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Dear Justin

I am writing to you regarding the keto diet, health and your work and passion.
Everything below I writed in polish language and copied that to transalator to make it easier for me. I hope that contents will be understandable.
You don't need to agree with me on anything. People tend to believe whatever they want to and most of them have mindset set in stone already.
What I will write about health and diet is not profesional medical advice but rather my opinions from informations that I get, studies, lectures and own experience.

First of all, I would like to thank you for your contribution to education on how to trade more efficiently, simple, with minimal time to spend in front of artificial screens.
My friend that I meet in the internet makes trades on crypto with your principles. He send your channel to my brother and then I got it from him. I started watching your videos 3 days ago and I'm going to go on and watch as much content as possible. I am very excited about your journey out of the trading matrix with all that paid "professional" courses, teachings and so on. In some way it's similar to my struggles with topics that I'm interested in. I will write about that later.

I want to tell you about me and my journay with broadly understood informations about health and diet that I have learned by a lot of unnecessary mixed information, checking them on myself, lot of experience and time to get to the point when I'm now and it's still a very long way ahead of me.
3 years ago I've finished school and finally had time to do something for myself. I started with herbalis, a lot of books, herbal textbooks, picking herbs in the meadow and all that staff. Then I went to tv informations shipped by goverment, internet articles from general websites or health based websites, listen to all these medical doctors who thinks that they know something about health because they finished medical academic studies. So I went plant based diet stopped eating meat mostly and other animal products. It was autumn and winter from november 2019 to march 2020. For some first weeks I was feeling good and it's the secret of all diets, when you enters a diet then you cut off junk foods and eat a little less and just basically it. You will feel better without high processed foods. Then everyday turn to slighty deteriorating nightmare.
I was cold all the time, dark eyes circles, lot of skin problems, zero energy while working, tired, insomnia, I fcked up my gut and it hurt sometimes and headaches and inflammation and so on.

Today I know that plants don't have over 15 nutrients that are essential for our long term health. Check it down below:
Vitamins A, B6 (pyridoxal, pyridoxamine), B12, D, F, K2
Amino acids: creatine, carnitine, carnosine, taurine
Heme iron, CoQ10, Cholesterol, CLA

After my nightmare is over I was more interested in biochemistry how certain vitamins, trans minerals, supplements, toxins, foodtoxins on food labels and human physiology mostly metabolism. Why do we need this stuff and how they are affects us and what will cause nutrients defesiencies. Im not going to describe some medical terms and other names in a specialistic language. All we need is principle of operation and simplicity.
Our body has a balance mechanism called homeostasis. It means that the body will always trying to restore balance. For example if we eat processed food without nutrients then to metabolize this shit body will give the nutrients enzymes from reserves often from bones. That's the mechanism of destruction of teeth, decay and issues with bones.
In case of vitamins, minerals they aren't like:
vitamin A - eyes, D - bones, - CoQ10 - heart, iron - anemia, zinc - nails, hairs.
And they are not created from nothing.
Every nutrient has a comprehensive operation for whole body.
Let's take zinc for example:
He act as a cofactor to 1000+ enzymes,
10% proteins of the body are bounted with zinc,
work as a neurotransmiter so needed for the nervous system.
Zinc deficiency:
- growth retardation in childreen,
- delayed healing, regenration,
- loss taste/smell,
- lowered immune response,
- more inflamation,
- needed for eyes too,
- insulin issues,
- depression (neuronal degeneration, dopamine binds with zinc)
- weaker tonsils (immune system), hippocamus (memory, orientation in the field), prostate,
- skin problems like egzema, acne, ulcers, alopecia, cracked skin, nails changes, rashes
- low testosterone.
What causes zinc defieciency?
Problems with hyperinsulinemia, hypoglycemia (high carb diet), diabetes, low absorption (low stomatch acid), gastric bypass, IBS, anitbiotics, liver issues, phytates, glyphosate.

