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Heroes-WoW - Private Server Not Worth Playing On

I'll keep it simple and use TLDR labelling at the beginning of each grievance.

TLDR = Pay 2 Win.

You can buy gear and buffs with extremely high stats. These items cannot be dropped in-game and are not made accessible to non-donors. A person who spends a few hundred dollars online can kill an individual who has played through all of the game content and obtained all the best in-game gear in a matter of seconds.


Blue text will often appear on your screen in the area where raid warnings should be. This text is usually from the game masters on the server and is often nonsensical. A broadcast might read, "Why re you reding dis wen't u shud playin game?" Other times the same message is broadcast over and over again, like "Hey there, look here". After a few times, they will send a larger skill icon that consumes your screen.
all about private wow servers

The unprofessionalism goes on. You may have just finished your raiding night and spent an hour assembling a team using their "1 LFR/minute in all channels" rule. You will hear a server broadcast saying that the server will "lag for 10 minutes" in the middle of your raid. It is so bad that you might want to log off. After this long period of lag, the server will notify you that it will restart in 5 mins. The gms may not wait the full five minutes and restart the server when only a few seconds have passed.

3) TLDR: Forced Donation through PvP Griefing. Heroes-WoW boasts a non-linear PvE Raid Progression scheme. I say non-linear with respect to the raid order on Blizz-like WoTLK servers. One of the entry level raids for ICC is the Lichking. The gunship does not work, the Lichking is only available in 25 men, and the Lichking is very buggy which often results in having to force the wow server to close to allow you to play again.

To progress through their raids you will need their tier-specific gear. They purposely placed their tier 15 instance in a PvP zone, Wintergrasp - which is populated by (you guessed it) their donor pvp griefers. Teleporting to Wintergrasp often results in an AoE attack that kills the entire raid in 1-2 hits. Then you get a rude comment about you being a "nab" and then a nice emote where a "griefer cries on you shoulder". There are two options. You have two options: either buy their donor equipment and pvp them on equal footing, OR you can leave the server.

To make matters worse, the game masters will play in the battle grounds and arenas! Yes, the game masters will give themselves the best gear in the game and join battle grounds and arenas to grief their players. The most common conversation before joining a battlefield is: "Want you to join a Bg?" "Uhm, is X GM on? If so, then "no."

4) TLDR GMs Donor Bash Their Supporters

The staff does not show respect for Heroes-WoW's entire player base. While there are some cases of preferential treatment, I am not referring to everyone. Non-donating players have no real ties to the server so the donators are the ones who show the most disrespect. You can see a variety of cases where players purchased extremely expensive gear items from the donation shop but did not receive it in-game. I witnessed the worst case scenario, a player who struggled with staff for 16 consecutive days (yes! 16 days) - trying to get the gear he purchased in game - before finally leaving the server, without a refund.

TLDR: More bugs than the average private server.

This server is full of bugs. Each evening, at varying times, the owner will restart their server to update the core trinity software they use. With such frequent updates, you would think that most of their issues could be resolved. For example, resetting the server during a boss encounter. These core updates don't improve game play, but that is the truth. Despite constant reboots to upgrade their core, the bugs in their raid encounters remain unattended for many months. They are, more or less, installing new software updates and hoping the complaints will go away after the new patch.

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