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{YOU'RE A FEMALE IN THIS STORY} its summer of 1982 in Brazil de Janeiro you're 18 years old you have a group of "surfer" type friends you come from a working class family from a very dangerous/poor area in the favela you like to party and be "reckless" you develop a drug problem of cocaine from being so wild and care-free you and your friends love to chill by the sea and smoke pot and party and campout and explore you have a group of 6 friends that are "hippie ish" that also "love to party and take drugs" one of your friends a boy who you love has an older brother who is in a gang one night his older brother runs into the house shouting at his little brother telling him to go and take the rucksack and run wait for me at the beach he runs to your house climbs up to your window and bangs you get startled and realise its him you run to the window to let him in he gasps frantically you tell him to calm down what's the matter why do you have blood on you he starts to cry and goes my brother he's in some sort of danger I just know he came in the house screaming at me he was shot bleeding I started to freakout and he just broke the floor boards and grabbed rucksack an threw it at me and told me to run he said hell meet me at the beach in the morning . he goes back home to find his brother gunned down in the home bullets everywhere the house trashed he cry holding his brother dead body, he opens up the rucksack and finds kilos of cocaine he runs to your house and tells you about the cocaine in the rucksack his brother gave him and that his brother has been brutally murdered saying he should've stayed with his brother and that if he did he would still be alive.. he screams them gangster scumbags left him like a dog he starts punching walls screaming I'm going to kill them fuckers all of them as he rants you try to calm him down you're crying saying its going to be okay its going to be okay you make love you wake up the next morning and he is sitting at the end of the bed cleaning a gun and he says its done you say what's done "panically" he says I killed that fuck that took my brother away from me you cry and jump on him and comfort him and he crys a couple weeks later he starts to come known for selling cocaine on the beach and in the favela and one of the gangsters hears about it and wonders how this young kid got so much and finds {AT THIS MOMENT OF TIME THE GANGSTER IS IN THE CAR LOOKING AT HIM FROM THE BACK WINDOW WITH HIS SICCARIOS} out that his brother is keecho who he had killed for stealing his cocaine wich wasn't found and one of the men he had sent was found dead in the favela he laughs and goes oh he he is KEECHOS little brother haha this little kid thinks he can steal from haha no no no no that silly little boy is a dead man walking his siccario says you want me to take him out now boss he goes chuckles and goes no why do that when we can be smart with no trouble and just kidnap him and chop him up in the night and dump that fucks body piece by piece in every bin across the favela the gangsters sicarios say very well boss and proceed to drive off now back to you and lover boy you are having the best time of your life living on the beach you have a massive party in the favela for "a new age" you and lover boy are there with your friends partying while the gangsters are on a killing spree murdering your entire family it's now late at night you still have no idea what's going on your lover boy says he's got to go sort some business "cocaine" down the road he gets up and walks of you have a strange feeling but you ignore it because your drunk you carry on partying 30 minutes later you hear multiple gunshots in the crowd you run as everyone scatters you remember lover boy you think the worst and run through all the commotion and find him laying their dead pool of blood brutally beaten brain exposed he has Been kidnapedd and and tourchured the cocaine deal was an ambush a favela kid "gangster" just no older than 13 years old walks up behind you and shoots you in the back of the head after one of siccarios tells him toad laugh saying good job little one the cycle continues.... THE END AUTHOR: CY JAMES COULTHARD
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