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“Mr./Mrs. Customer, the error code 775 is usually caused by loss of power to the dish (outside) or a break in the line from the dish (outside) to the receiver. Let’s check both of these possibilities to restore your service.”
“Mr. Customer, you usually get a black screen when you’re on the wrong TV input or it could also be caused by your receiver. Let’s check both to resolve this. “
You usually get this code when the dish is not getting signal from the DirecTV Satellite due to bad weather or it can also be a configuration issue. Let’s figure out what’s causing this so we can resolve it.”
Hi! Thank you for calling DirecTV, my name is _____."“Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?
“How can I assist you today? I apologize for the inconvenience (issue) no worries since you got me on the line , I can definitely help you with that .!

(Positive Empathy>>"I'm glad hearing that! Let me help you with ..")

Lets go ahead and pull up your account . May I have the phone number associated with your DirecTV Account?
while pulling up the account . tell the (call mapping to cx)

“For Authentication purposes can you please verify the password on your account?”

“Mr. Customer this will take a few minutes and I will need your help to ensure proper cable plugging and other basic troubleshooting so we can get your service up and running again.”

May I ask if this is the best call back number in case this call got disconnected.

“Thank you very much for cooperating, Mr. Customer. We wouldn’t be able to get this far without your help!”

“I’m glad that we’re able to fix the No Signal issue by selecting the HDMI input on your TV. Please confirm if you are able to change channels as well as the volume. “

“I’m glad that we’re able to fix the No Signal issue by selecting the HDMI input on your TV. Please confirm if you are able to change channels as well as the volume. “

Great! By the way, the troubleshooting steps that we did today is also available in our website. You may logon to; you will also find answers to your billing, programming and technical queries.
found the acct. # on a paper bill.
macky sendrijas
television is not work...complete black screen ...BBGG,

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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