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Are you there huh. You're breaking up? Are you driving you are breaking up a little bit. Oh um, no she always walked on crutches after she had Joe and Tim. I don't know why but when Polio came out they didn't really know it was a virus. They don't know what it was so they used all of things like they put her in at body cast one year. She was 15 years old and then um, they did surgeries on her knees. Who knows why I mean this is for Polio is a virus that attacks on your body and it goes away that'd be like doing surgery for a cold score on your mouth I don't know that's a virus but these surgeries that they happen to do on this one leg started wearing out and it kept going back and so her knee was just giving out on her. So that is when she went into a wheelchair they offer her we stiffen it or you can walk on braces so you can have braces so the state paid for most this. So they got her braces and the day they came she threw them in the closet I'm not wearing those things so she just went to a wheelchair and then deal with it. But um, the reason why she was adverse to braces is because her best friend Merry yeah I know you've meet her I called her aunt Terry they were best friends and they met when they were little they both had polio well Terry had to wear braces and my mom never said anything to her but she always thought to herself. Oh at least I don't have to wear braces you know when you think about what might be better for you or whatever so when they showed her those in the 50s after being a kid in the twenties she just said no way am I wearing those you can't stiffen my leg how am I gonna get up to the stove to cook and how am I gonna wash dishes so she just choose not to we were always there we helped her with the boys that's why they feel more like my kids than my brothers oh okay okay.
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