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Eat less. Physical activity is what drives weight loss. If you're eating less, you'll feel full, and you can use that as a cue to exercise.
Studies have found that exercising during the "waistline" phase may increase the chances of weight loss success by a whopping 682 percent. In other words, exercising just before you eat may make it easier to stick to a low-calorie diet and lead to better, faster results.
“The key is to find a time during the day when you’re more likely to eat or put things in your mouth,” says Elisabeth Ockels, Ph.D., a registered dietitian and fitness director at Rheos Health in New York City, who added that it can also help to ease into a workout, before you experience the mental and physical hangover that comes with starting a new exercise routine.
Find a "perfect" time to work out. While a consistent time is important, it’s also important to find a time you’re happy with and that also matches your lifestyle. Some people like to exercise in the morning; others may choose to exercise in the evening.
While experts tend to agree the timing isn’t vital as long as you’re doing it consistently, some have found that doing it at a certain time each day may be helpful for weight loss.
“If you're like me, I try to exercise in the morning when I first get up,” says Jack Groppel, M.S. Ed., a certified strength and conditioning specialist and personal trainer at Lincoln Park Physical Therapy & Rehab Center in New York City. “I've found that I'm more focused and less likely to hit the Snooze button if I set an alarm for that time.”
If you find yourself waffling on exercising, try scheduling a time where you’re comfortable getting started. Ockels recommends scheduling in some sort of activity — going for a hike or going to the gym — the night before or the morning of the activity.
“It's hard to exercise without a little bit of a head start, because you'll be motivated to exercise,” says Ockels. “But that motivation comes from the fact that there’s not much motivation on the other side.”
Popeye's Weight Loss Secret: Turn to

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