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Minecraft Ban Reports Investigated By Microsoft

Minecraft ban reports are being investigated by Microsoft By Kevin Rawlinson BBC News

11 March 2015

Minecraft owner Microsoft is investigating reports that suggest the Turkish government is planning to ban the game, the BBC knows.

According local media, a research conducted by the Turkish Family and Social Policies Ministry found that the game promoted violence.

There were conflicting reports about what the government's plans to accomplish.

Some speculated that it would ask a court for a ban on the game. Others suggested it would ask Microsoft to make modifications.

Haberturk newspaper reported that the ministry's report stated: "Although it can be thought of as encouraging creativity in children by letting them construct houses, farmlands and bridges, mobs (hostile creatures] must not be killed in order for the structures to be protected. In short the game is built on violence."

'Social isolation'

The report stated that some children could confuse Minecraft with the real world and be misled into believing that torturing animals isn't causing any pain, according to the newspaper.

It stated that the report was based on the experience of a nine year-old and suggested that playing Minecraft could cause "social isolation".

Haberturk said that the department's legal affairs division was directed to take the first step towards blocking Minecraft.

According to Fatih Oke (a spokesperson for the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC), a ban is "out of the possibility".

Christian Science Monitor was told by Mr. Oke that there would be no ban.

"The game is not banned and will not be to be banned.

The Family and Social Policy Ministry does not have the authority to ban any product.

"I understand that this is what has been reported in the Turkish media However, it's not true.

"The ministry can only work with complaints.

"In this case, I was told that there were numerous complaints from parents regarding Minecraft's influence on children.

"The purpose of this ministry is to increase awareness."

The government is not able to prohibit the game in a unilateral manner, but it could convince the court.

Although Turkey is not known for banning gaming on computers However, there have been a few websites shut down in recent times.

Last year both YouTube and Twitter were temporarily blocked. Facebook had to block certain pages that insulted the Prophet Muhammad in January.

'Creative freedom'

A spokesman for Mojang which produces Minecraft under the Microsoft umbrella after the latter purchased the game for $2.5bn (PS1.68bn) in September 2014, was unable to comment directly on the reports.

He added: "Minecraft is enjoyed by many players in a wide variety of ways.

"Many are enthralled by the freedom of creativity that is offered by Minecraft and its tools, but some are more interested by the chance to explore a landscape without boundaries and to go on exciting adventures with friends.

"We encourage players to work together in order to be successful whether they're building, exploring, or exploring.

"The Minecraft world can be dangerous: it's home to terrifying, genderless monsters who come out at night.

"It could be necessary to defend against them in order to survive.

"If people find this level fantasy conflict upsetting, then we recommend that they use Creative Mode or to allow the Peaceful setting to be used.

"Both of these options will deter creatures from appearing across the globe."

Facebook complies with Turkey block

26 January 2015

Microsoft buys Minecraft for $2.5bn

Turkish officials lift Twitter ban

3 April 2014

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