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Anaqi was cleaning his room as his family was moving out to another house. When he opened his wardrobe a frame fell. ''Hmmm,what frame is this?" he said flipping the frame the other side of it. It was a picture of him and one of his ex best friend,Rifqi. It reminded him of it. Suddenly, memories of the past replayed in his mind...

''Riiing!" Anaqi's phone rang. He saw that it was his best friend, Rifqi. He picked it up. ''Hey! want to hang out in the movies tomorrow? I booked the tickets already. Don't be late! Be there by 10am okay?" said Rifqi. ''Sure!" replied Anaqi with excitement. They hung up. Anaqi ran to his mother who is cooking and asked if he could go out with Rifqi tomorrow to watch the movie, 'Thor, the love and thunder..'' His mother agreed. Anaqi straight away set an alarm as he is always late for appointment or whenever they meet each other. He set the alarm around 8.00am and went to sleep.

The next day, he woke up late, ''Oh, no It's already 9:30!?I am going to be late for the movies!" shouted Anaqi while running to the bathroom. He wore his clothes, took his bag, wore his shoes and run to the carpark. While running to the carpark, he was about to take out his car keys to unlock it. He realised that he had put it at the dinner table while wearing his shoes! He ran to the stairs and went back to his house take his keys and ran down the stairs again. When he was inside his car, he kept thinking what his alarm did not go off. ''Oh, I remember that I woke up but sleep back because I was too tired. OMG, how careless can iI be?" said Anaqi in his heart. After thinking about that, he was thinking of how will Rifqi act or feel. Suddenly, there was a jam! It was because a tree that fell! '' What is happening today? First it was the alarm the the keys now this? Ugh! why must all of this happened to me?" said Anaqi in his heart. The movie is going to start at 5 minutes time!

After an hour, someone finally removed the tree from the road. Maqil was still scared if Rifqi will be mad and the movie was probably ending. When Anaqi had finally reach the theater, he saw Rifqi sitting at the bench, starring at him with flames inside. Anaqi quickly ran to him and apologise to him straight away. Anaqi was begging Rifqi to forgive him but Rifqi did not accept it. '' Rifqi, why do you not want to forgive me?'' said Anaqi with confusion. Rifqi replied '' You want to know why?! It's because I have reminded you in the call I said 'Don't be late for the movie!' Now you're here late for the 100th time!'' said Rifqi with anger . Anaqi was also angry beacause it was not his fault so he threw his bag down and started to arrgue with Rifqi. While they were arguing, they did not relised that there was people taking videos and posting it in the social media like instagram, tiktok and more. After they stop arguing they said, ''bye loser" to each other and left. that was the last time they met each other.

When Anaqi reached home, he realised that the person that he argued with was his best friend for 12 years. He instantly regret it. He wanted to say sorry but it was too late, Rifqi had already blocked him from each and every social media. Anaqi went to take a quick shower. After he was done, he was just scrolling through his social media when he came across a video, it was him and Rifqi arguing and heard alot of bad words inside it. he could not believe it, to make sure he went to the other social media and saw the same video. While for Rifqi he saw the video too and decided to fix problems between him and Anaqi. So he unblocked Anaqi and told him that '' I'm sorry for what I did to you this morning, I did not meant to,i was just angry and was not in the correct mindset all that I thought about was you showing up late to the movie. I hope you forgive me and speak to me at school. I also hope we cuold be best friend again!'' ''Diiing!'' a message showed up at Rifqi phone, it was from Anaqi, he replied i am also sorry and i was about to text you too and ask about this and of course yes we could be friends again and maybe i will try my best to not be late." Rifqi was happy that he jumped on his bed alot of times until he was tired. The next day at school, the were friends again. ''ANAQIIIII!!!! HELLO!'' He stopped remembering from tje past and came back to the the present. He also saw his mother calling him to stopped daydreaming and start to pack.
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