NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

[23:04:13] [*] Logging ON
[23:04:13] [*] SysInfo...
[23:04:13] ======== SYSTEM INFO ========
[23:04:13] WIN ARCH: x64
[23:04:13] WIN VER: 10.0.19043
[23:04:13] CORE COUNT: 3
[23:04:13] MEM TOTAL: 8190 Mb.
[23:04:13] MEM AVAIL: 6017 Mb.
[23:04:13] IS DOMAIN: No
[23:04:13] LOCAL SYS: No
[23:04:13] ELEVATED: Yes
[23:04:13] HAS ADMIN: Yes
[23:04:13] PC NAME: DESKTOP-27KD6L9
[23:04:13] USER NAME: admin
[23:04:13] IN GROUPS:
[23:04:13] DESKTOP-27KD6L9Yok
[23:04:13] Everyone
[23:04:13] NT AUTHORITYYerel hesap ve Administrators grubunun üyesi
[23:04:13] BUILTINAdministrators
[23:04:13] BUILTINUsers
[23:04:13] NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users
[23:04:13] NT AUTHORITYThis Organization
[23:04:13] NT AUTHORITYYerel hesap
[23:04:13] NT AUTHORITYLogonSessionId_0_2554807
[23:04:13] LOCAL
[23:04:13] NT AUTHORITYNTLM Authentication
[23:04:13] <Integrity> Zorunlu EtiketYüksek Zorunlu Düzey
[23:04:13] =============================
[23:04:13] CMDLINE: "C:UsersadminAppDataLocalTemp7ZipSfx.000sonupdate.exe" -e all -sd -log file -vis
[23:04:13] [*] SetPrivilege...
[23:04:13] [*] 24 privileges granted, 0 failed.
[23:04:13] [*] Priority...
[23:04:13] [*] Autostart...
[23:04:13] [*] Relaunch...
[23:04:13] [*] CLONE INFO: I'm original process!
[23:04:13] =============================
[23:04:13] [+] Success run: "C:UsersadminAppDataLocalsonupdatesonupdate.exe" -e all -sd -log file -vis
[23:04:13] [+] Re-launch success.
[23:04:14] [*] Logging ON
[23:04:14] [*] SysInfo...
[23:04:14] ======== SYSTEM INFO ========
[23:04:14] WIN ARCH: x64
[23:04:14] WIN VER: 10.0.19043
[23:04:14] CORE COUNT: 3
[23:04:14] MEM TOTAL: 8190 Mb.
[23:04:14] MEM AVAIL: 6017 Mb.
[23:04:14] IS DOMAIN: No
[23:04:14] LOCAL SYS: No
[23:04:14] ELEVATED: Yes
[23:04:14] HAS ADMIN: Yes
[23:04:14] PC NAME: DESKTOP-27KD6L9
[23:04:14] USER NAME: admin
[23:04:14] IN GROUPS:
[23:04:14] DESKTOP-27KD6L9Yok
[23:04:14] Everyone
[23:04:14] NT AUTHORITYYerel hesap ve Administrators grubunun üyesi
[23:04:14] BUILTINAdministrators
[23:04:14] BUILTINUsers
[23:04:14] NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users
[23:04:14] NT AUTHORITYThis Organization
[23:04:14] NT AUTHORITYYerel hesap
[23:04:14] NT AUTHORITYLogonSessionId_0_2554807
[23:04:14] LOCAL
[23:04:14] NT AUTHORITYNTLM Authentication
[23:04:14] <Integrity> Zorunlu EtiketYüksek Zorunlu Düzey
[23:04:14] =============================
[23:04:14] CMDLINE: "C:UsersadminAppDataLocalsonupdatesonupdate.exe" -e all -sd -log file -vis
[23:04:14] [*] SetPrivilege...
[23:04:14] [*] 24 privileges granted, 0 failed.
[23:04:14] [*] Priority...
[23:04:14] [*] Autostart...
[23:04:14] [*] Relaunch...
[23:04:14] [*] CLONE INFO: I'm a clone!
[23:04:14] =============================
[23:04:14] GetWhiteList...
[23:04:14] KillServ...
