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What Medical Problem Are We Closer to Curing?
A few years ago the answer to this question was still "sickle-cell disease." This genetic disease is most prevalent among African Americans and affects as many people as cystic fibrosis. It received less than one-tenth of the amount allotted to cystic fibrosis. However, the 2014 Ice Bucket Challenge raised a much more than all of the sickle-cell research.

HIV cures don't equal prevention

If you are looking for an HIV cure, you have to remember that treatment is not prevention. While you may experience an HIV infection that is undetectable, HIV is still present within your body. It is vital to take your HIV medication regularly. Skipping doses could cause the virus to grow quickly and weaken your immune system and lead to illnesses. If you've been diagnosed with HIV and are concerned, consult your healthcare provider for more information on how you can remain healthy and protect others by staying undiagnosed.

Types of diabetes can't be cured

While there is no known cure for type 1 diabetes, there are treatments and lifestyle changes that can slow its progress. The person suffering from diabetes can manage their blood sugar levels and avoid high blood sugar. This will help them and their families live longer and healthier lives. In some instances, the types of diabetes cannot be treated at all. However, certain treatments can be successful, such as insulin and diet modifications.

A single gene mutation can cause Sickle-cell disease.

In the majority of cases, sickle-cell disease is caused by a single gene mutation. For children, the HBB gene is affected by an alteration that produces sickle cells. The mutation is passed down autosomally from both parents. Some children will develop the disease, while others will suffer from mild symptoms. Sickle-cell disease is a genetic disorder that is not cured. A child born with the disease is considered to be carriers.

Alzheimer's disease is treatable but not curable

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. However there are some treatments that can slow the progress of the disease and enhance a person's quality of living. Different treatments may be effective for different people, and the signs of Alzheimer's disease aren't always apparent. The need to seek medical advice is essential if you suspect a loved one is suffering from the disease. It's possible for the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease to be indicative of other diseases, which is why it's crucial to obtain an expert diagnosis.

read HIV treatment is a medical issue

HIV is immediately infected by a special type of immune cell called CD4T cells as soon as it is discovered. These cells coordinate the body's defense against infections. HIV can overtake the internal system of CD4-T cell, causing them shed copies of the virus into their bloodstream. As the infected cells die, more become infected and the cycle starts again. Fortunately, the body has mechanisms to kill the infected cells, but HIV continues to grow and mutate to create more copies itself.

Mental illness can be treated, but not curable

While they aren't a cure for mental illness, they can be treated and aren't fatal. There are many treatments to aid patients in managing their symptoms and return to normal life. People can express themselves through creative therapy. Creative therapies include music, movement, writing therapy, and art. Learn more Electroconvulsive therapy is a form of electrotherapy that delivers electrical impulses to the brain. This therapy can help ease or stop the symptoms of troublesome symptoms.
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