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Last Friday I was hanging out with a couple of my friends from school – Liv and Georgia. Liv was an average build brunette with streaks of blonde, with hazel brown eyes and a perfectly white smile. Georgia was also an average build, with dyed blonde hair and bright green/blue eyes. We had started the night by going out for dinner and drinks right after school, then Liv had offered to bring the party back to her place. Georgia and I agreed and so we regrouped at Liv's house and continued talking and drinking. I noticed a roll of duct tape laying on the floor back in the living room and made a joke:

“Duct tape, huh? Who are you kidnapping, Liv” I said and added a laugh.

Liv walked over and picked up the roll.

“You weren't supposed to find out, it's you!” she joked back.

Suddenly, Georgia gets a devilish grin on her face and says,
“Maybe we SHOULD tape you up, since you lost our bet!”

“What bet?” I asked legitimately confused – we hadn't made any bets.

“Oh, now that you've lost you suddenly don't remember our bet?” Georgia kept pushing.

“I said I could do 5 questions faster than you, then you wanted to bet – saying you could beat me. And you DIDN'T!”

“Dude, you are so making this up” I said laughing – we were all pretty buzzed.

Georgia started walking towards where I was sitting,

“No, you lost a bet, now I get a reward of my choice and I choose to tape you up!” Georgia stated firmly.

“Well, if you did lose a bet, you gotta pay up” Liv added on, starting to unroll the tape.

I started to get a little nervous, but still laughed a little.

“C'mon guys, knock it off” I said.

Georgia suddenly lunged at me and pulled my hands together and exclaimed to Liv, “quick, tape his hands!”
I half-heartedly fought, thinking they would give up on the joke soon. Liv ripped the tape off after wrapping my wrists about 5 times.

“Really guys? Ha ha ha, are you happy now?” I said sarcastically as I held my taped wrists out.

“It's a start!” Georgia said as she and Liv laughed.

Liv then added on: “we should tape his arms down to his waist so he can't rub them on anything sharp!”

“Good idea!” Georgia responded.

Georgia stood me up while Liv wrapped the tape around my taped wrists and waist – again, about 5 times, effectively pinning my arms down. They did this all while ignoring my protests.
The girls stood back and watched as I tried to pull against the tape. They giggled and taunted me as they sipped on their next glass of wine.

“Let's see you get out of that!”

“This wine is so good! I bet you wish you could drink your drink!”

The girls observed me trying to break the tape by angling my elbows out.

“Ohhh, no! I don't think so!” Georgia said as she grabbed the tape and wrapped it around my shoulders. Then my upper and lower arms. Then around my waist again “just to be sure”

The tipsy-women just laughed more at my increasingly-serious demands to be let go.
I stood back up, hoping to make my way into the kitchen to get a knife or scissors.

“No trying to escape!” Georgia commanded as she grabbed me in a bear hug.

“Help me get him to the ground” she said to Liv.

Liv grabbed my legs and Georgia handled my body and between the two of them (and me barely being able to resist), they kind of half-lifted, half-tackled me to the floor, then quickly preceded to wrap the duct tape around my ankles, knees and thighs.

“C'mon guys! This has gone far enough! Joke's over!” I pleaded as I fought against the tape, but made no progress. The girls laughed and taunted “guess you shouldn't make bets anymore!” as they poked my sides and legs with their socked foot. I squirmed away from them as best as I could, inching me ever closer to the table.

Georgia's taunts continued: “Good idea, Matt! You can be our footrest while we talk!”

Georgia laughed at her own idea, then used her foot to push me more-so under the table.

Liv and Georgia put their feet up on my bound body – Liv resting her black socked feet on the center of my chest, and Georgia resting her black socked feet on my bound hands.

“Let me go! Get your freaking feet off of me!” I shouted from beneath the table, fairly humiliated at this point. The women just laughed, then had their own conversation for the next 10 minutes or so while they continued to sip wine and ignore me.

“You guys better untie me right now! Or I swear, you'll be sorry!”

Liv said to Georgia, “Just a second”. Then got off her chair and on her knees on the floor to get down to my level.

“Yeah, I don't think I'm going to have as many regrets as you...” Liv said, grabbing for the tape on the floor.

“You shouldn't make bets you can't follow through with” she said to me with a tipsy-smile.

“It wasn't even a real bet! She's making i-GAAHMMPH!”
During my protesting Liv had pulled off her ankle socks and quickly stuffed one in my mouth, then the other, using her finger to prod all of it in. She held one hand over my mouth and started to peel the tape with the other. In seconds, I had a long strip of tape smoothed over my mouth. Then another at a different angle, then another and another. Eventually, she stopped at 7 strips – leaving most of my lower face plastered in duct tape.