Where do we find zinc source that is bioavaible for us? Bioavaible means that we don't have a problem to absorb nutrients from the certain food. Every plant has fiber that we can't digest and we shit it out without nutrients or it will stay in the bowels and "rot" there. But in the media someone will tell us to eat many fiber because good bacteria, cleaning the intestines...
We don't have a problem to absorb nutrients from the animal based food because that is what we eated always. We have digestive enzymes for breakdown of proteins, fats, carbs like chymotrypsin, pepsinogen, trypsinogen, protease so we can tell for sure that we need to eats animal products. We don't have enzymes to digest fiber, only plant animal eaters like ruminants can do that. They have digestive system for it and they are turning most of they grass to fatty acids. More of these here:

Im not telling you to not eat plants just keep that in mind that it's better to eat food that will give you everything that your body need to life. From plants we will get some of their juice so maybe few B vitamins and some minerals. From good souce fatty meat we will get everything that we need. Water soluble B vitamins whole complex + B6 and B12. What are they needed for? If someone have these defeciencies then he has more risk of heart diesese for example.
Fat-soluble vitamins, A, F, K2, very low vitamin D, we need to get it from the sun in the middle of a day. Vitamin or hormone D is required to be healthy but in today society we are pushed aside of the sun especially midday and we have filters like glass and clothes. To get good amound of vitamin D, white human need to spend 20+ minutes on the sun when UVB waves comes the ground. To simplify it when sun is above 47+ degrees angle, so your shadow is about same hight as you. In my latitude in Poland I have 4 months when I can get it. Now I can get it from 10am to 15pm. In winter I takes supplements. And the most vitamin D is synthesizes on the belly so we need to be without t-shirt. Vitamin D is required to better absorption of calcium but...
K2 is key activator of other vitamins and nutrients. The best function of K2 is being a "policeman" which taking calcium from the soft tissue like kidnays, arteries to hard tissue (bones and teeths). So it basicaly reduce our chance of getting heart disease because calcium in the arteries is the cause of this (not exacly but fair enought) and it drives that calcium to repair our bones. It's fantastic but not only that. There are many other functions of vitamins that are confirmed in the studies but I don't have links on PC. If you are sceptic about these infos (and thats good) then tell me that you would like to see some of these studies. I will bring some of these in subject of keto/lchf diet.

Coming back for a moment to zinc. What have the most zinc? Oysters, beef, crab, some in egg yolks, dairy and you will find some for example in nuts, pumpkin seeds but as I said before it's hard to digest and absorb that nutreient from it. All of these animal products have so much nutrients in them = health = life. You can eat beef steak for zinc for example but you will get B vitamins, B12!!, amino acids, other minerals, like electrolytes, selenium, iron and so on. Some butter for fat soluble vitamins and that's it.
The best nutrient dense food are always natural feed animals, grass feed cows, pasture raised chicken that eat some worms. Then these beef, milk and eggs are the best.
We should avoid products form soy feed or anything GMO feed animals.

To summary some of the informations form above and adding some advice:
- animal products, natural feed are the best
- processed foods like sugar, rafined carbs, big colorful fruits, plant oils, salt (not sea salt),
- plants should be without pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and all that shit,
- sun is literally god and we shouldn't avoid it,
- do not supplement if its not required, never supplement calcium, iron

So further part of my story. I found out that all that media, fit industry, medical industry, food industry is full of lies and basically all that staff is to keep you sick. It's just it. Very great business to keep us unhealthy and shake the money off us. It's Matrix in which I was, everything was to control me, my heart, my emotions, my needs but that was NOT ME. I have been programmed since childhood to see things as they taught me in media, fairy tails, school.
Everywhere we can see this food pyramid that it's called health pyramid propably and on every mainstream website you will see almost same recommendations for every issue that you have. Same diet like eat 5 small meals, eat whole carbs, some low fat dairy yogurts, sandwiches, some lean meat for example fish, more fruits, more vegatables and plant oils BUT avoid animal fat, fatty meat, dairy because you will get heart diesese. He is a thing that animal fats and cholesterol never ever was a cause of atherosclerosis but it's whole other topic with studies.

