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Ok so remember how I emailed ms arnold about not being in the right group? That ended up GETTING SOLVED AND I WAS WITH MY FRIENDS AAEITHSDFJN (i mean it kinda didn't matter but that fact that she bothered and agreed to it was so <333). And also, I'm a little car (vehicle?) sick, so i fall asleep on any ride over a certain amount of time, so I was sleeping the whole entire rides. And at first i was sitting next to this person cause sophia decided to start filing a divorce against me while we were waiting to get on the bus. And I fell asleep yk, and i accidentally like, fell asleep on chloe's shoulder, and she did smth, and so i woke up yadda yadda, and then she was like oh no its fine i was just moving my zipper so it doesn't scratch your face, WHICH WAS SO GOD FORSAKEN SWEET. And so i went back to sleep and she offered her shoulder and so i did, very happily, and despite being asleep, i noticed how like every time my head rolled off (why did that sound kinda weird), she would like, push my head back (why is this whole entire scenario starting to sound weirder?) AND IT WAS SO SWEET. And somehow amidst all of that I got that little mushroom jellyfish glow hair clip thing (this is a long story, it's ms arnold's way of supporting the cast). And then during the play, well the play was amazing, i had a lot of fun with my friends and people i was sitting with, including actually getting the divorced filed, AND SIX WAS TRYING TO GET NEAR ME ALL THAT AND WE ENDED SITTING TWO SEATS AWAY FROM EACH OTHER AND THE WAY HE TOOK THE PEN FROM MY HAND AND HOW OUR HANDS TOUCHED WAS OERIHDFLSN. The lunch was meh, but I SAW SCA EATING YOGURT (the texture was bad but the taste was ok ig...) AND I SAW THAT HE WAS LOOKING AT ME AND IT WAS SO AEODHSFJNL AND HE KEPT LOOKING AT ME WHEN I HAD MY MASK DOWN AND I WAS TRYING TO COVER MY FACE WITHOUT MAKING IT OBVIOUS, FIFTEEN WAS DOING THE SAME TOO (also his neon green hoodie was NOT it). The theater was kinda cold right, so after the intermission i asked sopha for a jacket, and it was SO WARM AND COMFORTABLE (ig i just kinda like wearing other people's clothes, and that sounded weird). I fell asleep midplay cause it was so quiet AND CANTO NOTICED THAT I WAS ASLEEP?? Then i woke up to the important part, gave the jacket back, got on the bus, but because chloe got stolen by Sophia, i sat next to canto. AND HE WAS SO NICE TO ME DURING THE RIDE AND IT WAS LIKE AEIUSHDFJNIEURDFSH. I UHM, ALSO FELL ASLEEP ON HIS SHOULDER, AND WHEN WE GOT TO BLS HE KINDA LIKED NUDGED ME AWAKE AND IT WOAEIRDSJFLN. Then got back to the school, saw these REALLY REALLY GOOD LOOKING UPPERCLASSMEN WHEN I WAS WITH ALIBI NUMBER ONE, AND IT INCLUDED ETHAN CHEN, LIKE NOT EVEN IN A WEIRD WAY, ITS JUST AN ADMIRING WAY, spent a dollar on the bake sale (never doing it again its never worth it I've spent too much money on this school). THE FACT THAT MS RODRGIESU GAVE US WORK DESPITE US NOT HAVING BAGS OR FODLERS WAS NOT IT. I BET SHE WAS SALTY THAT NO ONE TOLD HER WE HAD A FIELD TRIP SO SHE GAVE US ALL THAT. I ALSO HAD FUN WITH MARY (joseph the baby face) CAUSE THE NINTH GRADERS WERE TAKING MCAS AND WE WERE THE ONLY KIDS (along with a handful of other, story on ella ciu in a bit). We spent the whole period making asian jokes. GOD THAT DAY WAS JUST SO AMAZING AEUHDNOAREH LIKE TODAY IS ONE OF THE RARE DAYS WHERE IM ACTUALLY HAPPY AERIUOFSDIJN
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