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water the 3rd source of our life we cant life without water that much precious the water so always we need to use water limitedly and don't need to waste or pollute water its harmful for us and the aqua lifestyles also so coming to the topic today lets discuss how rains, floods, droughts will occur and how we get water for our daily uses and public uses and for what things we use water

first how rains occur
the rain has four main steps in these steps i will also tell you how we get water for our uses becuase

the last step is about collecting water

seriously need to tell means we get water in three forms from nature [solid form is ice ice freezes at the temperature of 0 degrees] and [liquid form its present in oceans ,seas, rivers, lakes ex] [gaseous form nothing but its present in the atmosphere we cannot see it melts at 100 degrees ] when we heat water it turn into gaseous if we collect that gas and freeze it will turn into ice if we melt ice it will turn into water

first step evaporation
evaporation is the process of water turn into water vapor by the heat of the sun it evaporates from water bodies

second step condensation
the water vapor will rise up into the atmosphere and mix with some dust particles and form tiny droplets of water vapor as clouds

third step is precipitation
the clouds become too heavy and fall as [rain , snow , sleet , hail ] from the sky

fourth step is collection and run off
the poured rain only will be collected by earth soil it don't collect snow , sleet and hail that is collection
and sometimes the rain will flow off and mix up with rivers and then oceans and seas it is run off

now how floods will occur
sometimes the rain will be heavy and the earth's soil does not absorb the water at that time floods will occur

how droughts will occur
sometimes the rains will less or there's no rain sometimes then the ground water level will be decreased and leads to drought

how we get water
from the ground water the water will go through rivers , ponds , lakes and other small water resources and the water management will purify them for drinking and supply them to our water purifiers at home by small pipes or tubes

for which purposes we use water at home
cleaning house
washing clothes
washing utensils
watering plants

public use
agricultural purposes
to generate electricity
for industrial purposes

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