[23:04:14] Service: AcronisAgent
[23:04:14] Service: ARSM
[23:04:14] Service: backup
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecAgentAccelerator
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecAgentBrowser
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecDiveciMediaService
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecJobEngine
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecManagementService
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecRPCService
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecVSSProvider
[23:04:14] Service: CAARCUpdateSvc
[23:04:14] Service: CASAD2DWebSvc
[23:04:14] Service: ccEvtMgr
[23:04:14] Service: ccSetMgr
[23:04:14] Service: Culserver
[23:04:14] Service: dbeng8
[23:04:14] Service: dbsrv12
[23:04:14] Service: DefWatch
[23:04:14] Service: FishbowlMySQL
[23:04:14] Service: GxBlr
[23:04:14] Service: GxCIMgr
[23:04:14] Service: GxCVD
[23:04:14] Service: GxFWD
[23:04:14] Service: GxVss
[23:04:14] Service: memtas
[23:04:14] Service: mepocs
[23:04:14] Service: msexchange
[23:04:14] Service: MSExchange$
[23:04:14] Service: msftesql-Exchange
[23:04:14] Service: msmdsrv
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$KAV_CS_ADMIN_KIT
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$MICROSOFT##WID
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$SBSMONITORING
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$SHAREPOINT
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$VEEAMSQL2012
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQLFDLauncher$SBSMONITORING
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQLFDLauncher$SHAREPOINT
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQLServerADHelper100
[23:04:14] Service: MVArmor
[23:04:14] Service: MVarmor64
[23:04:14] Service: svc$
[23:04:14] Service: sophos
[23:04:14] Service: RTVscan
[23:04:14] Service: MySQL57
[23:04:14] Service: PDVFSService
[23:04:14] Service: QBCFMonitorService
[23:04:14] Service: QBFCService
[23:04:14] Service: QBIDPService
[23:04:14] Service: QBVSS
[23:04:14] Service: SavRoam
[23:04:14] Service: SQL
[23:04:14] Service: SQLADHLP
[23:04:14] Service: sqlagent
[23:04:14] Service: SQLAgent$KAV_CS_ADMIN_KIT
[23:04:14] Service: SQLAgent$SBSMONITORING
[23:04:14] Service: SQLAgent$SHAREPOINT
[23:04:14] Service: SQLAgent$VEEAMSQL2012
[23:04:14] Service: sqlbrowser
[23:04:14] Service: Sqlservr
[23:04:14] Service: SQLWriter
[23:04:14] Service: stc_raw_agent
[23:04:14] Service: tomcat6
[23:04:14] Service: veeam
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamDeploymentService
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamNFSSvc
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamTransportSvc
[23:04:14] Service: vmware-converter
[23:04:14] Service: vmware-usbarbitator64
[23:04:14] Service: VSNAPVSS
[23:04:14] Service: wrapper
[23:04:14] Service: WSBExchange
[23:04:14] Service: YooBackup
[23:04:14] Service: YooIT
[23:04:14] Service: mssqlserver
[23:04:14] Service: sqlwriter
[23:04:14] Service: mssqlfdlauncher
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamEndpointBackupSvc
[23:04:14] Service: TeamViewer
[23:04:14] Service: klsbackup2013pro
[23:04:14] Service: foxitreaderservice
[23:04:14] Service: mysql
[23:04:14] Service: mysql501
[23:04:14] Service: veeamdeploysvc
[23:04:14] Service: veeamtransportsvc
[23:04:14] Service: wuauserv
[23:04:14] Service: AnyDesk
[23:04:14] Service: ftpsvc
[23:04:14] Service: WAS
[23:04:14] Service: W3SVC
[23:04:14] Service: WinHttpAutoProxySvc
[23:04:14] Service: ISSADMIN
[23:04:14] Service: ᅣᄚSSADMᅣᄚN
[23:04:14] Service: WsusService
[23:04:14] Service: WsusCertServer
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamTransportSvc
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamNFSSvc
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamDeploymentService
[23:04:14] Service: SSOAgent Service
[23:04:14] Service: SQLWriter
[23:04:14] Service: SQLBrowser
[23:04:14] Service: dwmrcs
[23:04:14] Service: aspnet_state
[23:04:14] Service: w3logsvc
[23:04:14] Service: sysmgmthp
[23:04:14] Service: sysdown
[23:04:14] Service: adobearmservice
[23:04:14] Service: themes
[23:04:14] Service: sqlbrowser
[23:04:14] Service: reportserver
[23:04:14] Service: sqlserveragent
[23:04:14] Service: msdtc
[23:04:14] Service: sqltelemetryvv
[23:04:14] Service: FirebirdServerDefaultInstance
[23:04:14] Service: FirebirdGuardianDefaultInstance
[23:04:14] [*] Everything_Setup...