In may I started like polish version of LCHF (low carb high fat) it is called "Dieta Optymalna" - "Optimal Diet" by Jan Kwaśniewski. It's very similar to lchf.
I weighed ~70kg so I eated:
Proteins: 1 gram per kilogram of body weight = ~70g
Fats: 2.5-3.5 gram times more then protein = 170-240g
Carbs: 0.5-0.8 gram of the proteins = ~ 35-55g
It was makro for beginning of lchf diet. In keto it is similar but carbs should be like 20-30g from the start. Then we are in something called adaptation period. Body need to get rid of "engines" that metabolize carbs and build up new engines to burn other fuel - fats. In this process we can feel worse, some calling it "keto flu". We will loss a lot of water, piss a lot, have headache, tired, maybe some gut issues and other symptoms. What I would recommend during adaptation is to drink a lot of water with electrolytes supplements mostly magnesium and pinch of sea salt (1/8 teaspoon) per glass of water for sodium. Adaptation for taking energy for fat lasts about 1-3 months but negative symptoms should pass after week or two. The worse are cravings for carbs. If you will eat some sweets then you will crave them again. I did that after 3 weeks being on a diet and then it was harder to keep diet. For 2 months in the morning I was eating eggs, freid eggs, scrambled eggs. For a lunch soup, meat with fat, mostly fatty pork, sometimes chicken, fish, beef with additional fat like butter, clarified butter, lard, egg yolks, coconut oil and some salad. Dinner time sometimes some carbs like potatoes with fat, cheese, cream, or another meat meal very differently. After a while I was eating 2 meals in a day because I wasn't hungry at all. Then I was on intermittent fasting 16/8.
So why is that?

If you want to lose weight for example and become healthier overall you need to reduce insulin. It's not about counting callories for today's real medical knowledge it's inrelevent.
1g of fat is 9kcal, protein and carb is 4kcal. You can eat 4000kcal from proteins and fats and still somebody will lose weight but if same person eats for example 2000kcal but in 5 meals and with carbohydrates and have hard time to lose weight.
Insulin is anabolic hormone produced by pancreas which takes glucose (reduces glucose in the blood) and proteins (responsible for the synthesis of proteins in the muscles) from the blood to drive them into cells and make energy out of it. It's growth hormone so it also keeps fat in the storage (adipocyte cells), glucose in storage as a glicogen in muscles and liver and water in the body. It's inhibit the breakdown of glycogen and the release of fatty acids in the form of energy. It's becoming problematic when we are eating with high frequency and some snacks in between. Everytime we eat our pancreas need to raise insulin. When we eat:
Carbs: high insulin
Protein: much less then carbs, lean meat for example more then fatty meat.
Fats: ZERO insulin
Protein with carbs: Collosal insulin spike
Protein with fat: a little insulin.
So it's impossible to eat a lot of fat and become overweight. We need insulin to do that so more carbs = more fat into the fat cells. I must note that it's very dependent which carbs do we eat. For example in veggies are little carbohydrates but in starchy food more and a lot in grains.
Doesnt matter if we eat grains or whole grains there is starch = carbohydrate that is chain of glucose molecules. In the digestion system starch turning to glucose and goes to the blood as same glucose which is in the sugar from the sugar bowl. So we have glucose spike in the blood and pancreas have the same work to do. Fructose works in another way.

Fructose is a simple sugar that is independent of insulin, but its excess impairs insulin function in the liver. It is metabolized like alcohol because it cannot be converted into glucose in the form of energy. It is converted into triglycerides (fats) and most of these stays in the liver which results in fatty liver disease, similar to alcoholics. Also there is a lot of uric acid from it which is gout. Fructose stimulate more hunger.
Fructose is in sugar from bowl because they did 50/50 glucose fructose to reduce costs and make more profit. Sugar including fructose is everywhere, they adding it even to cold cuts so when you eat for example ham that should saciate you to a certain point but instead you get more hunger. In natural product fructose is in fruits and honey.
Fruits I don't reccomend eating much of it especially when you are in the adaptation stage but then you can in keto eat for example one banana or apple or other citrus. Tree fruits should be minimal. Berries are acceptable everytime but still sugar from it per day should be 20-30g to 50g later.
Honey I only reccomend when you are sure that beekeeper makes it pure raw. Even honeys with "raw" label are heated and then that's just toxic syrup with lot of glucose/fructose. Raw honey can improve digestion and reduce allergies. When I eat honey from random source in 24h I will get nosebleed but with trushworhy source it's fine.
More fructose = more fat in the body that's why in the summer our ancestors ate buckets of berries to get fat for winter. If you want to reduce fat then avoid it to certain extent.

