feels they have a good understanding of the shoulder pain, ask them to try to decrease the pain with breathing techniques, and massage.</p>
<h2><strong>Post-release care for the infraspinatus muscle</strong></h2>
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<p>As with any muscle release, it’s important to follow a program of post-release care for the infraspinatus. This will allow the muscles to heal and recover and avoid re-injury. Here are a few things you can do to help your client recover from the release of the infraspinatus muscle: - Massage - This is a great way to decrease muscle tightness and increase blood flow to the muscles. - Ice - This can help to decrease inflammation and reduce pain. - Stretch - Hold each stretch for 30 seconds, three times a day. - Strengthening - Strengthening exercises can help to maintain muscle function, as well as improve joint stability.</p>
<p>The infraspinatus muscle is connected to the scapulae, infraspinatus, and supraspinatus muscles, and abducts the arm at the shoulder joint. It also flexes the arm at the elbow and helps to stabilize the humeral head. The infraspinatus is often injured when another muscle is contracted, and is therefore important to release if you’ve injured it. It’s a fairly common injury, and is often seen in athletes who play a position that requires heavy rotation of the arm.</p>

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