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Card Counting In Blackjack – Guide, How To & FAQ

Learn how to count cards in Blackjack to increase your edge over the house. Understand the various blackjack card counting systems in LODIBET Casino.

Card counting in blackjack is a much-discussed and often, debated topic. Here, we attempt to throw light on everything about this interesting technique, right from how it started to the ways of card counting and also, how casinos try to prevent players from using card counting in a game of blackjack being played in the casino.


Card counting is a math-based strategy used in blackjack to determine whether the next hand will be of probable advantage to the player or the dealer. The aim and intention of the card counters are to keep a count of the high and low-value cards as can be seen in the game and thereby, try to minimize the house edge of the LODIBET casino. As card counting enables the players to get an idea of the composition of the remaining cards that are yet to be dealt and played, they are able to make better decisions and minimize losses.

The technique of card counting is also referred to as card reading when used in trick-taking games like spades and contract bridge. Card counting also may be useful in certain poker variants.


Blackjack card counting is a strategic process that works by keeping a running count. The basic card counting system assigns a positive, negative, and zero value to each card. The point values that are assigned to the cards should correlate to the individual card's Effect of Removal (EOR). EOR is basically the estimated effect of removing a particular card from the game and how it affects the house edge percentage.

When a card of a certain value is dealt with, the count is adjusted by means of the card's counting value. Accordingly, low cards increase the percentage of the high cards in the remaining set of cards and thereby, increase the count also. The high cards, on the other hand, decrease the count for just the exact opposite reason. As an example, the Hi-Lo card counting system subtracts 1 for each dealt 10. King, Queen, Jack, and Ace and adds 1 for any values between 2 and 6. The values 7 to 9 do not affect the count because they are assigned a value of 0.

The bit of information that the player gets access to by counting cards lets him understand when to bet big and when to bet small in LODIBET. Generally, having more low-numbered cards in the deck is bad because it means the player is unlikely to get a blackjack on the first two cards and that the dealer is more likely to bust.


Card counting in blackjack can be done by LODIBET players using the following 3 easy steps:

1. First, each card should be assigned a value, according to the plus-minus count. Cards 2 to 6 have a +1 count, cards 7 to 9 have a 0 or neutral count, and cards 10 through Ace have a -1 count.
2. The counting starts at 0. Players will add the card's value to the count as each card is dealt. For example, if an Ace, King, 2, 7, 6, 4, and 5 are dealt, the count is +2, based on the values of the cards. The dealer's face-down card is not counted until flipped.
3. The counting continues as cards are being dealt out of the deck. Betting decisions are taken based on the count. Ideally, a player should bet higher if the count is negative and lower if it is positive.

Using Lodibet , card counting can be done in the same way in online blackjack. Players would start counting after the cards are shuffled and dealt. After Lodibet given round, when the running count is positive and the undealt cards are mostly high cards, the players must increase the bet. When the opposite is the scenario, decreasing the bet is the way to go.

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