Pancreas regulate sugar in the blood when we eat. Liver regulates it when we are without food, fasting. Glicogen from the liver gives us glucose in gluconeogenesis (turning not sugar to sugar) during that time so we don't get hypoglycemia for example. When storage will deplete then it's time for breakdown of the proteins to sugar in very low timeframe because after this finally the energy starts to come in form of the fatty acids and after some time ketones. When we are without food then insulin goes down, glucagon raise up. So if insulin is down then there is not mechanism that keeps fat in storage and other components. I will comeback to insulin below but first some info about proteins and fats.
Interesting movie about glucose spike:

This is copied from the documents that I writed for my friend with type 2 diabetes:

The basic building block of our body. All the structures of our body are made of proteins. The consumed protein in the diet should be in the presence of fat in order to obtain it for regenerative and building purposes. Lean protein will raise the level of insulin not as much as carbohydrates, protein with carbohydrates will greatly increase the level of insulin, and the so-called glycation of proteins (AGE - advanced glication end products, i.e. advanced glycation products) will occur, i.e. the attachment of sugar particles to the protein forming a sticky substance that cannot be disposed of. Briefly, these molecules age us and cause inflammation in the body. Protein plus fat will have little effect on insulin secretion, and that's it. Excess protein turns into sugars and sugars can turn into triglycerides. Do not eat a lot of lean protein, over 2g per kg of body weight. Proteins enter cells thanks to insulin, so if we are insulin resistant, we are not able to use the processes of building and regenerating proteins, we destroy ourselves, we start to feel pain somewhere, e.g. in the cross, etc.

Fats: The basic human energy source. The best fats are of animal origin, i.e. hard, saturated with hydrogen, high-energy, we can find most of the necessary vitamins, minerals and enzymes in them. Eating fat has no effect on increasing insulin. First of all, fat is a carrier of vitamins dissolving in fats A, D, E, K2, F, the quality of our life depends on them, vitamin A is not only eyesight, just like D is not only bones. Fat is the greater energy carrier: 9kcal with calories, 130 units of ATP from one fat molecule (glucose about 40j ATP).
We have a mechanism that limits the absorption of excess fat so it does not cause any harm to the body, unlike glucose which has no limitations. The excess fat is diarrhea or vomiting. Bringing fat to cells does not cause stress for energy factories (mitochondria) and the cell itself, while burning glucose, free radicals are formed, which in excess cause inflammation - any disease
Cholesterol: It is a component of all cell membranes in our body. Most of our brain is cholesterol. Produced and regulated in the liver for antioxidant and repair purposes, especially inflammation in the bloodstream. We have LDL - low density lipoprotein, i.e. low density lipoprotein and HDL - high density lipoprotein, with high density. LDL, the so-called "Bad cholesterol" is a small delivery car that is used to discharge cholesterol into the bloodstream if there is inflammation caused by an excess of harmful substances, eg sugar, insulin. Insulin causes the blood vessels to constrict so pressure increase and LDL increase for corrective purposes. Excess cholesterol is not only a problem of the defense system, it is worth considering why it occurs. HDL, the so-called "good cholesterol" is a delivery truck that takes cholesterol from the bloodstream back to the liver. Triglycerides are fats produced from an excess of carbohydrates, mainly fructose. You can't have large triglycerides if you don't have a lot of material in your diet that turns into me sugar, fructose, alcohol, etc. Cholesterol is the precursor to all sex hormones. It produces prostaglandins that regulate:
1) Blood lipids,
2) Blood pressure
3) Formation of blood clots
4) Inflammation
5) Autoimmune reactions
6) Sex hormones
7) Hormones of the adrenal cortex
8) Endocrine and nervous systems
9) Operation of the brain.
The standard for cholesterol has never been scientifically established, and the risk of higher cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease has been associated with the development of higher cholesterol levels for body repair in people suffering from, among others. with atherosclerosis, it is easy to deceive research in this way. Cholestrerol-lowering 'drugs' cause:
a) General weakness
b) Tingling sensation in the hands and feet
c) Difficulty moving
d) Muscle pain
e) Babies of the limbs
f) Decrease in libido
g) Memory loss and memory loss
They inhibit the production of coenzyme Q10, so they also weaken the heart muscle. Atherosclerosis is a disease that occurs with inadequate deposition of calcium in the blood, vitamin deficiency. B3, B6, B9, B12 and consumption of hardened, heated vegetable oils. Vegetable oils after thermal treatment are very easily oxidized because they are not saturated with hydrogen which protects them against oxidation. More than 12 substances were found in the composition of atherosclerotic plaque, and none of them was animal fat. It consists mainly of calcium and some vegetable oil.