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: "C:UsersadminAppDataLocalsonupdateEverything.exe" -startup
[23:04:14] [*] Watcher...
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: "C:UsersadminAppDataLocalsonupdatesonupdate.exe" -e watch -pid 8400 -vis -! -e all -sd -log file -vis
[23:04:14] Kill Serv2...
[23:04:14] Service: AcronisAgent
[23:04:14] Service: ARSM
[23:04:14] Service: backup
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecAgentAccelerator
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecAgentBrowser
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecDiveciMediaService
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecJobEngine
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecManagementService
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecRPCService
[23:04:14] Service: BackupExecVSSProvider
[23:04:14] Service: CAARCUpdateSvc
[23:04:14] Service: CASAD2DWebSvc
[23:04:14] Service: ccEvtMgr
[23:04:14] Service: ccSetMgr
[23:04:14] Service: Culserver
[23:04:14] Service: dbeng8
[23:04:14] Service: dbsrv12
[23:04:14] Service: DefWatch
[23:04:14] Service: FishbowlMySQL
[23:04:14] Service: GxBlr
[23:04:14] Service: GxCIMgr
[23:04:14] Service: GxCVD
[23:04:14] Service: GxFWD
[23:04:14] Service: GxVss
[23:04:14] Service: memtas
[23:04:14] Service: mepocs
[23:04:14] Service: msexchange
[23:04:14] Service: MSExchange$
[23:04:14] Service: msftesql-Exchange
[23:04:14] Service: msmdsrv
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$KAV_CS_ADMIN_KIT
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$MICROSOFT##WID
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$SBSMONITORING
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$SHAREPOINT
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQL$VEEAMSQL2012
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQLFDLauncher$SBSMONITORING
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQLFDLauncher$SHAREPOINT
[23:04:14] Service: MSSQLServerADHelper100
[23:04:14] Service: MVArmor
[23:04:14] Service: MVarmor64
[23:04:14] Service: svc$
[23:04:14] Service: sophos
[23:04:14] Service: RTVscan
[23:04:14] Service: MySQL57
[23:04:14] Service: PDVFSService
[23:04:14] Service: QBCFMonitorService
[23:04:14] Service: QBFCService
[23:04:14] Service: QBIDPService
[23:04:14] Service: QBVSS
[23:04:14] Service: SavRoam
[23:04:14] Service: SQL
[23:04:14] Service: SQLADHLP
[23:04:14] Service: sqlagent
[23:04:14] Service: SQLAgent$KAV_CS_ADMIN_KIT
[23:04:14] Service: SQLAgent$SBSMONITORING
[23:04:14] Service: SQLAgent$SHAREPOINT
[23:04:14] Service: SQLAgent$VEEAMSQL2012
[23:04:14] Service: sqlbrowser
[23:04:14] Service: Sqlservr
[23:04:14] Service: SQLWriter
[23:04:14] Service: stc_raw_agent
[23:04:14] Service: tomcat6
[23:04:14] Service: veeam
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamDeploymentService
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamNFSSvc
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamTransportSvc
[23:04:14] Service: vmware-converter
[23:04:14] Service: vmware-usbarbitator64
[23:04:14] Service: VSNAPVSS
[23:04:14] Service: wrapper
[23:04:14] Service: WSBExchange
[23:04:14] Service: YooBackup
[23:04:14] Service: YooIT
[23:04:14] Service: mssqlserver
[23:04:14] Service: sqlwriter
[23:04:14] Service: mssqlfdlauncher
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamEndpointBackupSvc
[23:04:14] Service: TeamViewer
[23:04:14] Service: klsbackup2013pro
[23:04:14] Service: foxitreaderservice
[23:04:14] Service: mysql
[23:04:14] Service: mysql501
[23:04:14] Service: veeamdeploysvc
[23:04:14] Service: veeamtransportsvc
[23:04:14] Service: wuauserv
[23:04:14] Service: AnyDesk
[23:04:14] Service: ftpsvc
[23:04:14] Service: WAS
[23:04:14] Service: W3SVC
[23:04:14] Service: WinHttpAutoProxySvc
[23:04:14] Service: ISSADMIN
[23:04:14] Service: ᅣᄚSSADMᅣᄚN
