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He had made simple rice with vegetables for his daughter. He made something more meat-based for Kuroo. He harbored a deep love for meat too, though Yuki refused to eat anything different than her dad. He would eat rice for her to show her how good it was. Life as a dad. The benefit was how easy it was, and the short time in making the dishes.

As the dinner was on the stove, on very low heat, Bokuto decided to wake the two up. It wasn't good to have his daughter sleep too much during the day. As for Kuroo, Kenma would be worried about his whereabouts if the man didn't give any sign of life during the day. The first method was to wake Yuki up quietly and carry her out of the room despite her protests. Bokuto told her to wait, to which she surprisingly agreed.

For Kuroo, he uncovered the blinds to expose him to the light. He had water as a second plan in case the man didn't wake up. Luckily for him, Kuroo cringed and heaved a sigh. Bokuto then had fun ripping the blanket off of Kuroo, who cussed under his breath.

"Wake up already, your routine is going to be destroyed" Bokuto pointed out, and rested his hands on his hips.

"You say that as if you're my dad" Kuroo pointed out mildly aggressively. A tired Kuroo was a pissed Kuroo. Bokuto knew that much but had to force his friend awake.

"I made food. Get downstairs, now. Yuki dinnertime is already delayed." Bokuto changed his tone from playful to serious. He wouldn't wait another hour. She needed her evening food too.

"Alright alright," Kuroo rubbed his eyes and yawned deeply. His head felt groggy, and his throat was as dry as anything under the sun. However, the nap brought satisfaction to the hardworking man.

Bokuto impatiently waited for sleeping beauty and stared intensely at him until he moved his legs. Kuroo frowned under his stare but ended up on his two feet. Much to Bokuto's satisfaction, Kuroo left the room. Before Bokuto could stop him, Kuroo swept up his daughter in his arms and dramatically did a fast walk down the stairs. He couldn't care less about Bokuto's protective scoldings in the background, drowned in her laughter.

Nonetheless, both of them got food. Bokuto helped feed Yuki, while Kuroo went at the plate like a hyena. He refused to eat like any normal human. Bokuto didn't expect much of him regardless.

"I wish there was a way to platonically marry your best friend, like, making sure best friends can't legally unfriend you," Kuroo pointed out, and smiled widely at the great taste of the stake. He enjoyed ketchup, potato mash, and cooked vegetables with his simple stake.

"Last thing I would do is platonically marry you. Eat." Bokuto retorted and ate from the same plate as Yuki. One could say they shared the rice from the plate. Yuki could be heard asking what uncle Kuroo was eating, to which Bokuto explained why it was bad. It wasn't specifically bad for her, but he knew she wouldn't like it. There were better nutrients for her.

"Rude.." Kuroo replied in offense to the comment Bokuto forgot all about.

"So, I have something I want to tell you." Bokuto willingly ignored Kuroo's eyeroll and cleared his throat in preparation for the exciting news.

"Okay...." Kuroo avoided the urge to clasp his hands together in anticipation. He stared at Bokuto intently, until he started speaking.

"I went to the manga store to collect manga for Yuki... And.. Guess who I met" Bokuto led up to Kuroo's own brain cells to piece together the details. He withheld a grin, to which Kuroo's face went blank once he got it.

"No," Kuroo replied as a matter-of-fact, in disbelief over who his best friend had just encountered.

"Yes," Bokuto stated, completely dead serious. He bit back a smile of amusement from watching his reaction.

"No," Kuroo stated once again, more in denial than disbelief this time. If this was true, it would mean the psychic was right. Kuroo was fast to reach conclusions that might stem from anything but the truth.

"Yes," Bokuto repeated, with a faint laugh after the response.

"No way." Kuroo finally replied, and widened his eyes once he realized Bokuto wasn't joking.

"Yes, way," Bokuto replied for the one last time before Kuroo would get it through his skull.

"Are you joking?" Kuroo asked again as if Bokuto already hadn't made it clear.

"No, I met Akaashi," Bokuto spoke his name for the first time in front of Kuroo. The name rang a bell in both of their heads. Kuroo reversed his memory to the day they went to the psychic. He could only remember the drawing.

