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G4S Security Department Instructory

Hello there! It seems you have managed to find the guide for the G4S Training. Please ensure that you copy and
paste this guide correctly, as otherwise mistakes may occur. I urge you to also check that you have at least 2
helpers. You also require to have an 'Assistant Instructor', who will be there to help make sure the trainees are
where they need to be, doing the right thing, and listen to you correctly. Please note that if you have found this
form and are not a member of G4S Leadership, you may not utilize this document and must report the finding
to a Perle HR. I would also like to thank you for hosting the session, as many people do wish to join this
department, however our spaces can be limited at times due to resources. The guide below will assist you from
what to say, to how to train them correctly. Once again, please ensure you copy and paste the guide correctly.
Please tell the assistant instructor and helpers that when they test the users, they need to send a private message
to you telling you the result. Also ensure that they know how to fill out the tests.


Must be G4S Senior Staff+

Must be in the discord with a verified account

Must be above the role receptionist in the main group

Must follow Staff Dress Code


Must be G4S Staff+

Must be in the discord

Must follow Staff Dress Code


Must be G4S Staff+

Must follow Staff Dress Code


Must be ranked Receptionist+

Must follow Staff Dress Code


Realistic Skin Colour

Appropiate Clothing

No excessively large items

No shoulder-pets

No accessories which are not small and on-person

Copy and paste the words below.

m Hello there! Welcome to today's session. I am your host for today. I hope we are all ready for a challenge!

m Firstly, I think I should start off with the team behind me.

m The person beside me is your Assistant Instructor. They will be helping you if you make any mistakes that
I have not spotted, or anything they think you can improve on. They will also be here to answer your questions.

m Behind me you may see some senior staff members, they will be here to give you words of encouragement
and spectate.

m Behind them are our security staff. They are trained members of this department and will only be here to
spectate for today.

m That concludes my team. We will now move on to the agenda for today.

m Firstly, I will need to go over your avatars with my team to make sure you are good to come into
our next room.

m If you do not match the dress code, you will have 3 minutes to remove the items, or change them
before we proceed.

m If you do not finish before the timer, we will sadly need to terminate you from the session. However, there will
be another tryout soon!

m Secondly, we will move into our training grounds once I have finished speaking to you.

m In there, the team and I will carry out some examinations on you, to make sure you are able to join our force.

m These tests will consist of: Exploit Tests, Troll Tests, Taser Tests, Trivia & Scenario, and a Final Exam.

m But before we do any of that, I will need to go over some rules.

m RULES -- No disrespect towards our staff. They are trying the best to help you!

m RULES -- Please do not argue if you do not pass, as there are more sessions and some people find this very
tricky to complete.

m RULES -- Take the training seriously, as otherwise you will be escorted out of the room. We want you to try
your hardest so that you can boost your chances on success!

m RULES -- Lastly, comply with all expectations and commands from staff. They are here to help.

m We will now go over your avatars. Staff, you may look around the room and check everyone individualy for
any errors. Please keep in mind that we only accept realistic skin colours, however a dark tan is of course allowed.

[ Now let the trainees be checked. You may either check with the team, or stay at your post. The choice is yours. Once
everyone has been checked, or had their 3 minute timer, please ensure that you continue as followed. ]

m Great! We may now proceed in to our next room. I would like you to head to the TROLL TEST Area when we arrive.

m Now that we are here, I will explain what we will be doing at this point.

m My staff will individually come up to you and begin to troll and cause disturbance. Please handle with them correctly,
using our 3-Step warning system. Remember that once they have been warned the maximum amount of times, you have
handcuffs that you can use. Think about where you would put them.

m Please remember that the staff are being rude for the test, and not to cause you any harm emotionally. Please take note
of this.

