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McKenna Moore boarded a plane without her parents knowing all the way from europre to Canada as soon as she stepped foot on the plane she started to have doubts and that's where the story starts

I found a seat and was worried about how my parents would take this whole thing once max told them or maybe max would just say I was dead yeah that would be smart but now that I think about it he was only 12 and he cant even tell a lie without laughing so that meant mom and dad were calling the police by now. I turned on my t.v. thinking it would get my mind off things but the news team was talking about me and I got scared because everybody was staring at me like I had 3 heads and 7 arms the flight attendant asked if I had told my parents about leaving the country and I said no and she kicked me straight off the plane by pulling my ponytail and pretty much threw me out without a refund on my plane ticket and I ran outside into the freezing cold nighttime winter air I ha d spent all my money and the employee at Starbucks wouldn't let me use the phone unless I payed I said I was broke and needed my parents to come pick me up but he called me a little brat and called security so I left and needed a new way home so I tried hitchhiking but that turned out pretty terribly after an hour and I was still standing there like an idiot i soon started to walk and became very tired so i wanted to go back to the airport and soon broke down saying if i never ran away i would be in the comfort of my own bed and not be roaming around Europe like a lost puppy dog . I soon came across a park i couldn't read the sign because of how dark it was i found a bench that was in the "comfort" of the highway and the swoosh of cars driving by . the next morning i woke up to the swooshing of cars again i found a family and explaned the way i needed food or a drive home they gave me a hamburger and said their wasn't enough room for me in their car i could see that they were really really sorry and wanted to help me so they gave me some time to explane why i ran away and offered me 10 dollars to get a taxi or use a payphone i was very thankful that they were thinking of me in their prayers and they gave me their phone number so when i got home i could call and tell them i was okay i set out on my journey again and tried hitchhiking again and realised i had forgotten to ask the family where we were so i turned around and headed back to the park witch i found out was called wisteria cove and i had no clue where that was but when i went back to the spot the family was sitting before and i realised that they had left and there was no one there that looked trustworthy enough to tell me the truth so i sat down at the picnic table where they had been hoping they forgot something importanat that they needed to come and get right now but after 37 minutes i gave up hope and went back to walking to the airport again . i could see the airport but it was straight across the street i looked both ways like a million times and then attempted to cross the road but a police car came speeding down the road and hit me i didn't know what happened after that but i do remember waking up to florescent lighting and bright white walls i tried to sit up with the help of my arms but something was wrong i was already standing up i closed my eyes tightly and opened the again i wasn't dreaming
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