"Holy... I got goosebumps" Kuroo zoomed his hands away from the plate, and touched his own arms to find the arisen hair defying gravity.

"Yeah. I.. Talked to him for a while" Bokuto continued, and watched Kuroo's jaw lower. He was lucky not to have a bite of food in his mouth.

"Did you land a date??" Kuroo exasperated, to which he was met with a dumb stare. Bokuto raised his eyebrows and nodded sarcastically.

"Are you dumb?" Bokuto replied and scoffed at the stupid remark. It should be obvious to Kuroo that the question was in fact stupid.

"Why didn't youu ask?" Kuroo whined and groaned at Bokuto's passive nature. He would have assumed someone like his best friend would be more active. If not a date, there should've been some action.

"Are you dumb?" Bokuto asked as if he was asking a factual question. He continued feeding Yuki, who was almost full.

"Why not?" Kuroo protested and stared at him in disbelief. He didn't get why Bokuto didn't go active or do anything.

"Are you dumb?" Bokuto asked again and cleared his throat. He looked at Kuroo as if he was the dumbest person on the planet.

"Bokuto, are YOU dumb?" Kuroo fired back and cleared his throat in return. He was fully prepared to explain and argue his views.

"No, you are. Are you insane? Do you think this is a Sci-fi, romance movie?" Bokuto's voice heightened in pitch and waved his hand in disbelief

"It's completely normal to ask someone on a date!" Kuroo insisted and believed Bokuto ruined his chances. He truly believed Bokuto could've asked Akaashi for something. Something, at least.

"Not the first time you meet, at their work, randomly, spontaneously?" Bokuto argued back. Kuroo stayed silent and rolled his eyes. Bokuto instantly knew he won the argument. He assumed Kuroo would stop being stupid, though he was wrong.

"Okay, what about his number. Tell me what he looked like?" Kuroo asked two questions, though Bokuto only reacted to one of them.

"Are you dumb?" Bokuto repeated the rhetorical question, though he knew the answer to that one.

"Stop asking me that. Was he handsome?" Kuroo whined but changed his tone to a genuinely interested tone. Bokuto blinked at the question, almost caught off guard by it. He had to look back at his memories, to see whether he viewed Akaashi as attractive.

"Yes, admittedly he looks better in real life. The drawing didn't bring out his eyes, jawline, curls." Bokuto described and realized how he had an attractive man within his reach. This could be the step in his romantic life, that he desperately needed.

"Alright, alright, good thing we don't have a Catfish on our hands," Kuroo sighed in relief, which arguably didn't make sense. Yuki now denied being fed any more bites, and Bokuto knew she was at her limit of fullness. She craved "eggy", which was the chocolate egg he would hide in the living room. Bokuto encouraged her to look for it, to which Kuroo added exciting sound effects to make it fun.

"Kuroo I miss it when you were quietly asleep," Bokuto replied since everything from Kuroo's mouth seemed to sound stupid or nonsense.

"Okay fine, just continue. What's next now. You've met him. How was the interaction? Did you flirt? If you ask me if I'm dumb again I'll be mad" Kuroo defended himself before he could be attacked. Bokuto rolled his eyes and decided to reply like a civil best friend.

"No, I didn't flirt. I just smiled, made him smile, made him laugh. We had a very sweet interaction. He messed up the machine thing, I hopefully calmed him down from embarrassment. He appreciated me, I appreciated him." Bokuto described the interaction and tried not to leave out any important details.

"Sounds like chemistry to me" Kuroo whistled, and raised an eyebrow. Bokuto first made it sound like any ordinary interaction. Kuroo viewed laughter and repeated smiles as something flirt and chemistry-related.

"Everything sounds like chemistry to you ever since you failed that very subject," Bokuto childishly pushed his buttons with irrelevant facts. However, he needed to tear down Kuroo's current confidence to convince him how wrong he was.

"Shut it, you failed twice." Kuroo bit back, although Bokuto gave him an offended look. He had three comebacks and roasts to respond with. He could roast his hair again, or his trashy cooking skills. However, Bokuto decided to be mature.

"Tetsu," Bokuto whined and clasped his forehead with his hand.
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