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Izrael - Kraj Laickiej Wiary - Racjonalista
Men in masses and the men of the masses, being guided solely by petty passions, paltry beliefs, traditions and sentimental theorems, fall a prey to party dissension, which hinders any kind of agreement even on the basis of a perfectly reasonable argument. 10. Is it possible for any sound logical mind to hope with any success to guide crowds by the aid of reasonable counsels and arguments, when any objection or contradiction, senseless though it may be, can be made and when such objection may find more favor with the people, whose powers of reasoning are superficial? Now that Providence has brought to the light of day these secret Protocols all men may clearly see the hidden personages specified by Disraeli at work „behind the scenes” of all the Governments. These are the surest spreaders of licentiousness into the lives of the leading men at the heads of nations. The blind cannot lead the blind without bringing them into the abyss; consequently, members of the mob, upstarts from the people even though they should be as a genius for wisdom, yet having no understanding of the political, cannot come forward as leaders of the mob without bringing the whole nation to ruin.

The idea of freedom is impossible of realization because oczywiście one knows how to use it with moderation. Weizmann knows all about them. 14. In any State in which there is a bad organization of authority, an impersonality of laws and of the rulers who have lost their personality amid the flood of rights ever multiplying out of liberalism, I find a new right - to attack by the right of the strong, and to scatter to the winds all existing forces of order and regulation, to reconstruct all institutions and to become the sovereign lord of those who have left to us the rights of their power by laying them down voluntarily in their liberalism. 1552. The fourth in Paris about 1790, in the time of Louis XVI. The second stage was in Rome in the time of Augustus, about 69 B.C.. They are not the „Board of Deputies” (the Jewish Parliament in England) or the „Universal Israelite Alliance” which sits in Paris. It is foretold that the Snake has still to finish its work, strictly adhering to the designed plan, until the course which it has to run is closed by the return of its head to Zion and until, by this means, the Snake has completed its round of Europe and has encircled it - and until, by dint of enchaining Europe, it has encompassed the whole world.

19. Only one trained from childhood for independent rule can have understanding of the words that can be made up of the political alphabet. Every resolution of a crowd depends upon a chance or packed majority, which, in its ignorance of political secrets, puts forth some ridiculous resolution that lays in the administration a seed of anarchy. 11. The political has nothing in common with the moral. And this is the „saying” of the Sages which Dr. 22. Behold the alcoholic animals, bemused with drink, the right to an immoderate use of which comes along with freedom. 8, 1920.) Now compare this with the last clause of but one of Protocol XI. Protocol III opens with a reference to the Symbolic Snake of Judaism. Such qualities must be the attributes of the kingdoms of the GOYIM, but we must in no wise be guided by them. 15. Our power in the present tottering condition of all forms of power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.

21. It is only with a despotic ruler that plans can be elaborated extensively and clearly in such a way as to distribute the whole properly among the several parts of the machinery of the State: from this the conclusion is inevitable that a satisfactory form of government for any country is one that concentrates in the hands of one responsible person. 16. Out of the temporary evil we are now compelled to commit will emerge the good of an unshakable rule, which will restore the regular course of the machinery of the national life, brought to naught by liberalism. Marsden means, not exactly the „body politic” but the entire machinery of politics. They reveal the converted plan of action of the Jewish Nation developed through the ages and edited by the Elders themselves up to date. WHO sprawdzian ? Parts and summaries of the plan have been published from time to time during the centuries as the secrets of the Elders have leaked out.

Herzl gives an account of his first visit to England in 1895, and his conversation with Colonel Goldsmid, a Jew brought up as a Christian, an officer in the English Army, and at heart a Jew Nationalist all the time. In the year 1844, on the eve of the Jewish Revolution of 1848, Benjamin Disraeli, whose real name was Israel, and who was a „damped,” or baptized Jew, published his novel, CONINGSBY, in which occurs this ominous passage: „The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” And he went on to show that these personages were all Jews. These learned men decided by peaceful means to conquer the world for Zion with the slyness of the Symbolic Snake, whose head was to represent those who have been initiated into the plans of the Jewish administration, and the body of the Snake to represent the Jewish people - the administration was always kept secret, EVEN FROM THE JEWISH NATION ITSELF. Greece, where, about the time of Pericles, the Snake first started eating into the power of that country. It is enough to hand over a people to self-government for a certain length of time for that people to be turned into a disorganized mob.

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