[23:04:14] Service: WsusService
[23:04:14] Service: WsusCertServer
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamTransportSvc
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamNFSSvc
[23:04:14] Service: VeeamDeploymentService
[23:04:14] Service: SSOAgent Service
[23:04:14] Service: SQLWriter
[23:04:14] Service: SQLBrowser
[23:04:14] Service: dwmrcs
[23:04:14] Service: aspnet_state
[23:04:14] Service: w3logsvc
[23:04:14] Service: sysmgmthp
[23:04:14] Service: sysdown
[23:04:14] Service: adobearmservice
[23:04:14] Service: themes
[23:04:14] Service: sqlbrowser
[23:04:14] Service: reportserver
[23:04:14] Service: sqlserveragent
[23:04:14] Service: msdtc
[23:04:14] Service: sqltelemetryvv
[23:04:14] Service: FirebirdServerDefaultInstance
[23:04:14] Service: FirebirdGuardianDefaultInstance
[23:04:14] Kill proc...
[23:04:14] AntiKill...
[23:04:14] [*] AntiShutdown...
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -H off
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETACVALUEINDEX 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 7648efa3-dd9c-4e3e-b566-50f929386280 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETACVALUEINDEX 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 96996bc0-ad50-47ec-923b-6f41874dd9eb 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETACVALUEINDEX 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 5ca83367-6e45-459f-a27b-476b1d01c936 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETDCVALUEINDEX 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 7648efa3-dd9c-4e3e-b566-50f929386280 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETDCVALUEINDEX 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 96996bc0-ad50-47ec-923b-6f41874dd9eb 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETDCVALUEINDEX 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 5ca83367-6e45-459f-a27b-476b1d01c936 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETACVALUEINDEX e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 7648efa3-dd9c-4e3e-b566-50f929386280 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETACVALUEINDEX e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 96996bc0-ad50-47ec-923b-6f41874dd9eb 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETACVALUEINDEX e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 5ca83367-6e45-459f-a27b-476b1d01c936 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETDCVALUEINDEX e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 7648efa3-dd9c-4e3e-b566-50f929386280 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETDCVALUEINDEX e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 96996bc0-ad50-47ec-923b-6f41874dd9eb 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -SETDCVALUEINDEX e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 5ca83367-6e45-459f-a27b-476b1d01c936 0
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -S 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c
[23:04:14] [+] Success run: powercfg.exe -S e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61
[23:04:14] [*] ClearBackup...
[23:04:15] [+] Recycle Bin is cleared
[23:04:15] [-] Delete Shadow Copies failed! GetLastError = 0
[23:04:15] [*] Local threads...
[23:04:15] [*] Commands...
[23:04:15] [*] Enumeration drives...
[23:04:15] [*] Loading hidden partitions
[23:04:15] [+] Mounted partition: Z: <- \?Volume{2ddfee56-a97f-4ed1-837f-6977bfc93e69}
[23:04:15] [+] Mounted partition: Y: <- \?Volume{1d9d396d-3d00-4b03-84b6-0e319f18270f}
[23:04:15] =============================
[23:04:15] [*] Found 3 drives:
[23:04:15] [*] C: - 62219 Mb. free (NTFS)
[23:04:15] [*] Y: - 69 Mb. free (FAT32)
[23:04:15] [*] Z: - 84 Mb. free (NTFS)
[23:04:15] =============================
[23:04:15] [+] Success run: wbadmin.exe delete catalog -quiet
[23:04:15] [*] Starting search with Everything...
