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Tell me about a time when you didn’t think you were going to meet a deadline. How did you figure out that you might miss the deadline and how did you handle the situation? What was the outcome?
- EC2 instance brouhgt to teams attenditon
- one team had maintained this instance, wanted to migrate it to another account
- migrate instance, associated ES DB. one AWS acount, wanted to migrate to differnet account.
- main difficulty was migrating ES DB.
- read some stuff online.
- as time went on, I recruited help of sys admin - I did the actual migration.
- I worked with another SDE who worked closely with data ingesting team.
- They helped by connecting the data to the new team.
- Code we had to rewrite.
Instance was hardcoded. Had to update all code, make it configurable. arbitary ES DB.
- Everything got done on time. It turned out to be mit more complicated.
- worked with others
- not annotators (Not my job) - not seeing to completion

Tell me about a time when you took on something significant without being asked or assigned. This could be anything from taking on additional responsibilities at work, going above and beyond for a class project, or taking on additional responsibilities at school. What did you decide to take on and what was the outcome?

Tell me about a time you handled a difficult customer. What did you do? How did you manage the customer? What was her/his reaction? What was the outcome?

Tell me about a time a customer wanted one thing but you felt they needed something else. What was the situation and what was the action you took?

- 2 sets of customers
- NLP service. Different agents consume NLP service, could be a TV user, smart home deivce suers
- agnets dont have lcear understanding of mechanism
- we want to be flexible - we wnat it to be black box
- normalizer - basic things, like converting strings to lowercase, getting rid of non ascii cahracters, tokenizers, reverse normalization
- sometimes thye request specific normalizer requests. our goal is to maintain equally useful fro all agents, not play favoritisim.
- specific solution to query
- manager and I have told them not to tell how to fix the bug. tell us the big, we wil figure out how to fix it.
- we always work to find solutions that are both long term healthy and fixes bug.
- we dont tolerate buggy queries
- we just have to make sure it odesnt create techncial debt

- Smerican ENglish worsds, users are Briitsh
- normalizer (ENG to BRIT, vice versa)
- increasing cofnigurablity of normalizer - for those who need it

- slack channel for communication
- NLP triage channel - agent can report directly issues to whole team
- extensive discussion

- query, expected result, actual result
- separate team that monitors loggings
- prometheus, grafana, splunk


Given a sum of money compute the minimum number of bills and coins that equal that sum. Assume you only have the following denominations:
Bills: 20, 10, 5, 1,
Coins: .25, .1, .05, .01
For example, given 6.35 the solution would be One 5, One 1, One .25, One .1

proportional to # of demoninstions

Given a sum of money compute the minimum number of bills and coins that equal that sum. Assume you only have the following denominations:
Bills: 20, 10, 5, 1,
Coins: .25, .1, .05, .01
For example, given 6.35 the solution would be One 5, One 1, One .25, One .1

public class Solution {

public static final double[] denominations = {
20, 10, 5, 1, .25, .1, .05, .01

public static final Map<Double, Integer> minimumBills(double amount) {
if (!isInteger(amount * 100)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Amount is not divisible by 100: " + amount);

if (amount < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Amount must not be negative: " + amount);

Map<Double, Integer> output = new TreeMap<>();

for (double denomination : denominations) {
if (amount > 0) {
int count = Math.floor(amount/denomination);
output.put(denomination, count);
amount -= count * denomination;
} else {
output.put(denomination, 0);
//Execution should never reach this point
return output;

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Regards; Team

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