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=Untitled Story hehe

At last, we arrived at the airport. As we got out of the taxi, my vision wandered towards people saying their goodbye's to their loved ones as they approach the departure area. Many of whom are families and couples.

It took me moments to realize that we are still together ever since we're at high school. As I am being constantly bullied by everyone teasing about us, he is there to defend me. We both go to school daily as we share a common street. And have our backs at each other when problems arise. For the most part of my high school, he has been my companion, my friend, and most importantly, the one I only love. And now, we are beside each other facing a huge step in his life. Still, we are friends, but our relationship has been complicated as I noticed that he is focused more on his dreams rather than me.

I can only remember the time we stayed at our regular spot in the park and we talked about our future. He said many things on how he wanted to pursue (INSERT COURSE) and how willing he is to commit everything just to accomplish his dream. As he continuously talks about his thoughts, I can feel my heart weakening after knowing that I cannot reach his level and the feeling of defeat after he first told me about going out of country to pursue (INSERT COURSE). As he asked me on what my dream is, I shook my head as if I haven't already planned on a future where he is included.

As he glance around to find the reception, I can only remember the moment I first found him. He looks as if he is finding for me among the others, but I can only dream. He approached the line of people with confidence while I waited on the lounge.

My heart pounds, and the pressure increased in my chest as I watch the clock run towards his departure. Then suddenly, the adrenaline rushes into my body pushing myself to say the words
"Hey, you know that....".

I felt a sudden relief as I said those words. And it didn't take long for it to return as looked at me directly in the eyes. Many things started to rush in my mind as I try to reconstruct myself.

As he continuously looked at me waiting to speak again, a weird feeling appeared that hindered me from saying it.

And at the final minutes of our journey together, I saw him walking down a hallway waving. The feelings suddenly rushed in and made me tear up as I saw him happily walking away while here I am tearing up to the realization of us not seeing each other again. As the walls covered up his path, I cried with the feeling of missing a huge opportunity in my life. I felt that I would have done something, but it's too late now.

I arrived at the house crying for hours and immediately wrote a letter saying my true feelings towards him. and considering it a final goodbye.

10 years later, I'm walking through the mall buying goods when suddenly I saw a familiar look. I followed it and matched its pace of walking. As I go through a heavy crowd, I stopped knowing that I lost him. I took the route into the station leading to home. While I climbed the stairs, the familiar look appeared again. This time, it is in the opposite side of the stairs. When I heard the very familiar voice, I stopped and immediately took the opportunity to see him again. Alas, I am right. We looked at each other the same way as he looked at me when we first met. I could not believe that we would be seeing each other again for years. But the final strings attaching on my dream snapped when I heard the cries of a baby coming from the basket he carries. And the imaginary universe where we are together shattered.
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