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I'm stuck in what feels like a lost generation
Been a while since I've had faith in any revelation,
With the inavidualisitc mentality of self elevation
this generation is stuck in a loop rotation
I dont feel no love for these people nor this nation
been a victim since day of my own damnation
always quick to give in to simple temptation
never had discipline in my foundation
but at least i wasnt raised by a tv station
though i thought i belonged in one, gave my life its very own narration
thought i was like truman, wondering if mandem are extras, and im the sensation
but ever since i took my very first vacation
got on a plane and saw the world, the horizan and the human population
we all look like ants, yet we think we are the special creation
that we are chosen and are judged in every situation
but why would god give a fuck if you uttered some profanation
you are not shit, you have given yourself an overvaluation
and if god actually gave a fuck we would all be one huge fucking abomanation
even mlk jr slept had sex for reasons other than procreation
and ghandi slept with his neices, but apparently to controll his imagination
im not trying to ruin your idols for the sake of disfiguration
just saying life is packed with more than one complication
i mean your kid could be gay, thats just one other installation
he definently loves masterbation during his maturation
you cant stop it, but you should know and show appreciation for your limitation
cuz if your were omnipotent, you would fuck shit up at an increased acceleration
cuz dam being god must be hard, only once every thousand years you get a visitaiton
and ofcourse you can only choose one nation
and make them be hated even during their emancipation
and you would have to bring a system like ressurection or reincarnation
but the genius idea is to let us play with radiation
and create our own damnation, but provide hope by giving medication
knowing that the hospitialisation wont do shit, but create a disease combination
making it a neccesity for rehabilitation, thank god you dont have to give compensation
but maybe god exists as a huge organisation, with puppets to do the legislation
having plans to shine light on their plans, give us a bit of illumination
shit, fuck, i better speak with a bit of hesitation
before they plan an international millatary operation
or put a bit of poisen in my next medical examination
and the doctor will coincidentally forget how to commence ressusitation
cuz just like mj's he's their representation
but no one believes, because we live in a world of digital communication
a whirlpool of skeptiscm and procrastination

im a foreigner here and a foreigner in my so called "home"
only times im there is when my voice is on the phone
i have been raised in the LDN but wasnt raised alone
i wish i knew how it was and where to go
im so fucking lost and im scared to go
rather be with the evil i know then the evil i dont
dreams of the first world, dreams of sitting on a throne
all came crushing down when i was old enough to know
that we had been living on the doll
embarresed of my status since i was four years old
believed free school meals is the reason teachers treated me so cold
they thought i was a fraud cuz the stereotypes that they were sold
foreigners here to rob our taxes, leaching of our country like a mold
and im not gonna lie, i wont be suprised if that wasnt what they truly thought
maybe i was just a shit yute and never did what i was told
but my dad told me to stand up for myself and always be bold
thats pretty much all he taught, pops put me on hold
for a good few years as he watched his life unfold
ill learn from his mistakes and i'll never prioritise the gold
'put love and family infront of all' is a constant goal
I went to a school where stabbings seemed to be taking hold
had the grades for scholarships but to the nearest i enrolled
cuz the language barrier let my fams comman sense to be dulled
cant blame my mum, she got abused and constantly scoled
she quit of on her dreams, first world dreams were oversold

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Regards; Team

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