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Modern halal meat is a mockery of Islam | Halal Meat in Seoul
Eating meat in Islam isn't a right or a duty. intake meat may be a privilege, extended to United States of America by God with responsibilities attached.
Unfortunately, several Muslims nowadays don’t appear to worry regarding the food they eat, at the expense of their akirah. this text is a warning to Muslims round the world to begin listening before its too late.
unshapely chickens saved from a cage chicken farm.
Industrial meat, egg and dairy farm operations operate underneath a capitalist system, not the Shariah. Consequently the sole necessary part is money, not animal we tend tolfare or health. underneath the Islamic law animals have rights. Abuse of animals is haram. If you’re acquainted with Islam then you recognize a lady visited hell for denying a cat chow and water and on the day of judgement Muslims can need to account for his or her treatment of animals too.
therefore how are you reaching to confirm to God on the day of judgement your call to support a system that's inherently cruel and violates the rights of animals? during a sahih hadith the Prophet (saw) warns us that we’ll be cursed if we mistreat animals.
Jabir reported: The courier of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, prohibited beating or cauterizing animals on the face.
In another narration, the Prophet said, “Allah has cursed whoever will this. Let not one amongst you mark the face or strike it.”
nonetheless most industrial animal facilities habitually beat animals and cauterize them on their face. of course de-beaking (burning the beak off) is routine in all cage and battery chicken facilities. If you get cage or battery chicken you’re providing a money incentive for these corporations to keep burning these chickens beaks off. however can you as a Muslim make a case for your actions to God on the day of judgement?
Young chicken having its beak burned off so it won’t be able to peck alternative chickens in its cage because of stress.
typically folks will counter this time by speech that whereas their treatment is wrong, as a result of they were slaughtered properly the meat continues to be halal. This may be true, however its a technical truth that goes against the spirit of this religion, similar to temporary wedding (Mutah or Misyar — Dont believe me? See what Qaradawi says regarding it). Furthermore, simply because it's halal doesn’t mean you have got to shop for it, and whereas you would possibly not be tortured for intake the meat you might be punished for supporting the system. does one need to require that risk?
Chicken with mutilated beak from a caged chicken farm.
Furthermore, eating meat on a daily basis comes at the expense of the broader globe. The carbon footprint from the meat trade grows with each passing second and also the damaging results from temperature change are already having a terrible effect (particularly in several Muslim countries). we all know the Prophet (saw) and also the Sahaba seldom Ate meat therefore why can we ought to eat it on a daily basis? albeit you argue that they rarely ate it as a result of they were typically poor or travel you would like to raise yourself the one most vital question:
Would the Prophet (saw) do that today?
Would he eat meat from tortured animals? Would he eat meat each day knowing however harmful industrial farming practices were on the globe? Would he obtain meat knowing his cash would be wont to support a system that causes nothing however pain, misery and destruction?
suppose halal korean foods and exhausting regarding those questions.
This doesn’t mean you have got to prevent intake meat though, but if you wish to really respect the Islamic law and follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) then you would like to actually recognize what you’re eating. which means disbursal extra money to shop for unenclosed meat product that are in line with the spirit of the Shariah. It conjointly means putt your money wherever your mouth is and not supporting halal businesses that supply their meat from unethical suppliers. If you have got a favourite eating house that cooks superb chicken biryani, ascertain wherever they get their chicken from and if its not acceptable tell them.

At the tip of the day the selection is yours however if you're keen on this faith and you care regarding your akhirah then stop treating animals like commodities and treat them like our Prophet (saw) would. discuss with your oldsters about this issue. discuss with your families about this issue. Share this text on twitter or on facebook and shield yourself from hell-fire
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