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Wilburs revenge
by me izzy

it was raining and Wilbur went to go see Quackity with Tommy to see how he was doing sense Charlie had died Wilbur knew how badly Quackity wanted to see Charlie again Wilbur and Tommy thought they could go cheer up Quackity with some jokes or anything just to make him laugh or to make him leave this never ending sadness that Quackity contains up in his mind "hey Big Q how are you?" Wilbur said "still trying to think of revenge on purple" tommy said "yes" said Quackity "i just want to kill him". "We know how much he meant to you" Wilbur said with a hint of a sad tone in his voice "he was the only one I could trust with Las Nevadas .. he was like a son to me" he had a bit of a choke in his voice like he was gonna cry Quackity told Tommy and Wilbur to leave so he could cry. Wilbur tried to think of a way to get back at purple for killing Charlie
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