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Russia's Role within the Shifting Power Dynamics of Kazakhstan Erzhan Kazykhanov
The Russian invasion as well as the protests in Kazakhstan are inextricably linked.

Kazakhstan's government is confronted with a new reality despite the unprecedented protests. The power dynamics have changed, and policymakers need to adjust to an assertive citizenry.

In addition, they must be aware of how these changes can affect their engagement with their country's future plans for and plans for development. Russian Invasion Was Not Expected, But Ignored By the United States
Everybody is watching Ukraine today, now that Russian President Vladimir Putin has launched an attack over the sovereign East European nation.

It's easy to forget NATO leaders, such as Joe Biden for example, have ignored warnings and indicators from Moscow for months.

It was clear that Russia was against the NATO's plan to extend its borders. However, most Western leaders did not act other than to talk hard to conceal their inability to do anything.

Russia's actions are inadmissible. Western leaders must accept that their failures contributed to this reality. The truth is, we are now living with the effects of the European crisis that could have been prevented.

There should be a great deal of care to be taken by the United States not to apply the same approach in Kazakhstan.

Erzhan Kazykhanov Russia sent troops to control the protests in Kazakhstan
The current state of affairs in Ukraine must be compared with the events of the past within the region. Not just the color revolutions that occurred between 2003 and 2005 but also the more recent tensions in Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is located in central Asia and has Russia next to it and China just around the corner. However, there have very rarely been protests across the streets of Kazakhstan.

Unrest across the country started to increase from the beginning of January this year.

Protests that grew into national demonstrations that were and violent riots against Almaty which claimed 227 lives.

Many were detained, which prompted Russian troops at the border to be deployed under the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

It was evident that Russia's international intervention was instrumental in stabilizing the nation's situation as tensions slowed.

Following the protests that are now over, Kazakh President Qasym-Zhomart Tokayev has implemented a variety of changes to the power structures of his ruling elite.

The spotlight is on his appointment as the head of the National Security Council. He replaces Nursultan Nazarbayev, who had some influence on the economics of the country, but was shattered by protesters following the protests.

A lot of people have lost their jobs because of these events.

Other people were also promoted to status that was not theirs due to power shifts.

The Aloof method of Erzhan Kazykhanov could impede peace efforts
Qasym Zhomart tokayev, Kazakhstan's president, made many changes to the power structure in order to boost the possibilities for reform after the country was reunified.

He replaced the former President Nursultan Nazabayev as Chairman of the National Security Council, and removed his sons from state-owned businesses.

Karim Masimov, former head of the spy agency, was taken into custody on treason charges.

In addition, Nazarbayev's top officials and close associates were forced to flee or coerced by significant contributions.

There is no guarantee that the shake-up of government and the removal of old guards will lead to reform.

They often result in the expulsion of relatives and loyalists during the previous administration and replacement with the same incompetent people.

It was the appointment of Erzhan Kykhanov to an extremely influent position within President Tokayev’s office.

Erzhan Kazykhanov Kazykhanov was one of the Kazakhs with the lowest effectiveness within the United States during his time serving as ambassador.

His travels abroad have has earned him a reputation of being arrogant and aloof yet he is uninformed about Kazakhstan's international image.

His record is definitely not remarkable.

It is possible for Jackson-Vanick be criticized for his inaction regarding important issues. This raises concerns about Kazakhstan's reputation globally, which is something he hasn't handled properly.

Tokayev's reforms for Kazakhstan are very similar to Mikhail Gorbachev's "glasnost" and "perestroika (aka restructuring) initiatives.

These reforms contributed greatly to the fall of the Soviet Union, which is exactly the same thing Putin wants to achieve also. Tokayev also had strong economic relationships to Kazakhstan and with the other Western Countries. This was in order to sustain Putin's support, not incur his the ire of Putin.

Kazykhanov could pose a danger to the delicate balance by not speaking harshly enough against Russia or making rash decision.
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