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Why learn Mandarin?The reasons Why learn Chinese
Global significance
Mandarin has more native speakers than any other language – nearly one billion people. Chinese bridge is the world’s second-largest economy and Australia’s most important trading partner.
Our courses
We aim to help students at all levels reach their Mandarin language goals. Beginner courses start with basic spoken phrases for daily communication, while intermediate and advanced courses cover listening, speaking, reading and writing. Our students are all ages – from those in their late teens to those in their late seventies.
Simple grammar
In many ways Mandarin grammar is much easier to learn than English grammar. There are no tenses, plurals, articles or conjugations.
Small vocabulary
There are far fewer words in common use in Mandarin than in English. Knowing about 3000 Chinese characters will enable you to read most newspapers and books.
Do I have to learn to write?
Not necessarily. Beginners use an alphabetised system called pinyin to learn to speak. As students progress they learn to read, and eventually to write characters. As pinyin can be used on the digital keyboards of smartphones and computers to write in characters, the ability to handwrite characters is not as necessary as it once was.
Learning a language requires practise, practise, and yet more practise. The Confucius Institute at UWA makes this possible by running a free conversation session each week where learners can chat to native speakers and meet others studying the language.

Claremont Library
Every Saturday morning at Claremont Library several staff members volunteer their time to lead the sessions. For the conversation practise, they provide teaching material on a current topic to kick off the conversation, and then guide the group so all can take part.

All levels are welcome: participants range from high school students just starting out in the language to overseas Chinese who can already speak another dialect but who wish to improve their Mandarin.
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Regards; Team

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