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Look Aden I'll be pretty straight forward with you here. For 5 years I had this same problem. I needed someone to love, I felt lonely. I saw people having all kinds of relationships, and it broke my heart. I saw how happy they were, I needed that.

And like Suretta said, I expected them to love me back, and that caused the biggest heartbreaks. One day I asked myself this same question, why do I fall in love so easily? What's wrong with me?

Let me tell you something, I had a lot of insecurities, little to no self esteem, hardly any confidence and really felt inferior. These all combined were the roots of the initial problem. It wasn't until I began to understand and to know how a great person I am, how much potential I have. I longed for someone to love me, when what I truly needed was to love myself.

That's what I want you to do, love yourself. I want you to be more confident, there are lots of confidence hacks here you can browse them easily. I want you to look at yourself in the mirror, and see where you need to improve. You're a bit skinny? Gain some weight. A bit over weight? Lose some. Go to the gym, exercise, let that negative energy out and in the process you'll get a nice and healthy body. You need money? Go get a job.

I want you to follow the mature people here, just scroll down your feed and read their answers, follow them, imitate their good habits, follow their advice.

I started my journey 2 years ago, and since then I never looked back but for motivation. Whenever I feel lazy, I ask myself, do you really wanna go back to that place?

I want you to forget the idea of falling in love easily. That's not how you're gonna get a GF. You'll sound and look needy, not confident with no self esteem. I want you to remember this every night!

Ask yourself, if I loved this girl, why would she love me back? What do I have to offer? If you say little or nothing, I want you to go out there and improve yourself. Follow the advice I've given you, follow all of them.

You'll never have this problem again in your life, girls will come talking to you, they'll find you interesting. You'll find out that you can actually be friend with girls and not love them. Your whole life will become better.

How do I know all this?

Because I did all this, because I know how much happy I am today. I owe it to myself, I owe it to that 15 y/o me who had his heart broken every second. And I took a vow to help everyone who's feeling the same, to tell them, You can do it, you can get through this. It's gonna take some time and effort but it's worth every second. The happiness I feel right now cannot be bought. So go out there and make yourself proud, and trust me, you'll love it up here.
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Regards; Team

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