[23:04:15] [*] Waiting for Everything database rebuild...
[23:04:15] [+] Success run: wbadmin.exe DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP
[23:04:15] [+] Success run: bcdedit.exe /set {default} recoveryenabled no
[23:04:15] [+] Success run: bcdedit.exe /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
[23:04:16] [*] Waiting for Everything database rebuild...
[23:04:17] [*] Waiting for Everything database rebuild...
[23:04:18] [*] Waiting for Everything database rebuild...
[23:04:19] [*] Waiting for Everything database rebuild...
[23:04:20] [*] Waiting for Everything database rebuild...
[23:04:21] [*] Killing blocking process: Bağlı Cihazlar Platformu Kullanıcı Hizmeti_273796 (pid:6028)
[23:04:21] [*] 1000 files processed.
[23:04:21] [*] 2000 files processed.
[23:04:21] [*] 3000 files processed.
[23:04:21] [*] 4000 files processed.
[23:04:23] [*] Killing blocking process: Kişi Verileri_273796 (pid:9068)
[23:04:25] [*] 5000 files processed.
[23:04:25] [*] 6000 files processed.
[23:04:25] [*] 7000 files processed.
[23:04:26] [*] 8000 files processed.
[23:04:26] [*] 9000 files processed.
[23:04:28] [*] 10000 files processed.
[23:04:28] [*] 11000 files processed.
[23:04:28] [*] 12000 files processed.
[23:04:30] [*] 13000 files processed.
[23:04:30] [*] 14000 files processed.
[23:04:31] [*] Killing blocking process: AnyDesk (pid:1392)
[23:04:32] [*] 15000 files processed.
[23:04:32] [*] 16000 files processed.
[23:04:32] [*] 17000 files processed.
[23:04:32] [*] Killing blocking process: Kullanıcı Verilerini Depolama_273796 (pid:9068)
[23:04:32] [*] Killing blocking process: Kullanıcı Verilerine Erişim_273796 (pid:9068)
[23:04:32] [-] Can't open file C:UsersadminAppDataLocalCommsUnistoreDBtmp.edb! GetLastError = 2
[23:04:34] [*] 18000 files processed.
[23:04:34] [*] 19000 files processed.
[23:04:36] [*] 20000 files processed.
[23:04:36] [*] 21000 files processed.
[23:04:36] [*] 22000 files processed.
[23:04:38] [*] 23000 files processed.
[23:04:38] [*] 24000 files processed.
[23:04:39] [-] RmGetList failed. Error = 32. GetLastError = 32.
[23:04:39] [-] Failed KillFileOwner: C:DumpStack.log.tmp! GetLastError = 32.
[23:04:40] [*] 25000 files processed.
[23:04:40] [*] 26000 files processed.
[23:04:40] [*] 27000 files processed.
[23:04:42] [*] Everything Scan finished.
[23:04:42] [*] Exiting thread search...
[23:04:42] [*] Added STOP MARKER to local thread.
[23:04:43] [-] Failed to crypt C:RecoveryOEMResetConfig.xml! Error = Not renamed. Maybe file is buzy.
[23:04:44] [-] Failed to crypt Z:RecoveryWindowsREWinre.wim! Error = Not renamed. Maybe file is buzy.
[23:05:01] [*] Local Scan completed.
[23:05:01] [*] Cleaning disk space...
[23:05:01] [+] Success run: notepad.exe "C:UsersadminAppDataLocalDECRYPT.txt"
[23:05:01] [+] Failed to run: Program FilesWindows NTAccessorieswordpad.exe" "C:UsersadminAppDataLocalDECRYPT.txt"! GetLastError = 2.
[23:05:01] [+] Success run: "C:UsersadminAppDataLocalsonupdatesdel64.exe" -accepteula -p 3 -c C:
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

Shortened Note Link
Looding Image
Long File

For written notes was greater than 18KB Unable to shorten.

To be smaller than 18KB, please organize your notes, or sign in.