Mechanism of insulin resistance - type 2 diabetes.
Our cells need glucose, in our blood about a teaspoon is enough. When there is a lack of carbohydrate in the diet or a long break in the supply of food, the body has mechanisms to produce enough glucose to maintain a stable blood sugar level. Gluconeogenesis (the formation of sugar anew) takes place in the liver under the influence of components that are not glucose but turn into it, among others. from proteins. There are no essential carbohydrates for us than we will not build. For this we have the necessary proteins and fats that should be included in our daily diet because our body has them it will not produce itself. We need 60 minerals, 15 vitamins, 12 amino acids.

We have a mechanism that limits the speed of fat absorption, so you must not allow excess fat. If we eat / drink a huge amount of fat at once, we will get diarrhea or vomit. We do not have such a mechanism for the absorption of protein and carbohydrates, so if we consume sugars, sweet drinks, or a muffin, all the sugar enters the circulation without restrictions.
Excess glucose in the blood is toxic and the body wants to push it into the cells. Excess glucose leads to damage to the nervous system, internal organs, blood vessels, etc.
After eating a bar, a drink, the body's glucose level increases significantly, thanks to which the body activates mechanisms that protect against sugar in the blood, and the pancreas gets a signal to release a large amount of insulin.

Under the influence of insulin, glucose is stuffed into the cells, and when the cells are full, the excess glucose is converted into glycogen and transported to the muscles and liver. When the warehouses are full and there is still a lot of glucose, insulin is converted into fat and deposited on the stomach, hips, etc.

If you eat fat, you will not get fat because fat does not raise insulin levels as opposed to carbohydrates and some proteins.

When there is suddenly a lot of sugar in the blood, the pancreas secretes a large amount of insulin, and when this happens sporadically there is no problem. However, when this happens regularly, the number of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas may turn out to be too low. The body sees that the need for large amounts of insulin is occurring regularly, so glucose stimulates the pancreas to create more pancreatic cells that are responsible for the production of insulin. Therefore, the pancreas produces more insulin and we have not changed our eating habits, we absorb more and more carbohydrates, at some point the huge amount of insulin in the bloodstream becomes toxic and dangerous for the body. Conversely, glucose starts destroying the cells that produce more insulin, and we still don't lower our blood sugar. The amount of glucose increases in proportion to the amount of insulin. Then, another sharp, jump in sugar causes the cells to become increasingly resistant to insulin (insulin receptors are being hidden by the cells because they don't want more glucose).

We have a situation where we have fewer and fewer insulin-producing cells, the cells are becoming resistant to insulin and the amount of glucose is still increasing, which means that the body is not able to effectively lower the level of sugar in the blood. Effect: Type 2 diabetes. Take, for example, a kid whose mother gives a fruit juice. The label usually shows 10-14 g of sugar per 100 ml of juice. The juice usually comes in a 330ml package. It will be min. 6-7 teaspoons of sugar (5g teaspoon). Who would give a child 300 ml of water and dissolve 6 teaspoons of sugar in it?

In the summer, you can eat several such bottles, packages, and during the day there are also cereals with milk, a bar, chips, an apple, a pear, a sandwich, etc.
Each time we consume these products, we are dealing with a sharp increase in blood glucose levels, and thus with the immunization of cells to the effects of insulin.
We want to achieve the opposite - sensitizing cells to insulin. Therefore, we do not want to eat carbohydrates and thus not raise the level of insulin, and limit the number of meals to, for example, 3 meals a day without snacks. In such a situation, cells finally have the opportunity to rest, however, it will be a long process because you need to get rid of excess harmful glucose and insulin, rebuild the body, including the pancreas, to work properly. Obtaining nutrients from the diet, supplementation, supplementing deficiencies. Get rid of stress including the stress hormone cortisol, which also acts indirectly on insulin secretion.

