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WRUP: Things that are on Fire that should not be Edition
In honor of Cataclysm, we thought it was prudent to discuss the wide variety of things in MMOs that are on fire when they are not generally considered flammable, or at least not flammable for any desired purpose. The turtle above is a prime example. Turtles should not be on fire, no matter how big they are. What this photo doesn't reveal is that he's got a pocket healer from City of Heroes hiding behind a rock, and that "fire" is actually from the effects of Thermal Control. So it's healing fire.

Now that we've got the first lesson in proper flammability out of the way, it's time for everyone's favorite weekly feature in which the Massively staff tells our readers what we're playing: WRUP! And as a bonus, we decided to ask what everyone's feelings about elves are, since elves are also sometimes on fire when they really shouldn't be. Click on past the break to see our (possibly non-fire-related) activities, and let us know what you'll be doing in the comments!

Beau Hindman (@Beau_Hindman): I'll be playing some more Linkrealms. I am loving the game, so it will be good to let others hear about it! I am continuing my look into all games isometric by playing Ultima Online again (my account is 11 years old!) and RuneScape. I'm floored by the depth of some of the systems in all these games. Graphics obviously are not the only requirement for a cool game!

Elves? Hmmm... they're fine, but I don't understand why more games don't make up a race entirely. After all, there are no rules at all -- so why not create something brand-new?

Brendan Drain (@nyphur): This weekend we're running the first Massively Mob corporation event. Most of my free time will likely be taken up with that, and I'm also probably moving house this weekend. It'll be a busy weekend, but I'll be trying to squeeze in a few hours of World of Warcraft now that Cataclysm has launched. There just aren't enough hours in the day. As for elves, I'm totally for them. Who else would make all the toys at Christmas?

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna): Catawhat now? Yeah, that Cataclysm thing. I've been too busy to get very far, so hopefully I can dig in this weekend a bit.

I don't mind elves really, but usually games with elves also have other, better options. Like half-elves. And why would I play an elf over a gnome or a hobbit or an ithorian or a space demon? That's right, I wouldn't!

Eliot Lefebvre: World of Warcraft with Ms. Lady and Final Fantasy XIV with the usual suspects. Pretty much my usual routine, aside from trying to finish all my holiday shopping by the end of the weekend. Elves are sort of a mixed bag -- there are some stunningly good examples of doing interesting things with the the racial tropes (Final Fantasy XI) and then there's the ponderous ancient pointy-eared know-it-all played straight (Lord of the Rings Online). It's a case-by-case thing.

Greg Waller: I will be playing a mix of Warhammer Online and WoW. Yes, I got Cataclysm. I'm raising a new Worgen Warlock on Tichondrius. Between him and keeping my Magus on track, I'll be pretty busy spamming DoTs all over the internet.

As for elves, I would be lying if I didn't admit that Global Agenda's "No Elves" campaign offended me.

Jef Reahard: Darkfall and Age of Conan here, and I've been sucked back into Red Dead Redemption's multiplayer as well. I think I've played three elves in ten years of online gaming. I don't dislike them at all, they're just never my first choice for whatever reason.

Jeremy Stratton (@Jeremy_Stratton): I'll be working on my Finals Week achievement. It involves completing quests about indigenous races from all over the world, a poet and playwright, the history of playwrights and how the Internet has laws and regulations all over the world. They are all steeped in lore. Elves. Uh. Elves are elves. I don't like or dislike them anymore than dragons, wizards, dwarves or magic. I'd have to have a particularly unique version to compare them with the wider view to start talking about what I like or dislike.

Karen Bryan (@JayeRnH): I'll be dodging snowballs and kissing up to Santa Glugg in EverQuest II, and dodging more snowballs with my kids in Free Realms. I'm a sucker for in-game holiday events.

As for elves, I'm all for them. Gnomes, not so much.

Krystalle Voecks (@Krystalle): This is a gaming-free weekend for me -- I'm on vacation! Well, okay, I might play some Angry Birds or something, but that's about it.

As for elves, I tend to like them, with the exception of World of Warcraft's elves. The overly enormous limbs/hands/eyebrows are disturbing. I keep expecting Night Elf males to start walking on their knuckles like apes.

Larry Everett (@Shaddoe): I will be playing DC Universe Online and reading a Star Wars: The Old Republic book, which I can't name.

I get all my elf advice from Oxhorn: Stay away from those crooked elves. They look like women, and they smell like hell. So if you take my sound advice, keep a distance of at least 10 feet.

Lisa Poisso (@emused): No gaming for me; I'll be on the road. As for the elves -- for, of course. Along with pirates.

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