[ Let the staff handle the trainees. Make sure that you have everyone's results. Once this section is complete, terminate
those who failed this section. If it is a minor mistake, for instance, if they didn't know where to put them once handcuffed,
you may let them through as long as you remind them of the mistake. Once this is done, you may proceed, ]

m Congratulations to those who passed this section. We will now move on to our next section, exploit tests. Please STS
correctly on the blue lines.

m Perfect! Staff will now come up to you, same as before, however this time they will simulate an exploit. Please remember
that exploiters are not handled with our 3-Warning System.

[ Let the staff handle the trainees. Again, terminate those who failed once results are in. There are no error exemptions on
this area. ]

m Congratulations, again! Please head to the taser test.

m If you are on a mobile device, please stand on the red lines to the side whilst PC Users complete the activity.

m I will now give you a taser. Do NOT Equip this tool unless I tell you otherwise. If you equip it when not told to, this will
count as an error and you will be removed from my session. I hope I am clear with this.

[ Use /give (PLAYER) Taser to give them the tool. ]

m Equip your taser, and form a left incline. If you do not know what left incline means, I will demonstrate for you now.

[ Demo a left incline ]

m Great. You may now press Q to activate the laser.

[ Make sure they all activate the laser ]

m Now, press Q again to de-activate it, and press Y to activate the light.

[ Make sure they all activate the light and deactivate the laser ]

m Now, disable the light again with Y.

[ Make sure they do that ]

m Now, face forward (Towards me).

m I would like you all to spread out around the entire training room. Find a partner, and take turns at stunning each other
whilst moving around. This is what we call an aim spread. You may use the laser as guidance, however I want you to also
take a shot without the laser. Press R to reload.

[ Set a timer for 100 Seconds, using /countdown 100 and then proceed at the end of the timer ]

[ Once they are lined up, proceed again ]

m Great. My team have been watching you and will now tell you if you made any errors.

m We have now finished the taser test. We may now move on to Trivia & Scenario.

m Welcome to trivia & scenario. I will send you a message with a question that you have to answer. Get all 5 correct to
pass. Answer them all with 3+ Sentences.

pm (PLAYER) [Question] Why do you want to join the department?

pm (PLAYER) [Question] Do you have experience in security/law work?

pm (PLAYER) [Question] Why should you be chosen over others for this role?

pm (PLAYER) [Scenario] There is someone with max warnings continueing being rude, with you being dispatched to the scene.
What do you do?

pm (PLAYER) [Scenario] There is a member of staff to has managed to get hold of a baton and is abusing it. What do you

[ Check everyones results and then terminate those who failed. You need 4/5 Questions correct to pass. ]

m Congratulations on passing this section! We now only have one more area to complete. And that is your final exam.

m This will be similar to the trivia, but with more questions with greater depth.

m I will now send you the questions.

pm (PLAYER) [EXAM] What is the role of a security officer? (3+ Sentences)

pm (PLAYER) [EXAM] Who leads the department? (3+ Sentences)

pm (PLAYER) [EXAM] Why do you want to work in this department specifically? (3+ Sentences)

pm (PLAYER) [EXAM] Describe yourself in 4 or more sentences.

pm (PLAYER) [EXAM] Why did you choose to work at Perle?

pm (PLAYER) [EXAM] Do you think you will pass?

pm (PLAYER) [EXAM] What are your goals?

[ REVIEW ANSWERS. Depending on how reasonable the answers are, you may choose the result. Do not terminate anyone

m If you found this session hard, you may jump.

m Well, I have to agree with you in some places.

m The people who passed will now be given a blue bubble. If you have passed, you will be invited to wear a new uniform.

[Use the command /ff (PLAYER) to give out the blue bubble to those who passed.]

m CONGRATULATIONS ON JOINING THE DEPARTMENT! I look forward to working with you! However, we will now need to
shutdown this server soon, so please take all photos now, or in a new server. I will shutdown after 30 seconds.

[ Use the command /countdown 30 to set a countdown. Then use /shutdown to shutdown the server. ]

Thank you for using this guide once again!
This document was created by mewaffler.
Edited by dcfvghjh.
Published May 2022
In use from May - Present Time
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Regards; Team

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