Here are some studies with no conflict of interest about lchf/keto diet and diabetes type 2:

Other interesting studies:

And some more:


Below other of my documents copied, pasted about products:

Products Recommended products:
1) animal fats - lard, lard, bacon, fat, bone marrow, butter, goose lard;
2) chicken eggs, especially yolks;
3) offal - livers, kidneys, brains, stomachs, others;
4) fatty pork, beef, game, poultry;
5) jelly from offal, knees, legs;
6) fatty stocks and broths (without pasta);
7) sausages not too lean, pay attention to the color and composition;
8) fatty fish, preferably herring, mackerel, sprat, salmon or eel;
Dairy products are not recommended for diabetics at first (high insulin surge)
9) cream - the higher the fat content, the better;
10) fat cheeses, real fat milk (unpasteurized);
11) vegetable fats - coconut oil (you can do a lot), olive oil (minority);
12) vegetables with as little carbohydrate content as possible, salads with fat;
13) silage, cabbage, cucumbers, beetroots, etc.;
14) avocados, little sweet berries (currants, blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, wild strawberries, strawberries);
15) nuts, coconut, Italian, hazelnut, Brazilian, almonds, macadamia, coconut shavings, sunflower seeds, pumpkin (it is best to soak everything for several hours before consumption, and the nuts are not to be heat treated, not roasted);
16) chocolate 80% + treat as a rarity;
17) teas, mayonnaise, herbs, spices and flavorings, non-sweet and with a good composition, including no grain or potato flour, no "natural flavor" in the composition, coffee is best put aside or made with butter, coconut oil;

Products to be excluded or restricted for us:
1) sugar and any sweets, sweeteners
2) cereals, bread - cookies, pasta, breads, buns, flours, cereals, porridge, groats, noodles, whether or not whole grain;
3) vegetable seed oils in products;
4) rice and all its varieties, groats, grains;
5) most legumes, especially peas, beans;
6) sweetened fruit preserves: jams, compotes, plum jam;
7) sweet and starchy vegetables, potatoes, sweet potatoes;
8) the sweeter the fruit, the worse the apples, pears, plums and grapes;
8A) oranges, mandarins, mangoes, pineapple, bananas and other citruses (lemon juice, limes can be used in drinks);
8B) dried fruit, plums, raisins, dates, cranberries and others;
9) potato flour, puddings, jellies and other flour concentrates;
10) all sweetened liquids and beverages, even slightly sweetened, including non-fat milk, all colas, fants, oshees, fruit and vegetable juices;
11) all sweet products of plant origin with a higher content of carbohydrates and sugar;

And last document:
The benefits that can be obtained from high-fat, low-carbohydrate nutrition

1) Weight descent / growth and stabilization, a sense of lightness;

2) increased efficiency and mobility;

3) reduction of inflammation, relief or reduction of discomfort and the occurrence of negative symptoms, eg bleeding from the gums or nose, headache;

4) reducing the chance of infections, colds, etc .;

5) better adaptation to weather conditions (e.g. sudden changes in weather, changes in mood before a storm, etc.)

6) improvement of the skin and complexion, such as acne, discoloration and others may disappear;

7) shorter sleep time, better sleep and easier sleep and rest;

8) you usually eat less, feel full and full and save on food;

9) significantly reduces the risk of diseases related to hyperinsulinemia, i.e. cancer, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, damage to the nervous system, kidneys, eyes, and other inflammatory diseases;

* Possible change of character to calm, distanced from unimportant matters, without worries, rush, irritation;

* Many others, eg Reduced pain sensitivity

Much depends individually on human characteristics, age, environment, attitude to diet and health.

