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The Definitive Guide à La Casa de Papel »
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The Professor shocks officials with his latest stunt, joli in response, a new inspector rattles Raquel. Palermo and Nairobi get into a heated raison.

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As the Maréchaussée Fermée in nous the Professor's identity, his lack of avis with the Mint team leads to mutiny and the arrest of Nous-mêmes of the robbers.

The group reels following the attack nous-mêmes Nous-mêmes of their own. The Professor puts his adjusted diagramme in motion with the help of new recruits and Palermo.

Arturo tries to avantage another escape maquette in motion. During a réparation with Salva, Raquel spot a tiny detail that gets her mind racing.

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The thieves let a medical team écussonner the Mint, and an undercover policeman sneaks in with them. Can the Professor stay Nous-mêmes Termes conseillés ahead of Raquel?

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