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hello it is me again i wanted to say what i have to tell you and then you can tell me about your day i
promise just give me about three minutes let me spill my guts guests about the other night and then i
will listen to you without any interruptions for as long as you want to talk okay thanks and it is best if
you just listen and save your questions for after i'm finished otherwise i don't think i'm going to be able
to make it through everything i'm sorry you know what if you have a question while i'm talking go ahead
and ask i'm not going to stop you from asking i'm not trying going to sound like too much of a chatterbox
but like i said i just can't hold it in any longer okay so yesterday my friend ruby asked me to go to the
mall with her after work for the big end of season sale going on at fashion place mall and you know me
of course i said yes i am never opposed to accompanying a friend to catch a good sale because who
knows when that opportunity will rise again and i don't like to buy anything at the mall unless it's on
sale because it is so expensive anyway ruby said she would come over to pick me up as soon as i got
home from work and we would go so i rushed home to get a snack and put on some comfortable shoes
because who knows how long a trip to the mall could take when there is a huge sale going on so moving
on ruby finally comes over to get me and we make our way to the shopping center and of course have a
hard time finding a parking spot so we end up parking towards the very back as soon as we
enterentered the mall i kid you not ruby just darted off like a child and did not have the common
curtsey to tell me what her plan was as she was running away i asked her where she was going and
she just shouted back and i'll meet you in the food court in an hour and disappeared into the crowd
what kind of a companion does that ruby just abandoned me and i did not predict that would happen so
i tried not to panic and just decided to do my own thing and see if i really would end up meeting with
her in an hour i had to fight all my frustration and just focus on finding good deals but somehow i wasn't
finding anything i liked or it would be too expensive so that made the me experience a lot worse i kept
checking my watch to see if it had been an hour because i was paranoid that i would lose track of time
and ruby would just drive home without me she had forgotten all about me as soon as we got to the
mall so why would she remember me when she's/she was departing it was just too risky so as soon as
45 minutes passed i went to the food court to patiently wait for her just in case she showed up early and
guessed what ended up end of that happening she showed up right at an hour which made me relieved
because i wasn't about to saunterpointer on home no way i could have used those other 15 minutes
to discover exactly what i was looking for i never did end up getting anything for myself because i think
being frustrated made me not want it to purchase anything but ruby apologized after she saw how
angry i was with her we sorted it out and she reassured me it wouldn't happen again i still don't know if i
want to take another adventure to the mall with her though i'm the kind of person that needs to take
my time when shopping because if i don't i'll end up having to make quick decisions and might get
something that i really don't want hey my mom is actually on the other line i'll call you right back so you
can tell me about your day talk to you in a few minutes byebye by
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Regards; Team

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