Possible side effects for the transition period, adaptation
In the first weeks, the body needs to change metabolically, hormonally and remodel, then it may lead to:

1) decrease in appetite, it is rather about excessive voracity, the body will build reserves that will provide it with everything it needs, you may not feel thirsty and hungry (drink a lot during reconstruction);

2) leg cramps, especially at night;

3) constipation, you can then drink an infusion of light laxative herbs, do not use invasive measures. If they were present before, they may disappear;

4) excreting very little faeces, sometimes even every two days, means that the food is absorbed into the body and there is no waste to be excreted;

5) unpleasant body or mouth odor, usually caused by weight loss and previous exposure to a polluted environment, wears off over time;

6) abdominal pain, after 2 or 3 days, if it does not go away, there may be some other cause;

7) liver pains in the presence of gallstones, the diet causes them to dissolve slowly;

8) dizziness as a result of rapid and sudden improvement in the nutrition of the brain through diet, may cause a drop in blood pressure when the body is not adapted. This is a transitory state that occurs fairly quickly. As a precaution, you can drink coffee, do not suddenly change your position from sitting to standing, etc.;

9) increased sensitivity to flavors, eg Salt.

Likewise, everything depends, you can't predict everything.

In order to reduce the discomforts that occur during the body's adaptation to ketosis and fat metabolism, it is necessary to:

Drink plenty of water, even over 3L a day with a pinch of Kłodawa salt;

Supplementing electrolytes, especially magnesium in the form of magnesium citrate, you can use the same form of potassium and sodium along with sea salt / himalayan salt.

Coming back to my experience with diet and what my friend that started keto told me:
"It's incrediblle how good you can feel in the human body". My friend was 100kg/220pounds. After week 96kg/211pounds (mostly water retention), 2 weeks 93kg/205pounds. And then slowly reduction to 85kg/187pounds in 2 months.
I have balanced energy all they long, not glucose spikes so I don't get downhills after meals and goes to sleep. All of my pains and inflammations gone. It was very strange that nothing hurts you at all. No headaches one or two per month. My skin got slighty better. My mentallity improve very much, Im more into do good for me and people that I care about. Im very calm and that's huge diffrent when you can compare yourself to a person who doean't eat fats (cholesterol) and their hormones and nerves are unbalanced. I have more willingness to live but...

After 3 months (september 2020) I got my propably one of the biggest issues in my life. I started smoking weed.
Thank godness that I was eating that way because I know that I will fcked up my brain much more. Year ago (july to october) because of weed and my mental unstabbility I started to eat processed sweets and all of the biggest shit on this realm.
It's hard to write this for me. My mind was telling me that Im a loser and I stopped caring about me and others. Only money and worthless things. My skin problems returned, mind fogged, willing to live ==> depression, some pain here in there mostly joints. Energy was great but because of sugar and hormones rush. I was still eating some of the healthy products.

I returned to lchf diet in october 2021. But this time I needed something more to repair damage that I dealt to myself. From that time Im eating only raw foods but not veggies and fruits like a lot of these people. For 8 months I eat raw meat including organs, raw eggs, raw dairy, raw fruits, raw veggies jucies (without fiber), raw honey.

I will stop here my story. I have no problem with telling you how it is now but this email is getting huge. I have never writed something like this before.

You don't have to care what I wrote here.
You don't even need to read al of that shiet.
I have just given you some information that I have gathered.
How you use them is your business.
In my point of view I just "I just have given you my baby".

If you will able to come up to this point and want me to write, tell you somthing about topcis that you are interested in with some evidence in the form studies and my or someone experience that I looked for. For example if you want to know what cancer, tumor really is, more about atherosclerosis, diabetes, autoimmune diseases like hashimoto and others. Maybe some nutrients, toxins, microbiome in our colon, behevior in nature.
I want to be honest with you. To heal myself I need good quality food. To get that I need to buy it or hunt (buy license and so on). I really want to work less and have more freetime to spend in nature and with family. If I can grain knowledge about trading thanks to you that will sustein my life I will be delighted.

I am going outside because it is wonderful sun and warm with kids on the field. In the evenings I will study from your amazing videos.
I wish you a lot of luck spending time with your family. On things that really matter.
Thank you for being here.

Until next time
Jan "Jachasik" Jazłowiecki
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Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

Shortened Note Link
Looding Image
Long File

For written notes was greater than 18KB Unable to shorten.

To be smaller than 18KB, please organize your notes, or sign in.