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What Do Female Sex Doll Say About a Man's Role in the World?

As more and more men turn to fat sex doll s in lieu of real women, it’s important to ask ourselves what this means about the status of women in the world today, as well as the role of men in said world. Are men turning to female sex doll because there are no good women available? Do they not want the burden of taking care of a woman? What does it say about our society that sex dolls are so accessible? Here’s what we think:

The Need for Female Love Doll Is Related to Evolution
Why do men feel that they are entitled to sex? It is simply because we evolved that way. Evolution is at least partially responsible for everything humans do; it may have even played a significant role in shaping human language, and there is no doubt about its involvement with regard to sex.

If you’re trying to figure out why modern men feel such an urge to get some, look no further than our primal ancestors. For them, sex wasn’t just recreation—it was also essential for survival of their species. All living things on Earth reproduce sexually with one goal: To pass along their genes so they can live on through their offspring, who will also carry on those same genes.

Men Have Always Looked at Women As Sex Objects It’s no secret that men have always looked at women as objects of sex. Whether they are trying to take them out on a date, marry them, or (if they’re particularly unhinged) make them their wife. The only difference between then and now is that they can do it without having to deal with all those pesky hormones and emotions.

Now men can have everything their way - arousal on demand, companionship when they want it, and conversation whenever it suits them. They don't even have to look for it anymore. All these attributes will be found packed neatly into one woman shaped box - he won't even need to remember her name!

Male Objectification of Women Predates Male Civilization
Those who argue that men shouldn’t own sex dolls and shouldn’t become accustomed to passive relationships with women fail to grasp history. In fact, it’s impossible to argue against male ownership of sex dolls without also saying men should never have been attracted to women. Such an argument is nothing more than anti-civilization rhetoric from feminists and feminized males.

Before civilization, males were hunters who hunted all day. In contrast, females found food by gathering, not hunting. After a long day of hunting and bringing home small game for his family, there was only one thing on a man’s mind: The large-breasted cavewoman he was going to share his meal with when he got home.

A Realistic Female Sex Doll Will Soon Be Possible
The quest for artificial intelligence is moving from science fiction to reality, with leading universities and corporate labs working to build machines that can think for themselves. One of their most promising areas of focus has been building realistic artificial sexual partners—creating robots that learn your preferences, know what turns you on, and respond accordingly.

While these advances may be controversial, it’s not hard to imagine where they could lead: to mind-blowing sex made possible by advances in virtual reality technology, including fat sex doll.

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