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Take an Interest in the Religious World
Religious Education across key stage 3 covers a selection of different religions with out matter what your beliefs, it will make you more aware of the individuals who surround your daily routine and what their thoughts are. Many people who don't trust anything think "why understand religion?" office dividers can open your head up to the way others think.
Many people that become adults completely trustworthy a religion experienced it passed onto them by their parents in fact it is a similar for atheists who don't have confidence in anything because they have never known any different so both always follow their parents paths. On both sides of this coin people can rebel against their parents' wishes or find their unique beliefs out and follow these.
There are 1000s of different religions around the globe and you may even comprise your own personal if you really wanted, but you will find only 6 main religions that almost all people follow. The most predominant religion in the world is Christianity and it is followed usually by the western world. The second largest is Islam and the other two religions what are the next most popular as well as the others which you will understand in key stage 3 is Hinduism and Buddhism.
In Key stage 3 at secondary school you will find out about Christianity and the different branches that can from this overall term, and then your teacher will pick two other types of religion that are likely to be Hinduism and Islam since they are the subsequent hottest. In your classroom you will find most religious pupils will match one of these simple. You will build-up your understanding, and today generally in most schools it is compulsory to carry on R.E into key stage 4. Not only does this subject show you what folks have confidence in but in addition can help you enhance your writing skills when it comes to arguing your point and writing essay strategies to queries about topics like how religions have opinion of elements in society such as war and animal rights.
Although religions follow main principles which of course date back thousands of years ago and they still follow these today a selection of their traditions and ways have changed with all the times during the the modern world. Being open and happy with people's faiths is an excellent trait to have if we were all a similar we would end up like robots. People who trust a religion are generally more than willing to describe something which people do not understand as long as they are genuinely thinking about the result. Being able to talk with people regarding their mindset is a good way to get in to a discussion, learning their personality and it may open the mind to other possibilities.
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