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1. Assign a tag of (+1) to every 2- 6 ranked cards and a tag of (–1) to every 10-A.

2. Start your count after the shuffle and add the tags to each card that is pulled from the deck.

3. When the running count is positive after any round, the undealt cards are richer in large cards; you should increase your bet size.

4. When the running count is negative after any round, the undealt cards are richer in small cards; you should decrease your bet size.

5. You will bet more money on positive counts, and less money on negative counts.

Use this tactic in LODIBET Casino now!


Card counting is a technique that lets blackjack players know when the advantage shifts in their favor. When Lodibet occurs, card counters will increase their bets. When the advantage shifts in favor of the dealer, the counter will make a smaller bet or no bet at all by not playing. Counters can gain a positive advantage over the casino by varying bets in this manner.

It’s been mathematically proven that high-value cards (i.e., tens, picture cards, and aces) benefit the player more than the dealer, while the low-value cards (i.e., twos through sixes) are more beneficial to the dealer. The remaining cards – sevens, eights, and nines – are essentially neutral. On average of LODIBET players, these cards don’t help the player or dealer very much.


After the dealer shuffles the cards, there is an equal number of high and low cards in the deck(s). Depending on which cards are dealt in the early rounds, the ratio of high to low cards in the remaining undealt cards most likely will change.

For example, if more low than high cards were played in the early rounds, then the remaining undealt cards must have a greater concentration of high versus low cards. When the latter occurs, card counters will bet more because they have a better chance of getting a blackjack (with a bonus 3-to-2 payout) and winning a double down in LODIBET.

In addition, if dealers show a low card, they will break more frequently when hitting their hand. If instead the undealt cards contain a higher concentration of low cards, this benefits dealers; by casino rules, dealers must hit their 12 through 16 hands, and the excess concentration of low cards will increase their chances of getting a pat 17 through 21 hand while decreasing their chances of busting.

Card counters must watch every card that is played and arithmetically add the tags for each card. The count after the shuffle always starts at zero. For example, let’s assume the first player had a three, six, and 10 for 19 and stands. The counter would add one, for the three card, add another one, for the six card, and subtract one, for the 10 card. At this point, his or her running count is “plus-one” (i.e., +1 + (+1) + (‒1) = +1).

The counter continues to add the tags of each card in every hand including the dealer’s hand until the end of the round. If Lodibet running count is positive, depending on how many cards have been played, the counter may have the edge on the next round and he or she will bet more in LODIBET.

The higher the positive count, and the more cards that have been played, the greater his or her edge, and the more the player will bet. If instead the count is negative, the counter knows there’s no edge, and he or she should bet small in the next round. The counter continues this process of counting the tags of each card from one round to the next, adjusting his or her bets depending on whether the running count is positive or negative.

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