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Subject: Writing and Philosophy.

(Writing) I would offer to adapt my writing to a vocabulary configuration that gives you fewer headaches, but if I offered that to you, I would not be loyal to myself. From my perspective, one of the worst betrayals is not someone being disloyal to us, but disloyalty coming from us to ourselves. Therefore, I seek to do for myself what I would desire being humans to be able to do for himself, as I also want them to be able to do to each other, one day, what they would desire to receive and also witness being done to their loved ones. I have always enjoyed learning new things, putting them into practice and improving them; for words are among them. The love of reading, writing, and the liking for role-playing games, all this helped shape my vocabulary. I also have always been one of the best friends of language dictionaries and glossaries. (🤓)

(Philosophy) Everything you have read so far, the philosophical and poetic ponderations and vocabulary, the personal expression of style, incluid, are the reflect of my essence, an essence that I allow to pour into any character I create for possible narrative purposes — As an enthusiast of the text role-playing game, I feel in this activity an entertaining way of exercising the imagination and the writing as well.

Nor one nor the other. 🤭 But I am flattered to emanate a philosophical aura at this point. 🧐📖 (😝) However, I consider myself an eternal learner with a tendency to delve deeper into everything that gets and nourishes my interest. Although I am not a teacher, when necessary, I usually guide someone in the direction they want and need in a responsible way. As I taught a little self-defense to a woman-friend of mine I was playing with at the time (it was a friend of mine whose character's face was used by her was the American actress Amber Heard, who plays Mera from 'Aquaman'). She confided in me that one day outside the universe of the game she was being harassed while dancing at a party. The boy grabbed her and stole a kiss that left her paralyzed, unable to free herself from his vile embrace. Given the vulnerable content of her report, I felt the need to provide her with at least a basis for self-protection and I did so through a textual role-playing game.

Subject: Formality.

I recognize that my formality may be quite strange and peculiar to some people. Some find it deadly dull and some find it fairly intriguing, for their own reasons. Regardless of whether this detail about myself comes out positive or negative to others' eyes, it concerns uniquely those people and not me because it is something that comes from their own perception, not mine. A perception shaped by the environment, the society, the family, the friendships, and yes, by themselves, of course. May well be echoing events from other lives, as well, that come to influence certain traits of their personality. A personal theory. I believe in the immortality of the spirit and reincarnation. But I respect with an open heart other beliefs and faith. Because for me, religions are constructions of man and faith comes from God, Goddess, Gods, the Universe. Be what they call the driving Force of All Creation. I even feel that atheists, on their own way, connect to a force greater than anything else. If an atheist is gentle and kind; if embraces fraternal love and seeks to be the best versions of themselves and positively inspires others, that is a prayer. Being and making a difference for the right reasons is a silent yet powerful prayer, Hivic.

Since "I am not harming anyone, being who I am as I am, why should I change?", I used to think to myself, in reference to the need of many to fit into the molds of others. I feel that we must not submit to fit into places, hearts, minds and lives that does not welcome our beings with warm and vibrant joy. It would be like practicing self-mutilation with non-toxic traits of our personality that we do not feel ashamed to let the light on, but in some cases end up being felt as shameful by us at some point due to the impact that others' perceptions can have on us. If words and actions were tattooed on the skin, I doubt that humanity and the Earth would be in the direction and condition it is in. On conclusion, my presence is not for everyone. You can see this in the absence of hundreds of people on my profile. I do not crave popularity, nor do I covey having around thousands of friendship requests accepted stripped of any sincere friendship sense. My presence here is for people like you, Hivic, who could have closed the door on me even after the first few interactions and you did not; on the contrary, you have kept this metaphorical door unlocked for me ever since. And if you ever need to leave that door closed (lock yourself in, for your own reasons), I feel you will leave a window open for me to pass through, like the raven of yours do. Even knowing that I may take a while to return or suddenly disappear from one hour to the next in the middle of a conversation, which will be resumed days later. I feel that you would do this for people like me, who from the first conversation have been transparent and let you see through the showcase of being, the flaws exposed and not just the qualities. For example me, you know, because I let you know in advance that I can be away indefinitely at any time. Something that would generally repel most people, does not seem to have that effect on you, does not repel you, although it might steal your peace a little, and squeeze some anxiety triggers, itching the curiosity to know the next words from me addressed to you.

I theorize that, in this short time of coexistence between us, I have deserved in your eyes the wait for an answer from me. For my company. Because you genuinely appreciate both. Thank you for your acceptance and understanding.

Subject: Anime.

I am flattered by your comparison and will add Kakashi to the comparison list. I am also honored to be compared to a character who, in his way, captivated a heart to the point of to evoked his memory over it through my way of being.
I also enjoy anime immensely, although I have not been in the company of any in a while. Are you following any particular anime that you have affection for? And as for the dramas, are they even minimal to your liking? Tell me a bit about some of your favorite things: favourite movie, book, mobile device game. One of your favourite places around here.
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