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What is the reason for using "blockchain" in the name of the technology?
In this question, "the blockchain" is used as a generic reference to the mechanism on which bitcoins are recorded; that is, the distributed ledger or database that records that each user controls an amount of Bitcoin and owns it as a value.

What is the difference between a "blockchain" and a "block"?
The difference between the two terms is that a "blockchain" is a database or distributed ledger that records the owner or financial provenance of the currency and the units of currency are stored in the blockchain. On the other hand, a "block" is a data structure in the blockchain. The use of the word "blockchain" over "block" also may suggest that the technology is more than "just" a database but, rather, represents a transformative system of computing that accomplishes information processing.: ch.

The process of updating the Bitcoin blockchain is called mining. What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a digital currency which is based on an innovative peer-to-peer network which requires virtually no transaction fees. The Bitcoin blockchain is an open, distributed ledger in which each network node stores a full copy of the blockchain. This decentralized consensus ensures that the blockchain contains the most accurate and complete version of information. As such, the blockchain can be thought of as a protocol or record-keeping system. However, the structure of the Bitcoin protocol is such that it is not sufficient to verify the accuracy of information in the blockchain. As with many protocols, Bitcoin has a proof-of-work algorithm, which does not rely on the accuracy of the information stored in the blockchain. Instead, it is based on computing power. The proof-of-work function of the network secures the blockchain and, by extension, verifies the legitimacy of new bitcoins.

What is the difference between mining and proof-of-work?
Mining is the process of adding transactions to the blockchain through consensus that reflects the consensus of the whole network, proof-of-work is the consensus algorithm which serves as a proof for the network that the nodes are behaving correctly. In other words, the miners are those who make the best blocks. This process reduces the chances of double spending. Mining has a computational cost; it requires that the miner (by solving a series of computationally hard puzzles) be able to add a transaction to the blockchain. Miners receive transaction fees and newly mined bitcoins as a reward
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