“There,” Liv said with a taunting smile, “that should quiet you down a bit”.

“MMMPH! MMMPMMPH!” I shouted angrily into my new gag. The socks were pretty gross. Liv had worn them all day at school, then all after school up until now. There was a powerful salty/stale taste in my mouth that made my face twist up.

“Mmmmm, yummy, right?” She said quietly with a laugh.

I continued to shout muffled profanities and made disgusted groans as I endured the taste of her dirty socks. Liv stood back up and took her seat. I struggled violently under the table – trying the hardest I had so far tonight to break free of the tape. The socks were quite disgusting and I was a little irritated that Liv would even think to shove them in my mouth. Before, I'll admit that I didn't COMPLETELY hate being tied up by 2 attractive women... but the sweaty socks sapped any pleasure away, and turned my situation into a more torturous one.
Meanwhile, above the table, Georgia and Liv went back to talking;

“What did you do to him?” Georgia asked


“I was sick of his yelling, so I was going to tape his mouth shut. But then I thought 'you know, if he lost a bet, he should be tortured a little', so I shoved my socks in his mouth first”


“Hahaha, really? Were those the same socks you wore to school today?”



“Hahahaha, that's so gross! You're cruel!”


“Oh he's fine, they're probably not even that bad. Right?” Liv said down towards me

“UUNNNGGH! MMPHMMM AMPMPH!” I tried to correct her; Yes, they ARE that bad.

The women laughed at my disgusted groan.

“You lost the bet, dude, I don't know what to tell you” Liv said to me with a shrug. “...other than have fun smelling my feet, I guess”
And with that, I saw both of the soles of her feet move over to my face and one foot landed on my forehead, the other on my mouth.

“MMMPH?! MMPMPH! OMM MMP GOMPH!” I shouted in protest, originally on the principle of having her feet in my face, but only a second later it was because I was hit with the pungent smell of her feet. She worked all day and wore her shoes all day – her feet were pretty ripe.

“MMMPH, GGMPPH!” I groaned as I tried to shake my head free of her feet, ignoring the laughter of the women above. Liv kept her feet in my face, rubbing them back and forth slowly over my mouth, nose, and eyes.

“How do Liv's feet smell? Like flowers?” Georgia asked with a giggle

“NNMMPH! MGMMMGPMP MMMPH!” I shouted back, trying to say 'No, they f-ing stink”, full-well knowing they couldn't understand me, but feeling the desire to protest anyway.

“Probably not flowers...” Liv said with a half-chuckle. “Sucks to be you! Trick or Treat, smell my feet!” Liv sang as she rubbed the sole of her foot up and down my nose.

The next half hour looked pretty much the same – the two girls talked and gossiped and had drinks, completely ignoring the guy they had taped up under their feet. I still lightly pulled against my bonds as I grimaced at the taste of a new spot of Liv's socks, while also enduring the cheesy scent of Liv's stinky feet as her soles roamed my face. I occasionally would put actual effort in to break free of my bonds, but the extra struggle left me out of breath and breathing more heavily through my nose, therefore taking in deeper breaths of Liv's feet. Liv would take these opportunities to curl her toes over my nose, making the sniffing even worse. It quickly became not worth it to try to break free.

Eventually, Liv got up to go refill drinks. I enjoyed first breaths of fresh air, with my senses now redirected to the bitter taste in my mouth.
Georgia peaked down under the table;

“How's it going Matt?” she said stifling a laugh.

“UUNGMMMPMH” I groaned while rolling my eyes.

“Sorry it got this extreme!” Georgia said, “I just thought it'd be fun to mess with you, but then things just kept escalating. You gotta admit it's pretty funny, though!”


“WHITECLAWS!” Liv announced as she returned to the room. Georgia sat back up and responded with 'WHITECLAWS!”
Seconds later, my vision was flooded with the soles of Liv's feet, and my sense of smell was flooded with the stench of Liv's feet. I groaned at the return of the unpleasant smell. “All thanks to Georgia taking a joke too far” I thought to myself as Liv's toes brushed against my nose.

Another hour went by; the girls gossiped, I laid helplessly under their feet, forced to smell Liv's feet. I didn't protest nearly as much – it wasn't doing any good anyway.

“We should paint his nails!” Georgia suddenly shouted to Liv

“OHMYGOSH WE SHOULD!” Liv responded excitedly!

“NNNMMPH! NNNMPH!” This was bad enough. I didn't have to worry about removing nail polish.

“Oh stop being a spoil-sport!” Liv said as she pinched my nose with her toes. After a couple seconds she let go and I took a noisy breath of her feet, then chastised her through my gag.

