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restoration ecology - bio remediation and bioaugmentation (55)
calvin cycle (10) or flow of water essay question (36)
basidiomycete (31) or conifer life cycle essay question

chapter 10: photosynthesis
- photosynthesis formula, visible light, linear electron flow, cycilic electron flow, calvin cycle, different types of plants (C4, CAM, C3)

chapter 26: phylogeny and the tree of life
- systematics, homology, cladistics, maximum parsimony/likelihood, genome, molecular clock

chapter 27: bacteria and archaea
- prokaryotic structural and functional adaptations, gram staining, plasmids, nitrogen metabolism, extremophiles, symbiosis, exotoxins

chapter 28: protists
- endosymbiosis, algae, excavata, eugleneozoans, SAR, diatoms, stramenopiles, alteration of generations, alveolates, plasmodium, unikonts

chapter 29: plant diversity 1: how plants colonized land
- charophytes, derived traits, alternation of generations, apical meristems, bryophyta, mosses, seedless vascular plants

chapter 30: plant diversity 2: the evolution of seed plants
- heterospory, ovule, sperm, gymnosperms, angiosperm adaptations, flower characteristics, monocots/eudicots

chapter 31: fungi
- nutrition, body structures, mycorrhizal, sexual/asexual spores, karyogamy/plasmogamy, fungi origin, basidiomycete, lichen

chapter 35: vascular plant structure, growth, and development
- organs, tissues, cells, roots/shoots, meristems/primary and secondary growth, cell division, phase changes, ABC hypothesis

chapter 36: resource acquisition and transport in vascular plants
- xylem/phloem, apoplast/symplast, short term/long term solute transportation, osmosis, pressure potential, casparian strip, stomata opening

chapter 37: soil and plant nutrition
- soil textures, cation exchange, inorganic/organic components, irrigation, soil pH, macro/micronutrients, mutalistic relationships between different kingdoms/domains, bactera/plant nutrition, nitrogen fixation, mycorrhizae, epiphye/parasitic/carnivorous plants

chapter 38: angiosperm reproduction and biotechnology
- flowers of deceit, flower structure, pollination methods, angiosperm life cycles, pollen tube, double fertilization, endosperm, dormancy/germination, fruits, modified crops, plant breeding, GMOs

chapter 39: plant responses to internal and external signals
- etiolation, signal processing: reception, transduction, response, plant hormones, responses to light, circadian rhythms, short-day/long-day plants, effects of gravity, environmental stressors, pathogens, immunity, plant defenses

chapter 52: intro to ecology and the biosphere
- biomes, marine zonation, biotic/abiotic factors,

chapter 53: population ecology
- dispersion, survivorship curve, logistic/exponential growth curve, density dependent factors, immigration/emmigration

chapter 54: community ecology
- interspecific interactions (predation, herbivory, etc), trophic structure/food web, pathogens

chapter 55: ecosystems/restoration ecology
- gross primary production (GPP), water cycle, carbon cycle, bioremediation, biological augmentation

chapter 56: conservation biology and global change
- biodiversity components: genetic, species, ecosystem diversity, 4 threats to biodiversity (habitat loss, introduced species, overharvesting, global change), small population approach, minimum viable population/effective population size, corridors, nature reserves, urban ecology, toxins, greenhouse gasses/climate change, sustainable development,
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