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Ocean Of Lust

Plot Line

You are the heir to your Kingdom Throne (Choose name and appearance). Both of your parents were still sitting on the throne but they had arranged for you to be married so you could claim the throne, you hated the Princess you had to marry but you had no choice, so you accepted what you thought was your fate. Your Kingdoms tradition was to allow the soon to be King to do the one things he's always wanted to do before the life long commitment. Your dream was to find the treasure of Aquatica, Home of The Merfolk, your Kingdom was very poor, therefor that was your motive to find the treasure. Your parents thought you were being stupid as the treasure was an old pirate tale, but you were determined so they gave you a ship and crew and you set off for the treasure.


Mermaids were told to be extremely beautiful and generous, Mermaid tears could be worth millions, if someone were to kill a mermaid it was to be seen as a horrible and unforgivable act towards them. The truth about mermaids was, yes they held extreme beauty, but they were not at all generous, they weren't evil though, but they would kill if they had to, they also couldn't speak the human language and saw humans as a threat, mermaids didn't have a human form if they were to come out of the water so they would just dry up and die, that's how even people that remained on land knew mermaids were real as very rarely they would wash up on land. The tale to find the treasure was you had to capture a mermaid female, give her something shiny like jewellery and she would lead you to the treasure of her Kingdom.


Sirens were told to be revolting creatures with a thirst for the blood of men, the only thing beautiful about them was their voice, which was used to lure men to them so they could drag him under water and kill him. Again this was only partly true, a sirens true form could be seen as extremely beautiful to some, but a sirens human form was dangerously gorgeous, although they never really used their human forms unless they had to get up onto ships. A sirens singing was very alluring to males, it put them in a sort of trance causing them to follow the singing till their death. Sirens didn't show any remorse at all, they would kill humans just for the fun of it, they could also speak the human language and what you didn't know was they were the only ones that could take you to the treasure.

Plot Line

You set off into the ocean as quickly as you could and began looking for a mermaid, it took days but you finally found one swimming on her own, your crew released the net and caught her in it, you lifted the net just slightly from the ocean so you could see her, she was thrashing around in the net and hissing which wasn't at all expected, what you didn't know though was that you were in siren territory, and sirens were currently at war with the mermaids, the beautiful mermaid you caught was a scout, since sirens usually travelled in groups of 3 you didn't see any. As you were trying to figure out what to do with the mermaid, myself and two other sirens were sitting on a rock in our normal forms when we heard the mermaid hissing and the loud talking of the ships crew, we instantly swam over to the boat unseen, I jamp up onto the boat and sat on the railing in my siren form watching you and your crew freak out at the fact you all caught a mermaid then finally you noticed me. (We'll make it up from this point onwards, the plot begins when you capture the mermaid)

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