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potential pros potential cons
hair health problems (which can be serious) - its a cancer pill still
looking better hormonal problems - these cannot be resolved so easily
more confidence (about hair) any of these could make me wish i never touched it

best case scenario: (slim) still: in any scenario, i could have my health gravely affected.
full head of hair mathematically - averaging, keeping my hair and growing some is the prize and
worst case scenario: (little less than realistic) the possible price could be my own health; question is, would i be prepared to
i keep what i have make such a sacrifice right now, knowing that in the future i could do a hair
transplant because i will surely have the money and also maybe the tech would allow to make it better and it would ever be on fin.

most probably: i keep what i have and grow a little
the question i need to ask myself is this : why do i want hair ?
Do i want it to get it for girls ? Or do i want it to feel better about myself. Am i missing the point? I probably do. Why is hair so important to me ? Hair is a thing of girls. It's their advantage. Why would i think hair matters so much on men? I see people with nice hair and i long for it as i would long to be rich or famous... But it's not the same thing. It's not like you should take meds to be rich or famous. The thing with hair is that is not in our control. Its the same with guys who long to be shredded, so they use steroids and such. I would never do that, but so they would never take meds for hair. The thing with girls - like that reddit guy said - dating is not about genetics, if you blame them instead of working what you got control over, you will only get frustrated, and spiralling in self pity. Sure, hair would help, anything is welcomed, but is not like it's mandatory to have nice hair to be loved or to fuck or such. It's definitely mandatory to have a working dick, and you could lose that. So without this in question, once i understand this ,the point will remain that maybe i like it to feel better about myself. I never had nice hair, probably thats why i put such a price on it. It seems like i will never experience that. And why would that be a problem? Some never experience sight, smell, love. Some never get to live. Some lose limbs, they don't remember when they last walked, when they last hugged someone. Why would i be mad on something like hair, when some are so poor they don't even know how the mountains or the sea looks like. Why would i want hair ? To be able to be more narcissistic ? And now with hair surgery, the chances of having better hair are through the roof. And without dangerous, blacklisted meds. Why is this a problem for me right now, when in the past it didn't mean a thing? Because of social fucking media. We are used to seeing so many beautiful people we assume we must be like them. We assume we must be shredded, with great bodies, with exceptional faces. We see them getting sponsored, getting the life we want, just for looks. So we want to look the same. But why ? Everyone is special for something. Some are for looks. Why should i be known for that? Why not chase my dreams instead of chasing outside validation. Why do I think i need hair to be happier than I am right now? I have everything anyone could ever want. Why should I feel bad for something natural? Why should i feel incpomplete for being me? Just because someone tells you that? Why should I deny myself for being me? It's as crazy as those who want eternal life. Why would someone go the length to be immortal, why would he feel crushed by a phenomenon that is natural and irrefutable. In the same manner, why would i go lengths to deny nature and reverse a natural phenomenon. Why would i fight nature instead of embracing it? Just because others dont find peace in their struggles, why should i fight it, the same way. And for something so small, so optional as hair. Is it as important as an arm or leg ? Or maybe as an organ? It's strictly about validation, because nowadays our petty lives feed with validation from people we don't even know. Why would i deny my happiness for something that's only in my head.
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