I soon felt myself being pulled out from under the table by my legs. They brought me over to a couch and propped me up in a sitting-up position against it.

“I'll go get my nail polishes!” Liv announced, then ran to another room.

Georgia only looked at her phone while ignoring my mmmphs to get her attention.

Liv returned with nail polishes and a can of beer.

“I guess you can have a little fun” she said as she reached towards the tape on my face and ripped it off.

“OMMPAW!” I shouted in pain. With a few pushes with my tongue I spat out the ball of sweaty socks onto the floor.

“Bleh! Pfft! Liv that was fucking gross!” I shouted, while trying to spit the flavor out of my mouth.

Liv laughed a little and responded, “It wasn't supposed to taste good! It was a torture! Anyway, we thought we'd let you have a beer before painting your nails”.

Liv opened the beer and started bringing it to my mouth.
“No! Let me go now!” I protested.

“Listen,” Liv said, “You can either enjoy this beer, and thank me for being so kind, OR I can run upstairs and get some of my other socks from this week, and you can just be my laundry machine for the rest of the night.”

The thought horrified me.

“I'll take the beer” I said sheepishly – desperately not wanting the alternative.

“That's what I thought” Liv said and started tilt the beer towards me.

Over the course of 5 minutes, I was fed all of the beer and Georgia had picked out my nail polish color – pink.

Liv winked at Georgia then said, “Now you need to do one more thing”


“Open your mouth.”

“What, wh-” I looked around to see Georgia balling up the socks she WAS wearing.

“NO! C'mon! NO! That's gross!” I then pinched my mouth shut as she tried to bring the ball to my face.

“It wouldn't be fair for you to wash mine, and not hers – your bet wasn't even WITH me!” Liv said.

“Are you ticklish?”

My eyes got wide.

Liv then poked my sides and armpits quickly and I couldn't resist more than a few seconds. I exploded with laughter and quickly found Georgia's worn socks in my mouth. In a few more seconds, those socks were prodded into my mouth and tape was slapped back over my mouth.
The girls laughed and cheered at their success while I threw my head back and groaned out of disgust and frustration. Georgia's socks were also pretty gross – salty and stale, but not 'quite' to the extreme that Liv's were. But still, not pleasant.

The girls then laughed and giggled as they applied the pink nail polish to my fingernails and toe nails, chastising me every time I would squirm or try to pull away – which only ever lead to me getting pain on my nails AND my skin.

“You look so great now!” Georgia said as she faced me. I involuntarily grimaced at the taste of her socks. The women then ignored my muffled complaints as they talked and painted their own nails.

At one point Georgia threatened “maybe we should paint our toes while resting our feet in his face – we KNOW he loves that!”


They tipsy girls laughed, but ultimately decided I had enough of that torture for one day – though Georgia did hold her foot up to my nose and demanded I sniff it once just to “see what I'm missing”. It was also rank – I was grateful for their mercy.

“One last thing and then we'll let you go” Georgia said.

I perked up – after being bound and gagged with dirty socks for nearly 3 hours, I was ready to be released... and to brush my teeth.

“SELFIES!” the girls sang in unison.

I groaned into my gag, but was already being drug over to a chair and lifted into it. Tape was the wrapped around my chest and the chair back several times as well as around my thighs and the base of the chair to further secure me.

I was then humiliated on-record for nearly a half hour as the women took pictures including poses as:
A “normal” selfie, but with me rolling my eyes
Both women kissing a cheek of my gagged face
“silly faces”, with me looking annoyed
One with Liv dangling one of her socks in front of our face. Georgia did the “pee yew” face, I just showed wide-eyed terror.
Then – at Liv's request – they tipped the chair onto it's back on the floor and took several photos of Liv doing victory poses over me. Most of them – much to my despair – featured her foot planted on my face
Finally, the girls let me go and found a pair of scissors and cut off the nearly ¾ of a roll of duct tape that they had used. They intentionally left my hands and gag for last saying “they know I want to get the most out of it”.

Once freed, I spit out the socks and ignored Georgia's taunting of “how did they taste?”. At first I was fairly pissed off, and was going to go home, but the girls talked me into a couple of shots first, and afterwards I had calmed down and decided to stay. By the end of the night, we all had a good laugh about it. Georgia came clean that she made up the 'bet' and thought taping me up would be fun and was some form of misguided flirting tactic... When Liv heard the bet was fake, her face turned bright red and she said,

“Oh my gosh I'm SO sorry! I thought we were just punishing you for a legit deal you made! I made you smell my feet for such a long time!”

We all laughed and teased Liv about needing to buy new shoes, and ultimately, we grew closer because of the experience. Shit's wild!
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